Form 2 Chemistry – OXYGEN

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        Oxygen ,Is a gas that forms about 21% by volume of the air.

Laboratory Preparations of Oxygen

Oxygen can be manufactured by decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

Decomposition of hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide decomposition leads to production of oxygen gas and Water.


Hydrogen peroxide → water + oxygen

  →  H2O(l)
+ O2(g)

Method of collection

Oxygen is collected by downward displacement of water because it is slightly soluble in water.



Physical Properties of Oxygen

  1. Oxygen is colourless, tasteless and odorless.
  2. It is slightly dissolves in cold water.
  3. It is denser than air.
  4. It boils at -1830c.
  5. It freezes at – 2180c.


Chemical Properties of Oxygen

  1. Its supports burning.
  2. It is an oxidizing agent.
  3. It reacts with metals to form basic oxides.
  4. It reacts with non- Metal to form acidic oxides.

Chemical test for oxygen

A glowing wooden splint lowered into a gas jar of oxygen,the wood will be relighted.

Uses of Oxygen

 Respiration: All living organisms need oxygen, through the process of aerobic respiration, energy from food is generated by the help of oxygen.

  1. Manufacturing: In industry, oxygen is used in cutting, welding and melting of metals since it capable of generating flame of high temperature which is known as oxy-hydrogen flame.
  2. Transport: Oxygen is used as an oxidizer for rocket fuel.
  3. Healthcare: Oxygen supplies are kept in stock. These are provided to patients who have difficulties in breathing.

                                             REVIEW QUESTION
      1. (a) Describe the  preparation and properties of oxygen.

          (b) Give the uses of oxygen.

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