African countries worked together to solve political, social and economic problems which faced the continent after independence. Origins of continental cooperation the origin of continental cooperation in Africa could be traced back to the pan- African movement, which refer to the unity of all people of African origin or descent. The word ” pan” means ‘together’ or ‘all’ Africans refers to people, implying the unity of all people of black colour
Some of the objectives of establishing continental cooperation in Africa include
- To preserve political independence and freedom
- To fight against economic exploitation such as land alienations, poor wages and force labour.
- To unite all people of African origin in the struggle against polities oppression
- To challenge the ideology of European supremacy which undermines African political independence, economic stability and cultural civilization
- To protect African dignity
- To preserve African culture from destruction
African co-operation existed through the formation of various organization as shown below;
The rise of African Unity (O.A.U)
O.A.U was an organization of independent African states that was formed firstly by 30 countries in Addis Ababa Ethiopia on 25/05/1963. Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was the first chairmen of the organization.
Background of O.A. U
Before its formation, African countries attempted to unite Africa to fight against the problems that faced their people. Those effort included
- The creation of PAFMECA (Pan African Freedom movement for East and Central Africa). in the late 1950’s
- The formation of Brazzaville group in 1961 by Congo, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ivory coast, Niger, Senegal, Mahanet, Mauritania, Burkena-faso, Chad, Gabon and upper-Volta
- The charter of union of African States signed by Guinea and Ghana on 23-11-1958 for the purpose of bringing cooperation between them
- Formation of military commend and Africa common market at Casablanca- Morocco by the head of states such as Algeria, Ghana, Mali and Morocco itself.
By 1963 African countries realized that there was a need of creating Pan-African organization to bring more strength, unity and development among all countries hence the formation of O.A.U
- Civil wars in the member states such as Sudan, Somalia and Sierra leone killed many people in the member countries in 1990’s
- Assassination of head of states in many countries for example Melchior Ndadaye of Burundi in 1993.
- O.A.U could not impose decisions on its members. Member states used this opportunity to act against the O.A.U interests.
- Absence of good infrastructure such as railways, roads which hindered the movement of people between and within the member states
- Shortage of money, member states could not contribute money on time different programmes
- Interference by external powers in the affairs of the African continent. For example USA, Britain, France
- Ideological differences especially during the cold war eg. Tanzania– socialism, Kenya- Capitalism
The objectives refers to the goals which the member state planned to achieve by working under the organization they includes:-
i. To enhance unit among African states
ii. To eliminate all forms of colonialism in Africa
iii. To promote international co-operation in line with UN and Universal Declaration
iv. To coordinate cooperation and efforts to bring better life for African people
v. To defend territorial integrity and independence of the African states.
Principles O.A.U
These were the guidelines which had to be followed by the member states in order to achieve their goals and objectives
i. Non- interference in this domestic matters of this member states
ii. The use of peaceful ways in finding out the solutions to conflicts and disputes between member states.
iii. To accept the movement of Non- Alignment of Afro Asian states
iv. Respect the rights of status to exist as independent countries
v. Sovereign equality of all member states had to be respected by all members countries
vi. Condemn all political assassination and ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couragement of people to oppose domestic dictatorship government
Benefits of O.A.U to Tanzania
- Tanzania gained fame by hosting the headquarters of the liberation committee in various countries such as Zimbabwe and Angola.
- Through African Development Bank Tanzania received some money for improvement of various sectors like agriculture and education
- Tanzania made friendship with all countries which had joined O.A.U through participation in various meeting of O.A.U members.
- Tanzania got chances to give out its opinion over many problem through various meeting.
Failure of O.A.U
Through O.A.U succeeded, it had also failures which include
i. O.A.U failed to bring better and good standard of living among the Africans
ii. It failed to eradiate neo-colonial exploitation which was practiced by the countries in Western European countries. After its formation Africa export to European markets continued to suffer from lower prices determined by big powers
iii. It failed to solve political conflicts which normally led to this rise of civil war and overthrow the elected government for example Ghana when Dr. Kwame. Nkurumah in 1966.
iv. It failed prevent inter-state conflicts. There were conflicts over boundaries and eventually there were wars for example Tanzania and Uganda in 1978 and Kenya and Somalia in190’s
Despite its failures O.A.U existed for almost thirty seven years. In the late 1990’s Mr. Mwammar Ghadafi, Libyan head of state proposed to other member head of states to create a new organization which could take necessary steps to eliminate problems which were not solved by O.A.U
His proposal was taken positively and the members accepted to form A.U ( African Union)
The Formation of African Union (A.U)
A.U is the organization of African countries which originally started by the declaration to the head of states and Government of the O.A.U to establish African union. It was agreed during the O.A.U summit at Sirte, Libya in 1999.
In the following year, during the lome summit, Togo Head of states and Government adopted the constitutive Act of the union. The Lusaka summit of 2001 further gave the final go- ahead for the establishment of the AU which was born in Durban, South Africa, in 2002
Objectives of the AU
i. To achieve the greater unity and solidarity between the African countries and the people themselves
ii. To accelerate the political and socio-economic inters ration among Africans.
iii. TO promote and defend African common interests
iv. To promote peace, security and stability in Africa
v. To defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of member states
vi. To ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courage international cooperation
vii. To establish the necessary conditions which enable Africa to play its rightful role in the global or world economy through international negations
- To work with relevant international parties in the elimination of printable disease and the promotion of health on the continent
ix. To promote sustainable development at the economic social and cultural levels as well as the integrations of economies
x. To promote democratic principles and institutions, popular participation and good governance.
Problems which threaten future success of AU
This include the following
i. Civil wars in countries such as Sierra Leone, Sudan, Northern Uganda Ivory coast
ii. Poor infrastructure such as railways roads, and water ways continued to weaken smooth transport of raw materials from productive areas to industrial as well as from towns productive areas to industrial as well as from towns to rural areas in many members states
iii. Lack of fund-most of its members are poor nations. It does not get enough money to run it
iv. Epidemic diseases such as HIV/AIDS kills skilled labour which would have been used by AU to develop many sectors like Agriculture, industries fishing and tourism
v. Corruption, such as mismanagement of public money by this leaders like former president of Zambia Mr. Chiluba disnglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couraged good governance.
The benefits of AU to Tanzania
There are number of benefits acquired by Tanzania from being a member of AU, they include the following;
i. Tanzania would get an opportunity to unite with other African countries to solve political conflicts peacefully in several African states and the country will use AU to discuss on the presence of good relationship between Africa, Europe and USA.
ii. Tanzania will make friendship with other African countries through this joint activities and programs in social and economic sectors
iii. Tanzania gains territorial dignity through participation in the military operations
iv. Tanzania get new ideas and information which will be used to solve many problems in different sectors such as agriculture, health, mining and industry.
v. Tanzania would obviously provided with money as loans and grants from the financial institutions such as African central Bank and the African investment bank.
The need for regional cooperation in Africa, like elsewhere in the world arose from the need to tackle political, social and economic needs of the people.
This regional approach was found more beneficial given that this people in one region are likely eo work more closely together due to geographical, historical and cultural advantages. Among the regional grouping existing in Africa include the east African community ( EAC) COMESA, ECOWAS and SADC.
The East African Community ( EAC)
THE East Africa cooperation after independence was mainly the formation of East Africa Community (E.A.C) which the formation of East Africa Community such as Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. It was formed on 6th June 1967 after a treaty of East African co-operation signed in Kampala by three heads of states to foster social and economic development in the region.
→ Arusha became the head quarters in the community in Tanzania
The origin of EAC
It can be traced back from 192 when the British had East African governor conference to discuss maters of common interest in the colonies under the British. In January, 1st 1948 the British formed the East African Governors High Commission which had to perform the following functions
- Make rules on inter- territorial common services and good government policies
- To administer common serves such as civil aviation, east Africa posts, telegraphs and meteorological department.
Objectives of EAC
Objectives of EAC were desired ends which the numbers intended to achieve, they include:
i/ to facilitate the free movement of the people and understand among the East Africans.
ii/ To provide wider market for goods produced in the region.
iii/ To promote the free trade of goods and services among the members of state.
iv/ To provide common services in East Africa, such as East Africa railways and East Africa airways based in Nairobi, Harbors whose headquarter were Dar es salaam and African community in Arusha while Uganda became the headquarter of post and telecommunication as well as East African Development Bank.
v/ to manage the East African examination council.
vi/ To conduct research in various areas such as agriculture and population.
Achievements of EAC
The first East African Community had the following achievement:
1. Provision of funds to the members of state. This was possible through the East African Bank which was made by the EAC. For example Tanzania managed to produce aluminium sheet, assemble radio and make motor vehicles tyres and tubes.
– Uganda managed to manufacture bicycles and nitrogenous fertilizers.
– Kenya made electric bulbs from the capital given by the bank.
2. It put the East African countries on a course of cooperation when these countries worked together on areas like post, telecommunication and railways
3. It provided a chance for political leaders to discuss economic and political issues of their region
4. Free movement of people, for example Kenyans and Ugandans could move easily to Tanzania.
The collapse of EAC
The East African Community existed for a period of ten years. It collapsed in 1977 and revived in 2000 there were several reasons to its collapse, they includes;
i. Difference in ideologies. Tanzania used socialism and self reliance in which the government controlled all means of production in the national economy while Kenya and Uganda were mainly based on capitalism which allowed the existence of private owned economy, hence they could not work together
ii. Higher growth of Kenyan economy over Tanzania and Uganda, Kenya had many industries and business companies, either members felt they could be exploited
iii. Absence of common currency. It made it difficultly for people to fully not buy good and serves in Uganda and Kenya because their currency was not accepted.
iv. Misunderstanding between the late presidents for example Julius K. Nyerere and Idd Amin of Uganda. Nyerere did not like to work with Amin after overthrowing Milton Obote in 1971
v. Shortage of fund among the East African government. The member states were less development National which could no have financial requirements for community programmes.
All these reasons contributed to the collapse of the first EAC in 1977. Today the new EAC might not grow stronger because of similar ideological practices among the countries. Its implemented on 7th, July 2000.
The principles of he New EAC are guide lines which must be followed by the community members in realizing their goals or objectives. They include:-
- Mutual trust between the people of EAC states
- Peaceful co-existence and good neighborliness
- Peaceful settlement of disputes
- Good governance, acceptance of principles of democracy, rule of law and respect for social justice
- Co- operation for equal mutual benefit among the member states.
The goals/objective of the new EAC
The objective refers to the desire ends which will be achieved by the members. The objectives includes
i. Establishment of a monetary union
ii. Establishment of a common market in which there services and information technology
iii. Formation of the East African Federation
iv. To promote peace, Security and stability within the region and good neighborliness
v. To develop policies and programmes aimed at wide ring co-operation in polities, economic social defense and judicial matter for the benefit of the postures state
vi. To promote sustainable and balanced growth and development among the members
vii. To promote the role of women in socio-economic development
viii. Achieve equitable economic development and higher standard of living for the people of Africa.
Areas of cooperation. Among the EAC members
The member states intends to co-operate in the following area to reach their goals
a) Trade liberalization and development
They introduced custom union by signing a protocol in 2004. They also intend to establish common market to provide free movement of labour, good, services and capital.
b) Infrastructure and services
The members are working together to undertake collective policies on road, railway, maritime and inland, air and telecommunication
c) Monetary and fineneias cooperation
(d) Investment and industrial development
e) Development of human resources, science and technology. Member states will conduct measures to advance cooperation in education and training in the development of social science and technology including promotion of research
(f) Agriculture and food security.
Thus cooperate in quality seed development livestock breeding, disease control, irrigation and water catchment management with a view to increase food production and security for the people
(g) Free movement of person, labour, services right of establishment and residence
(h) Health, social and cultural activities
Thus accepted to work as a group in the prevention and control of the disease, they are also committed themselves to promote sport activities, cultural and social welfare programmes
(i) Tourism and wildlife management
(ii) Standardization, quality assurance and testing of goods and services produces in this community
(k) advancement of the role of women in socio-economic development.
(l) Relations with other Regional and international organizations and development partners. They agreed to cooperate with African Union, United Nations and jointly aim at wider African unity and cooperation
(m) Political matters
They agreed to have a common foreign security and defense policies, strengthen democracy and regional peace and security with the view of even formation of a political federation.
(n) Legal and justice affairs
They agreed to harmonize their legal training and certification and ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courage standardization of judgment of courts in the community.