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Economic effects

  1. It increase the cost in business

This is due to free planning of price by people in negotiation is applicable

  1. Economic distortion in public sector this is due to illegal investment and privatization which are much more corrupt
  2. Increase income of fake product
  3. It dates collection of Revenue e.g. Tax avoidance, illegitimate trade.
  4. Fluctuation of local commodities price
  5. Stagnant of economic growth
  6. Increase in production cost.

 Political effect

  1. It reduce the accountability of government bodies
  2. Result to in efficiency provision of social services
  3. It distorts the government
  4. It result to political instability
  5. It weaken effectiveness of laws enforcement
  6. It gives to emergence of crimes protected by authority e.g. poaching, illegal drugs
  7. Grabbing of land
  8. It diminishes the respect of government authority

 Social effect

  1. It leads to poor provision of social services
  2. It lead to poor control of price
  3. It brings weak and non qualified exports in offices
  4. It lead to emergence of social class and social stratification ex-poor, moderate poor, Rich and intermediate one
  5. It degrade a human value by replacing with money value
  6. It gives to poor eradication of calamities plans, extra death, ignorance, poverty and disease
  7. It lead to retardation of development skills


The trend or magnitude of corruption in Tanzania is said to be in high involve affectation is its up and down growth experienced in different regimes/ Leadership. The report identify data obtained from 2002,2009 to 2010 revealing that the country is seen to be corrupt in all form of its administration as starting in election to exercise of power given.

This report shown that 58% of respondents declared that unelected official involve corruption, here it touches the government official and local council. Also report from CAG (controller Auditor and General) shows that not less than 30% of the government budget is lost annually in corruption, the report from sectors like the Natural resources sector of 2007 reveals that 95% of revenue from the resource ends up in pocket of politicians while only 5% goes to country Authority. Therefore most of government officials or government and country at large can be concluded so corrupt from the report identified.


  1. The power production sectors e.g. about 697 billion Tanzania shillings was lost in Tanzania.
  2. Mining sector and Companies, the government is said to have lost hundred billions to 700 billion due to tax avoidance involving corruption   in Company. E.g. in 2009 to 2011 Tanzania lost 5 billion over the sale of Celtel company or Zain Africa to Bhatty Airtel of India.
  3. The Judiciary sector corruption reached to 47% 2006 to 2008 where by the judges and magistrates were said to have been corrupt in judgement of 10 thousands cases corrupt in 47% of all the cases.
  4. Natural resource sectors the report of 2007 revealed politician to have been corrupt such that 90% of the revenue from the resource they were in trusted ended up on their pocket.
  5. Financial sector and Revenue, the government of Tanzania is said to have misuse the EPA fund in 133 billions in year 2005 and 2006 such misuse typically regarded as corruption.
  6. Police force or security sector, the general police and Traffic are also extremely corrupt this involves the charge in cases solving charges in criminal saving etc as the way to improve or change their low life standard from the low salaries they receive which is insufficient to run their life.


  1. Bribery;

It is an act of offering someone money or any valuable things to persuade him/her do something for you against the procedure or law. This kind of corruption is done to avoid bureaucratic procedures of services, it requires two participants were by one is giver and the other is a receiver, typical example are found in job seeking, service provision and business transportation.

  1. Graft

It is a form of corruption where by an official gain something valuable out of his/her work payment when doing his particular work. The thing that a person gets is out of his official pay/gain e.g. a politician to use its knowledge and position to grab a land to trade illegally.

  1. Patronage

It is a form of corruption of centered on favoritism where by one person consider the other one on the basis of tribe, sex, religion and regionalism

  1. Nepotism

it is a form of corruption where by public official favor their relatives for illegitimate private gain, such corruption focus much on biological relationship such as children and wives ,husband, sister and cousin .In Tanzania nepotism are found in area like BOT,TRA, high post military forces, Universities etc

  1. Cronyism

is a form of corruption in which the public official are seeing to favour their friends for private gains or benefit e.g. experience is offices to find an uneducated person holding a high post this kind of commotions is manifested person holding a high post, this kind of corruptions is manifested to have no interview, no testing special program to special people and silent recruitment.

  1. Electoral fraud,

This is an illegal interference of corrupt issue in election process such corruption may start from the election period, the counting, declaration and even in campaign.

  1. Embezzlement

This is misappropriation of funds or item in which a person was entrusted, it involve misdirection of property and money by person entrusted on such issue e.g. BOT government of Tanzania embezzled 133 billion, The minister of health and education embezzled 9 billion phantom employees. Embezzlement is indicating;

  1. Missing of documents
  2. Double/triple reduplication
  3. Delay in bank and fund deposit
  4. Holes in Accounting records
  5. Large dropping in profit
  6. Double billing to customer
  7. Disparity between account fear able and receivable
  8. Unholy allowance

It is seemingly antagonistic group aiming at making profit for private gain, this mostly happen between business man and corrupt politic siding with the religious sector e.g. if someone aside with religion in business just for informer private gain.

  1. Fictious information corruption

Is the form of given false information to people which is fictions inaccurate implementation just for private gain of its profit e.g. a politician promising an implementation of good things to his/her people without an Accurate data of clear and real implementation(it is receiving people for personal gain)

10.  Bureaucratic corruption

Is the form of corruption were by bureaucratic provide corrupt formalities in a certain issue e.g. business service just for personal private gains e.g. sign of fake contract; It involves also facilitation or speed up payment for bureaucratic processes.

11.  Data corruption

This is use of data that does not correlate to the quality of product or service expected. It is the one of the way of attracting the customer, of making a good trust for the customer, advertising the poor quality things in the frame of high quality product.

   12. Kick backs corruption

It is an official share of misappropriation. Here the official intentionally misdirects the fund of organization for the aim of receiving the share at the later nglish-swahili/distribution” target=”_blank”>distribution, example minister or political leader are locating the fund expenditure of his/her institution.

Reason behind corruption

  1. Absence of clear separation of power, the absence of specification of duties in three pillars of government may result to interference to poor implementation of duties solving a room for corruption to exist.
  2. Egoism ,the selfishness behaviour of leaders and civilians create a big room for corruption
  3. Poor government transparency , the Tanzania government is not transparency enough in showing how it rules and leads its people i.e. this gives the chance of corrupt issues to take place
  4. Absence of National ethics there is no policy or ideology to fear or respect in most of less developed countries, no ideology specified legal and illegal issue
  5. Lack of patriotism the love of our national is something invisible and in experienced in Tanzania
  6. Poor laws of combating corruption
  7. Weak leadership
  8. Moral and cultural deterioration.


  1. Establishment of the Warioba’s commission
  2. Establishment of prevention and combating corruption bureau(PCCB) this was found in 2007 with the mandate to combat and Prevent corruption under the base of laws of the country
  3. Establishment of ethics commission, this commission was established for the aim of ensuring proper implementation of public leadership code of ethics of 1995. It focus on declaration of acts that ensured a legal practices of public officials in their leadership, it also involved the revealing and reporting the ethics conformity in administrative sector
  4. Establishment of controller and auditor General office (CAG) the office dealing on Auditing and over sighting the function of public finance, was strengthen in 2007 its work is to provide an annual report on the government expenditure in all its sector
  5. Formation of public Procurement Regulatory Authority. The authority was found in 2004 being responsible is fear and transparent nglish-swahili/distribution” target=”_blank”>distribution of procurement of services and needs in an equal standard e.g. the issue of money procurement.

Weakness of the Efforts

  1. Poor involvement of civilians is debating scandals and solving
  2. Poor coordination in the Ant-corruptions bodies
  3. Poor separation of power in the government (interfering of duties in the government)
  4. Lack of patriotic leaders in the bodies of combating corruption
  5. Disappearance of trust of the government leaders by their citizens
  6. Poor implementation of policies due to weakness of government
  7. Lack of government accountability and transparency.

Control Measure

  1. Establishment of independence(Free or non – aligned commission against corruption)
  2. Upholding the restructuring and amendment of laws and implementation. (Maintain rule of law)
  3. Establishment of the ombudsman principles
  4. Severe punishment of corrupting official involved confiscating the properties, jailing
  5. Supporting and involving foreign exploration and revealing of scandals
  6. Upholding transparency in administration eg in signing of construct and in business activities
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