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Describing things

When describing things in English we use adjectives

For example

Sharp stone- meaning the stone were sharp

Stone walls –the wall were made of stone

Discuss the meaning of the following adjectives

  1.     Few cracks
  2.     Open space
  3.     Old green cloth
  4.     Small cave
  5.     Narrow opening


More examples

-The beautiful yellow light

– A small round clay pot

Describing quantity

Many / a few, much/ a little,

i. Many / a few
We use many or a few for uncountable nouns


  A. Does ole sabaya have many cows?
  B. No only a few most of them died in the drought last year

  A. How many does he left?
  B. Less than twenty

ii.  Much / a little.

  C; Do we have much sugar in the store

  D; No just a little

   – We use much and a little for uncountable things

  iii. More / most / less /least

   –  More and most are the comparative and superlative forms of many and much              

   –  Less and least are the comparative and superlative forms little


   Rewrite these phrases putting the adjective in their correct order

a)    Wooden / big / sculpture

b)    Plastic / cups/broom

c)    Short / Straight / answer

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