(By Kindi Faraja)
1. What is the poem about?
The poem is about underdevelopment in developing countries. The speaker argues that whenever there is selfishness, corruption, exploitation and oppression there will be no development. The speaker accuses, blames a man of the people for having failed to bring development. The personal attacks the political leaders as the main causes for underdevelopment. The speaker states that they are corrupt, selfish irresponsible and exploitative.
2. is the personal happy in the poem?
The personal is unhappy. He is complaining about the behavior of some leader who is corrupt, selfish and irresponsible. Such leaders lead the countries to under development.
3. What does term “Egoism” mean in the poem?
Egoism refers to selfishness. It is thinking of one’s own interests or needs without thinking about others.
4. Trace the verse which carries possible themes
a) ………… “the people to whom we have entrusted, power. Are corrupt” These verse carry the theme of corruption
b) “I reckin the minority, more sensitive to egoism” – these verse are portraying the theme of selfishness.
c) “The majorities plead exploited” It depicts exploitation.
5. Discuss the themes found in this poem
a) Selfishness
It is the thinking of one’s own interests or needs without considering others OR It is the behavior of not sharing what one has with others. In this poem the persona has depicted selfishness through leaders. The leaders are sensitive to selfishness
b) Corruption
It is an immoral action where one gains his/her favour by giving argues that it is difficult for a nation to develop when corruption dominates. The person attacks political leaders that they are corrupt
c) Clauses in the society
In this poem the person has pinned down the two major classes in the society. The upper class of leaders. This is the class of selfish, corrupt and irresponsible people.
The second class is the lower class. This is the class of poor people. These are exploited, oppressed, humiliated and cheated. The speaker belongs to this class.
d) Exploitation
The speaker claims the majority are exploited by their leaders
e) Poor social service
The person has discussed the issue of social services in the society. Since independence, people have been demanding better living condition and importance of social services. The speaker says that leaders have proved incapable to bring development; people need health centers, more schools, clean water and better transport facilities.
f) Protest
The speaker or persona is protesting against corrupt, selfish and irresponsible political leaders.
g) Betrayal
The political leaders especially a man of the people have failed to bring development. They were entrusted with power from the majority but they are corrupt, selfish and irresponsible.
6. What do we learn from the poem?
The lesson we get from this poem is that wherever is egoism, corruption, poor leadership then it is too difficult to develop. So we should fight against such evils.
7. Relevance of the poem to current situation
The poem is relevant to all developing like Tanzania. Those countries are poor but their. Live luxurious life leaders are corrupt, selfish and irresponsible.