Is the process of going through written information or piece of work in order to get information or in order to understand the content of the message....
Is the process of going through written information or piece of work in order to get information or in order to understand the content of the message....
CONTAINER ACCOUNTS What is a container? Container is anything in which goods are contained. Container is used in parking goods. Examples are the cigarette packets, bottles, crates,...
Is a branch of chemistry which deals with behavior and characteristics of electrons. This subtopic deals with electron occupying space in an atom. The electron occurs in...
BRANCH ACCOUNTS/ACCOUNTING Is an accounting system in which separate accounts are maintained for each branch of a corporate entity or organization the primary objectives of branch accounting...
Key concept Social organization: Refers to the mode of production existing in a particular place at particular time. It constitutes productive forces and relation of production. Modes...
UTUNGAJI WA MASHAIRI – Mashairi ya kale yanajulikana kama mashairi ya kimapokeo mashairi haya hutungwa kwa kufuata kanuni zifuatazo: – – Kutokana na kanuni hizo shairi la...
Chemical kinetics is the study of speed or rate of chemical reaction under different conditions and mechanisms of the reaction. The rate of reaction Rate of reaction...
The new world in this context refers to the United States of America and the Caribbean islands were most of the people of African origin were found....
General introduction The concept of commerce The word commerce originates from two Latin words (i) “CUM” which means with (ii) “MERX” which means “MERCHANDISE” The term refers...
GEOGRAPHY Geo – means earth Graphea/Grapher – means to write, to draw and to describe about the earth Geography is the study of distributions and is concerned...