The steps taken to change the colonial pattern of nglish-swahili/distribution” target=”_blank”>distribution of housing after independence in Tanzania.
The following are some of the steps taken to change the colonial pattern of nglish-swahili/distribution” target=”_blank”>distribution of housing after independence
i. The government controlled land allocation in the country. All free hold land reverted to government ownership and previous owner were expected to pay rent to the government
ii. The government used the control of building and land strategy so as to alleviate pressure on urban housing and community services. The government established the National Housing corporation ( NHC) whose mission was to provide housing needs through financing as well as other associated services in the country.
iii. The government of Tanzania did not have a systematic policy on how to deal with the challenges of urban growth. The African population in the urban centres growing rapidly rather than at the villages.
iv. The government of Tanzania emphasized on the need to make use of low –cost materials for construction purposes so as to provide housing for more people, rather than following international standards blindly
Challenges facing the provision of housing services after independence
There are some challenges facing the provision of housing services after independence such as;
i. Lack of adequate human resources for instances there were few number of qualified town planners in the country who could help to plan and implement the desired programmes in most countries
ii. The increase in squatter settlements in most countries like Kenya and Tanzania after independence. This was mainly due to the fast rise in population expansion especially among the youth.
iii. There was corruption and bias in funds allocation consequently, more tax payer’s money was used to fund establishment of better housing for the middle class in society and less funds were allocated for the housing of the poor
iv. Most beneficiaries of the new housing schemes were unable to pay their rents to the NHC there by under mining its efficiency in both Tanzania and Kenya
v. The bias in the implementation of the projects. This leading to the low income earners getting disadvantages at the project implementation stage by giving priority to the middle income earners.
Establishment of national military and legal institutions
Governments have a responsibility to safeguard the national security of their people. During the past this task was done by the colonial powers, through the use of their local forces, where there was need to maintain either internal security or to safeguard their possessions from external security threats. After independence, African governments established their own armed forces and police for the purposes of ensuring security.
The objectives of establishing national armed forces
The following are some of the objectives of establishing national armed forces
i. To promote internal security as well as integrity
ii. To protect the country from external aggression
iii. To participate in nation- building activities
iv. To provide assistance during national emergencies
Functions of the national armed forces
The following are some of the function of the national armed forces in African independence. Such as
i. To safeguard the national security of the country from external aggression
ii. To assist in the preservation of internal security
iii. To assist the public during national emergencies such as floods, famine, fire outbreaks and other national disasters
iv. To participate in nation- building activities such as roads and bridge construction.
v. The national armed forces also take part in peace keeping missions such as the united Nations peace keeping operations in different parts of the world i.e Congo.
Strengths of military forces after independence
Some of the strengths of national military forces in Africa after independence are
i. The military forces have assisted in the preservation of internal security for example this was witnessed during the attempted coup d’etat in Kenya in 1982.
ii. Military forces have taken part in peace keeping missions such as the United Nations peace keeping operations in different parts of the world. Such as Rwanda, Sierra leone,Lebanon.
iii. Military forces have safeguarded the national security of African countries from external aggression for example the Tanzania military force took part in the military campaign against the forces military force took part in the military campaign against the forces of Idd Amin of Uganda in 1978
iv. The naval forces played a role in detecting and fighting off criminals who use water masses to commit crimes. For example these includes the Somalia pirates done along the India oceans.
v. Military personel have been enrolled in higher education institution and have improved their image while relating with members of the public
National legal institutions
These are institutions that ensures the administration of justice through the courts of law. These institutions ensures that law and order is preserved without denying anyone his or her rights in the society.
Objectives of the national legal institutions
Some of the objectives of the national legal institutions are
i. To settle disputes among different parties
ii. To guarantee rule of law for all citizens
iii. To assist in the development of the laws
iv. To protect the constitution
v. To administer justice in the country
vi. To swear in senior members of government such as the Prime Ministers and Presidents
Functions of the national legal institutions
The following are some of the functions of the national legal institutions
i. They ensures that all citizens are protected under the law. Those violating the rights and freedoms of others are sentenced accordingly
ii. They provides for the administration of estates where owners are deceased
iii. The legal institutions helps in the administration of justice by nglish-swahili/interpreting” target=”_blank”>interpreting the law. However, they spell out what penalties should be meted out to offenders and amount to be compensated to the offended party.
iv. They protect the national constitutions by ensuring that everything in the country is done within the constitutional provisions in each country.
v. They settle disputes in a state. This is when the conflict arouses in the society they settle all disputes by using constitution.
Strengths of national legal institutions
The following are the strength of national legal institutions
i. Many professionals have been trained as legal officers in different countries
ii. They based on the equality of all the parties and ensure that there is fairness
iii. The African legal institution system is flexible and embraces some of the traditional methods of conflict resolution
iv. The national legal system benefit from international practices and tradition
v. They helped to reduce the back log of genocide trials in Rwanda, as it uses community courts to try thousands of suspects eg. The Gachacha courts in Rwanda has helped to reduce backlog of genocide trials
Weaknesses of the national legal institutions
The following are some of the weaknesses of the national legal institutions
i. Some senior members of the executive have interfered with the work of legal institutions, there by undermining administration of justice in many African states
ii. Illiteracy and ignorance of the citizens has also hampered the efficiency in the administration of justice in many African state weaknesses of the national legal institutions
iii. Legal systems in some African countries have been complicated due to insistence by leaders on the need to establish kadhi courts to handle some issues effecting citizens who profess the Islamic faith.
iv. Some of the cultural traditions have interfered with the operation of the legal institutions some cultural traditions are interfere with legal institutions as communities apply cultural methods of administration of justice some of which contradict the official legal institutions, such as traditional forms of compensation avenging crime among clans.
These can be categorized into social, economic and political problems.
Political problem
The following are some of the political problems hindering the development of Africa after independence
i. Tribalism, this contributed to the political animosity in a number of countries due to the feeling that some communities have been side lined by governments in favor of their own tribesmen. Tribalism in Africa can be attributed to a number of factors such as language which have been used as a dividing line between one ethnic community and another
ii. Political irritability to many African countries attributed with some factors including disputes over electoral outcomes in the country such as Ivory coast where alas sane Ouattra and Gbagbo force fought in 2011, disputes over land resources, sharing of government positions.
iii. The colonial borders have contributed the political problems in Africa. This includes the inter-boundary wars. Eg. In the 1970 Ethiopia and Somalia fought over the Ogden region, while Nigeria and Cameroon were involved in a boundary dispute over the Bakazi region.
iv. Tribalism has contributed to civil wars in different countries example serious political divisions in countries such as Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi. Tribalism has led to civil wars displacement of populations from their settlements and even deathis.
v. The problem of regionalism, this has been contributed to political problem in many African countries for example Sudan, some parts of the country have experienced faster development than other areas, thus creating disunity
vi. Most government’s in Africa until the 1990 were characterized with single party rule these problems in Africa stemmed from the need of political leaders to avoid political competition, especially during the early years of independence. Many such regimes became corrupt and authoritarian and refused to allow other leaders any offence of participating in governance. This situation gave rise to the struggle for multiparty government in the 1990 in countries such as Zambia, Kenya nad Mali.
Social problem
Some of the social problems hindering development in Africa after independence
i. The problems of illiteracy. It mainly results from lack of equal resources allocation in a country, although some parts of Africa illiteracy could also be attributed to some of the cultural traditions of the people. Failure of the government to build schools and provide other infrastructures such as roads and water resources for some communities has made it difficult for some children to access schooling.
ii. Insecurity, this made difficult for children to go to school. For example in the northern part of Kenya, schools are chosed from time to time due to insecurity near the Somali border.
iii. Disease, this have been another challenge in the continent some of the serious diseases that affect African people include Malaria, dysentery, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, among others. However, property and ignorance have also contributed to the spreads of diseases example, women contract HIV/AIDS due to unprotected sex especially among commercial sex workers
iv. Poor sanitation, this have been the cause of diseases such as dysentery such diseases have had a very negative effect on the continent. This includes rendering families destitute upon the death of the breadwinner. Besides, a lot of money is spent by families to treat such ailments.
v. Some countries have experienced serious religious difference. The religious different have divided the country for example, in Nigeria and Sudan this problem has led to war while some of the Islamic Law in some parts of the country others have rejected such calls. This has therefore intensified conflict in such countries.
Economic problem
The following are some of the economic problems hindering the development of Africa independence
i. Corruption, this have been contributed to disunity in the continent corruption is the misuse of public resources for one’s benefit or for the benefit of one’s friends or associates for personal gain or favours. It therefore entails mismanagement of public resources
ii. Poverty, this have been contributed to less development usually such poverty such poverty is experienced due to the failure of poverty results from the failure of governments to provide development infrastructures such as schools, roads, electricity and the economic exploitation of certain regions of the country. This has been the source of trouble in the Niger Delta in Nigeria since the 1980’s where armed military have kidnapped foreigners and demanded ransom
Steps taken to address African problems after independence some steps were taken to address African Problems after independence
i. Most governments have re introduced political pluralism or multipartism, in order to provide an opportunity fir citizens multipartism, in order to provide an opportunity for citizens to compete in the political arena. This also helps in making the governments more accountable as the opposition operates as a watch dog.
ii. The African union has helped in strengthening democracy in the continent as it allows for intervention in case of evidence of violence and abuse of human rights in member countries. This prevents political instability in countries in counties and pre-empts refugee problem in the continent.
iii. The regional organizations has helped to the stability of African states. Various countries are now working hard to expand commerce and improve economic stability. Efforts to expand transport and communications infrastructure have helped to improve the social and economic welfare of the citizens in the continent.
iv. African states have also embarked on the expansion of their electricity grid with a view of promoting industrialization and eliminating poverty. The construction of another dam by Uganda and the establishment of the sondu miriu electric electric project in Kenya are some of the steps taken towards the direction
v. Most countries have welcomed the developed countries in the world to partner with them in order to promote development especially in areas such as mineral prospecting. Uganda, Sudan and Ghana have discovered of through such ventures, while Tanzania discovered substantial quantities of gold. Kenya has also partnered with Chinese investors in road construction
vi. The African government have also stream lined efforts in revenue collection in order to become economically strong and to avoid economic dependency on foreign countries. This has been done through the establishment of revenue- collecting bodies such as the Tanzania Revenue Authority the Uganda Revenue Authority and the Kenya Revenue Authority