Reasons for introduction of ideological, political and administrative changes
1. To look for unity among the Africans in order to bring unity. Many African states introduced mono-party system.
2. To eliminate social problems especially poverty which was inherited after independence; when Africans lived in poverty without education, health services, water and electricity. This needed ideological changes which require government to take responsibility of giving service to its people and reduce poverty.
3. To destroy capitalism. Ideological change insisted the need for people to work together and share the product of their work equally.
4. Administrative changes were effected in order to organize the government pots and civil service so as to provide employment to Africans hence to get money to afford basic needs.
5. Administrative changes brought true independence because it eliminated the white workers who were the product of colonial rule.
6. To address issues such as land alienation, labor, laws, taxation etc.
Political changes.
This was introduction of new political systems that could govern the newly independent countries.
There were so many political changes but the following were the main ones. These were;
1. Introduction of single party system
2. Military rule/government
1. Single party system.
This was introduction of one party system to replace the multiparty system inherited Independence.
In Tanganyika the decision to create single party system reached in TANU NEC of 1963 and 1965 the constitution was amended and Tanzania became officially single party countries.
Reasons for the Introduction of single party system.
1. Unity; single party system promotes unity among the people. Many parties disunited people and even brought conflicts among the people based on religion, region or ethnic considerations.
2. The rise of new ideologies; many African countries adapted socialism after independence. Socialistic ideology favored centralization of administrative power in the hands of single party.
3. It was introduced to eliminate political parties that showed interest to protect colonialism during the struggles for independence e.g. U.T.P in Tanganyika allied with British leaders feared that such parties would overthrow the government of newly independent nation.
4. Traditions were similar to African traditional culture where Africans were ruled by one king/chief.
5. Greedy for power among few African leader who wanted to rule for many years without being taken out of the post by political party.
6. Promote development of all people; people‘s effort be concentrated in development rather than in politics.
7. Promote equitable development in the country as all people all over the country belong to the same party.
1. Ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couraged authoritarianism due to lack of competition in politics i.e. only few people in the country dominate decision making without allowing any critics.
2. Lack of enough checks and balance on government and so encouraging management and corruption.
3 Led to abuse of power.
4. Suppress diversity of opinion which endangers development.
QUESTION: By the early 1990’s single party system in Africa was replaced by multiparty system, why?
I. People opposed the system of mono-party which worked against democracy and human rights e.g. Right to vote, right of expression and association.
2. The collapse of U.S.S.R (United Soviet Socialist Republic) in 1980’s. The system couldn’t get support from this super power any longer.
3. Donor countries such as USA, British, and Germany didn’t support the system.
4. Economic decline in most countries with single party system in 1970s and 1980s.
5. The rise of USA as a sole super power.
2. Military rule/governments
Military government is a form of government where soldiers/ military took over control of the government instead of elected civilians.
The process where by a group of Military/soldiers took over the control of the government is called “coup d’état”. Coup d’état is a French term which means “overthrow of the state”. A number of African countries came under Military rule within a few years after independence e.g. Egypt in 1952, Sudan in 1956, Nigeria 1966 and Uganda 1971.
Reasons for Military rule / coup d’état / political instability just few years
1. Weak political parties which failed to defy the ruling government learning the Military as the only organ that can defy the government.
2. Colonial legacy. Most colonial government did not leave behind African political system capable of running stable government.
3. Corruption and embezzlement of public funds by the African presidents who took over after independence. This made the army to take over.
4. Lack of National unity; colonialists put together different tribes to create modern Africa. This made it difficult to form unity with such diverse tribes. This created conflict hence army to take over e.g. Hutu and Tutsi of Rwanda.
5. The policy of Divide and rule imposed by colonialist created divided society.
1. TRIBALISM, After independence Africa had problems of tribalism that is many Africans were disunited and separated basing on tribal differences.
2. DISEASE, Africa countries also were faced with diseases such as communicable diseases, infection diseases like TB, cholera, Malaria etc.
3. POVERTY, After independence and current, many African countries and its people were poor despite of plenty/richness of natural resources.
4. POOR PROVISION OF SOCIAL SERVICE, After independence African countries had no good access of social service such as health centers, education, water, housing etc. as a result of poor provision of social services by colonial government.
5. IGNORANCE/POOR EDUCATION, After independence Africans were ignorant/illiterate due to poor education provided by colonialist hence African countries had to change their social policies to solve that problem.
Many African countries had civil wars among themselves which created fighting and social unrest e.g.; Congo, Somalia, Sudan and Libya.
Many African countries were not stable due to civil wars, tribalism, poor leadership and political parties’ pressure e.g. Egypt, Libya, Sudan and DRC Congo.
Many African countries after independence were facing borders disputes which led to misunderstanding among member states e.g. Tanzania Vs Malawi, Sudan Vs Southern Sudan.
COUP D’ ETAT (Overthrown over government)
African countries after independence and currently experienced many military governments came into power after overthrown the ruling government e.g. Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Liberia, Ivory Coast etc.
After independence Africa experienced a type of government which was characterized by poor governance, corruption, dictatorship, absence of rule of law example DRC Congo, Libya, Egypt, Somalia and Sudan.