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Is decline or deterioration of the lands ability to support life. Degradation might not necessary associate the addition of pollutant to degrade the land.

 Therefore that degradation is different from pollution perhaps it is closely related in some parameters with soil erosion.

Causes of Land degradation

(i) Up down slope cultivation (it bring to easy soil erosion).

(ii) Use of agro – chemical on farms e.g pesticides ,industrial fertilizers.

(iii) Mono culture farming.

(iv) Nuclear testing and bombing.

(v)  Poor industrial sector setting(waste product).

(vi) Mining Activities.

(vii) Bush fires.

(viii) Shifting cultivation.

(ix) Over grazing.


(i) Loss of soil fertility.

(ii) It brings to formation of bad landscape.

(iii) Loss of biodiversity.

(iv) Might let to Desertification.

(v)  Deteriorate natural landscape and  vegetation cover.

(vi) Eutrophication of water bodies e.g. Mining activities.

Prevention of Land degradation
This means the contamination of water by addition unwanted substances into water bodies that may harm life.

Prevention of Land degradation

(i)  Use of organic fertilizer e.g. Manure.

(ii) Ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courage biological diversity program i.e. management of natural vegetation and other organism.

(iii) Conservation of wet land.

(iv) Avoiding over cultivation and over grazing.

(v) The use of better farming method. Like contour farming crap rotation.


This means the contamination of water by addition of unwanted substances into the water.


Are the waste products  that pollute our environment components. These components are in two groups;

  1. Biodegradable.
  2. Non biodegradable.
  3. Biodegradable

Can decompose into simple element, e.g. the cow dung, dead plant sewage etc.

  1. Non – Biodegradable

These cannot decompose with simple substances e.g. plastic, gases, iron etc.


(i)  Poor sewage system i.e. poor setting of chambers direct to the dumping.

(ii)   Bad fishing method.

(iii)  Agricultural activities.

(iv)  Improper waste disposal.

(v)  Mining activities.

(vi) Cover growing settlement/poor settlement planning.


(i)   It may lead to spread of diseases.

(ii)   Eutrophication of water – over once transition of water nutrients.

(iii)  Loss of clean and safe water.

(iv) Loss of Biodiversity i.e. aquatic organism.

(v)  Food poisoning i.e. a aquatic animals and organism will also be poisoned however affect human health as then used as food i.e. fish

(vi)  Loss of clean water for organism use.

(vii)  It might bring to air pollution.


Land pollution is the contamination of the surface/land of the earth by improper imposition of waste on a land. The pollutant on land can be grouped into solid pollutants and fluid pollutants.

The   solid pollutant includes agricultural waste product, domestic disposals, coals, charcoal etc.

The fluid pollutant is likely chemical from industries, oil from moving machines etc.


  1. Excessive use of agro – chemicals e.g. pesticides and fertilizers.
  2. Improper waste disposal e.g. plastic disposing etc.
  3. Diesel and oil leaking.
  4. Bombing and nuclear testing.
  5. Hazard settlement planning and setting.
  6. Poor industrial sewage setting.


  1. Recycling of waste products e.g. plastic can be refined into something else.
  2. Discouraging poor settlement setting and planning.
  3. Control the use of industrial fertilizer i.e. use of organic manure on farms.
  4. Encouraging and promoting the use of toilets.
  5. Educating people on the importance of land i.e. environmental education.
  6. Enactment of laws and policies on proper use of land.


Is the increase in average temperature on surface/atmosphere, In global warming temperature tends to increase faster than normal, the main cause of global warming is the gases collected in the atmosphere and surrounding of the earth, gases causing global warming are such as concentrated CO, methane Chlorofloro carbons, bromine nitrogen oxide and other Chlorofloro carbons elements (green house gases).

These gases do trap the heat and light from the sun so causing concentration of heat in atmosphere, the green house gases and its element, have different ability of trap heat and light from the sun. However global warming is seen to vary in extents of its increase.


(i) Carbon dioxide emitted from burning of fossils, charcoal etc;

(ii) Methane gases.

(iii) The use of chemical fertilizer.

(iv) Destruction of ozone layer.

(v)  Constant.

(vi) Green house effect.


(i)  It result to loss of biodiversity i.e. escape, die of green algae, becomes extinct

(ii)  It influence the eruption of disease e.g. skin disease, cancer, malaria.

(iii)  It deteriorate the natural fertility of land.

(iv)  It disturb the atmospheric condition of the organism.

(v)  Melting of ice intensively decrease in snow cove.

(vi) Over rise of sea level.

Control measure of Global warming

(i)  Controlling in bush fire.

(ii)  Control deforestation.

(iii)  Disnglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courage poor setting of gases emission from industry.

(iv) Promoting forestation and reforestation

The concept of Global warming and green house effect are closely related and they work together in affect one another such that green house result to Global warming and effect of warming are much more similar to the green house gases effect.


These gases do trap and collect the heat and light from the sun, so causing changes of temperature in the atmosphere and different from the changes on the scale.

Causes of Green house gases

(i)  Deforestation result to production of methane gases, Carbon dioxide gas.

(ii) Bush fires i.e. produce Carbon monoxide which mix with Carbon dioxide gas.

(iii) Fire extinguishing gases.

(iv) Gases from refrigerator e.g. Floride

(v) Emission of burnt oil from machines.

(vi) Aerosol sprays.

(vii) Burning of charcoal i.e. produce carbon monoxide.

Ozone layer Depletion

Ozone is the blue and very reactive gases made of three atoms of oxygen.
The combination of atomic oxygen with molecule oxygen combinations takes place.

Ozone layer, Is the region of concentration of oxygen molecules at stratosphere layer.
the importance of Oxygen layer is it protect the harmful ultraviolet sun-rays to reach the surface ground of the earth and cause effect to the living organism

Ozone layer Depletion
The depletion of ozone layer happens when the green house gases and other harmful one reach the stratosphere so react and distorting the oxygen molecule (ozone layer) causing ozone layer holes, such destruction is general termed to be cause by the ozone deplete substance (ODS)
The report shows that the ozone layer covering 90% of its protection at stratosphere has been affected to 50% to 40% of protection.

Effect of Ozone layer Depletion

(i) Result to decline of organism productivity

(ii) It increases eye catalact and blindness

(iii) It bring to Direct incoming of U.V Sun-rays to the grounding gases

(iv) Might lead to over melting of which decrease is snow cave.

(v) It bring the eruption of skin disease such cancer, black sports etc

(vi) It influence pollution of environment e.g. air pollution

(vii) It bring to climate changes.

 9. Environment hazards and catastrophes
Hazards are events that occur and when they take place they put the life of living organism in danger or at risks.
Catastrophe refers to a disaster or something that entails destruction of properties as well as environment degradation. Catastrophes are caused by hazards and they assessed in terms of damage . Hazardous events include acid rain, drought, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruption


Corruption means the abuse of power by public official for private gain. It is misuse of power position and authority for personal gain which is disadvantageous to the other side of people life.

Major types of corruption in the society.

(i) Grand corruption

(ii) Petty corruption.

Grand corruption

This is the misuse of government power for illegitimate private gain. It is also known as political corruption or action that constitute to corruption depend on the countries jurisdiction meaning that there are some action done is one country as illegal but legal in another country.

According to the global report of 2008 the grand corruption as such as the Richmond affair, Radar, BOT scandal, ghost workers, tax holidays scandal, public officials accommodation scandal etc


(i)  Richmond scandal;

The taxes base Richmond development company got is to contract with the Tanzania government that the company was to provide 100M power to the national grid 179 dollar. However the program never arises successfully while the country has already started paying such amount using a ministry.

(ii) Radar corruption

The government of Tanzania lost huge amount of money by buying a military radar for high expense of 40millions pound something of which was not expected to poor country like Tanzania , such payment and its transaction was suspected to be corrupt and mockery of justice to poor country. The radar was to be bought in 10 million pound instead 40 million pound was used.

This was firstly investigated by the British serious fraud office (BSFO) so brought a hot discussion In British government (parliament) however discussion was also held in Tanzania government through the use of parliament just after the issue globally known. From this discussion the British government was required to pay back 30 million pound which was seen to exceed the required amount of price.

However this become hard since its Tanzania official who were mostly involved in such corruption.

(iii) The BOT scandal

The BOT was seen to have misused the external payment Arrears (EPA) fund in 133 billions by paying the ghost company in the financial year 2005 – 2006 involves paying of external debt. The issue become difficult to judge having inconveniences and contradictions toward resolution due to the death of the director of BOT.


Tanzania have been losing billion of money by paying a non – existing employee (Ghost workers),the SIG(Controller and Auditor General) report shows that 2009-2010,9billions in salary were paying to ghost workers, in this 3.4 bills was paid to educating ghost workers and 42 was portrayed to health sector ghost workers the general number of this two Ghost worker reach 2900.

Public officials Accommodation
The government of Tanzania is still losing billions of money in accommodating the ministry, judges, the RC, DC (District in hotel and expensive apartment during meeting and seminar something of which is said to be misuse of money unnecessary.

The report show that 2010 – 2011 some minister were accommodated in Ubungo Plaza in Dar es salaam where the government  paying 105 US dollar per day, other were accommodate in Protean so paying 155 and 180 US dollars per day.

Petty Corruption

This refers to all form of bribes taking place in every days life in avoidance of implementing the existing rules and regulations, It mostly takes place between official and normal civilians, it is found in public administration with their people administered, Petty corruption bring much effect to an individual than the country at a specified time.

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