A.C CIRCUIT CONTAINING R AND L IN SERIES Consider a resistor of resistance R ohms connected in series with pure inductor of L Henry. Let = r.m.s...
A.C CIRCUIT CONTAINING R AND L IN SERIES Consider a resistor of resistance R ohms connected in series with pure inductor of L Henry. Let = r.m.s...
Brief history of Accounting:- Early references to the subject of accounting may be found in the works of certain ancient oriental writers. However, the systematic approach to...
SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS Solving simultaneous equations graphically, the solution is given by the point of intersection of the two lines. Examples 1. Solve graphically the following simultaneous...
Account can be classified into two main categories; a). Personal account. b). Impersonal account. 1. PERSONAL ACCOUNTPersonal account is for a name of persons or organizations....
The word computer come from the word compute which means to calculate. The initial objective of inventing computer was to create a fast calculating machine. However now-days...
Definition Is the cash book which used to record small expenses/expenditure which take place from time to time within the business.ORIs the book which used to record...
USIMULIZI – Ni maelezo yanayotolewa kuhusu tukio au matukio yaliyotokea ambayo yanaweza kuwa mema au mabaya AU – Ni kitendo cha kutoa masimulizi juu ya mfululizo wa...
Trade cycles can well be called Business cycles. It means the rise and fall in the level of economic activities in an economy over time. Trade cycle...