Describing things
When describing things in English we use adjectives
For example
Sharp stone- meaning the stone were sharp
Stone walls –the wall were made of stone
Discuss the meaning of the following adjectives
- Few cracks
- Open space
- Old green cloth
- Small cave
- Narrow opening
More examples
-The beautiful yellow light
– A small round clay pot
Describing quantity
Many / a few, much/ a little,
i. Many / a few
We use many or a few for uncountable nouns
A. Does ole sabaya have many cows?
B. No only a few most of them died in the drought last year
A. How many does he left?
B. Less than twenty
ii. Much / a little.
C; Do we have much sugar in the store
D; No just a little
– We use much and a little for uncountable things
iii. More / most / less /least
– More and most are the comparative and superlative forms of many and much
– Less and least are the comparative and superlative forms little
Rewrite these phrases putting the adjective in their correct order
a) Wooden / big / sculpture
b) Plastic / cups/broom
c) Short / Straight / answer