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o   Altitude: 0-1000m a.s.l.

o   Rainfall: Well distributed of over 120mm per annum optimum 2500mm.

o   Temperature: 27c- 28c

o   Soil: Deep well drained and aerated light sandy soils with pH of 5.0-8.0



         Should be near permanent source of water.

         Select medium sized nuts since they absorb water faster.

         Plants in trenches (horizontally) leave a small portion unburned.

         Frequent irrigation should be done.

         Seedling is ready for transplanting when they produce 6leaves (2 month old).

Main field:

         Old stumps and leaves should be burned to control rhinoceros beetle.

         Mix FYM, TSP, CAN, MCPA, Magnesium Sulphate in 6-12m (hole)

         Spacing: 9×9 tall varieties, 7×7 m short varieties.

         Depth: deep, there can be 120-140 plants/ hectare

Preparation and planting

         Propagation by seeds “seed nuts” planted in nursery trenches where seedling is maintenance for 9-12 months when they have 3-4 leaves.

         Transplanted at beginning of rains. Holes 60cm are dug someday in advance. Nuts of seedling are planted 30-45cm below surface.

Field maintance

         NPK 500g/ tree/ year.

         Nitrogen should be applied to increase number of flowers.

         Weeding done around the stem using hand hoes.

         Herbicides application e.g. Paraquat, atrazine.

Pest and Disease control


1.       Rhinoceros beetle: Orycytes monocerous


         Stuck the terminal bud.

         Destroy the unopened leaves and the growing point.

         When attacked leaves open they produce v-shaped notches.

         Leaves dry up.


         Destroy all decaying trucks, stems, leaves by burning.

         Using wire to pierce the beetle.

2.       Coreid bug: Pseudotheraptus wayii

Damage: -Suck the juice on young nuts and cause cracklings on the nuts and drop off.

Control: -Biological control by Ocephylla Longinoda i.e. Majimoto ants

3.       Termites and other sucking insects.

Control: – Dust with Aldrin around trees.


i. Bole rot

Cause: -Fungus Marasuniellus- Cocophilus

Symptoms: -Yellowing of leaves and wilting of plants

Control: – Avoid damaging the roots.

-Avoid infected seedlings.

ii. Lethal yellow disease (viral)

Symptoms: -Light brown irregular lesion starting at the tip of young leaves.

Control: -No chemical control.

-Uproot affected plants.

Harvesting and produce yield:

-First bearing 5-10 years after transplanting.

-Full bearing 10-18 years

-Nuts harvested 7-10months after flowering.

-For copra production, harvesting at full maturity.

Yield: -15-30 nuts per tree

Products from nuts

         Margarine, oils, soaps, mattress struffing, baskets, etc.

         Dried leaves are used to thatch mats and baskets.

edu.uptymez.comCASHEW NUTS

Scientific name: Anacardium Occidentale

Origin: America

Distribution: Ruvuma, Lindi and Tanga in Tanzania


         Cashew nuts apple is used in alcohol brewing.

         The apple can be eaten as it provides vitamins to the body.

         The stems and branches once dry are used as firewood.

         Nuts can be used as food.

         Roots used as medicine

         Provides the country with forex when sold to outside countries especially cold countries because of oils content used to keep the body warm.

         Provides us with oil.


         Altitude: 0-750m a.s.l.

         Temperature: favors temperature up to 35c

         Rainfall: 750-900mm per 1annum

         Soil: Well drained soil with acidic pH 4.5-6.5 i.e. acidic soil


The crop is directly propagated using the seeds e.g. the nuts. Also the crop can be propagated by air layering and grafting methods but the use of seeds is more preferable, it should be noted that heavy seeds are most viable. Seed beds are first prepared and these require careful clearing and burning well before sowing.

Sowing is done at the beginning of rains Holes are dug 30cm wide and 5.0-7.5cm deep, seeds are planted 2.5cm apart in each hole. Spacing is 12mx12m or 15mx15m

Field management

         Temporary shades are provided over young seedlings.

         Thinning is done to one plant per hole after one year.

         Pruning might be necessary in the first three year.

         Weeding around trees helps during harvesting.

         Fertilizer/ manure application is not important or essential for the crop since the crop undergo intense (massive) foliage i.e. dropping of many leaves on to the ground, this act leads to the formation of humus as the leaves decomposes on the ground thus, there will be addition of nutrients in the soil hence no need of adding nutrients by the use of manure nor fertilizer.

         But if deficiency of an element e.g. boron deficiency fertilizer containing required amount of the element needed.

Pests and diseases


                     i.            Sucking insects e.g. helopelts bug

Damage: These suck the cashew apple

Control: Use of DDT and BHC sprayers or dust Diseases


         First bearing if after 3 years.

         Full bearing is after 8-10years from sowing.

         After the fruit has (cashew apple) ripened, It drops down to the ground together with the cashew nut whereby it can be collected.

         When the cashew nut apple may be left on the ground where it may or may not sprout (develop into a seedling) when splashes of rainfall are present or if the cashew apple is collected it may be eaten or may be used in alcohol brewing.


         A place where cashew nut processing is mostly done in Tanzania is TANITA

         After the cashew apple and the cashew nut drops on the ground, the nut is taken and dried for 3-4days.

         Roasting is done after the crop is already dry

         Take off the outer cover i.e. separate the kernel (the eaten part) from the outer cover by bursting it thus after busting take of the kernel and the cashew nut “Kernel” is ready for eating.


600kg-1000kg/ hect or 590-1100 kg/ hect

NB: For a better quality outcome of the crop (products) motorized sprayers containing sulphur compounds to be used to kill the sucking insects which hinders the crops production.

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