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When a paramagnetic substance is placed in an external magnetic field the dipoles are partially aligned in the direction of the applied field.

Therefore the substance is feebly magnetized in the direction of the applied magnetic field. This result into a weak attractive force on the substances.

In the absence of the external magnetic field the dipoles of the paramagnetic substances are randomly oriented and therefore the net magnetic moment of the substance is zero.

Hence the substance does not exhibit Para – magnetism


1.      The relative permeability of a paramagnetic substance is always more than 1

          The result field B inside a paramagnetic substance is more than the external field Bo

2.      The magnetic susceptibility of the paramagnetic substance has small positive value

          It is because and

3.      The magnetic susceptibility of a paramagnetic material varies inversely as the absolute temperature 

Paramagnetism is quite sensitive to temperature. The lower the temperature the stronger is the paramagnetism and vice versa

4.      A paramagnetic substance is feebly attracted by the strong magnet. It is because a paramagnetic substance develops weak magnetization in the direction of the applied external magnetic field

5.      When a paramagnetic substance is placed in a magnetic field, the magnetic field lines of force prefer to pass through the substance rather than through air.

Therefore the resultant field B inside the substance is more than the external field Bo


Are  the  materials  which  when  placed  in  a magnetic  field  are  strongly  magnetic in the  direction  of the  applied field.

          Ferromagnetic substances includes

·         Iron

·         Cobalt

·         Nickel

·         Fe2O3

·         Gadolinium

          Since the strong induced magnetic field is in the direction of the applied magnetic field, the resultant magnetic field inside the ferromagnetic substance is very large compared to external field

It is clear that ferromagnetism is very stronger form of magnetism. When external field (magnetic field) is removed some ferromagnetic substances retain magnetism

1.      The relative permeability ( of the ferromagnetic substance is very large


The resultant field B inside a ferromagnetic substance is very large as compared to the external filed Bo

2.      The magnetic susceptibility ( of a ferromagnetic substance is positive has a very high value.

          It is because = and edu.uptymez.com1 for this reason, ferromagnetic substance can be magnetized easily and strongly.

3.      A ferromagnetic substance is strongly attracted by a magnet

4.      When a rod of ferromagnetic substance is suspended in a uniform magnetic field, it quickly aligns itself in the direction of the field.

5.      They retain their magnetization even when their magnetizing force is removed.

6.      When a ferromagnetic substance is placed in a magnetic field the magnetic field lines tend to crowd into the substance


Is the region of the space over which the magnetic dipole movements of the atoms are aligned in the same direction.

(i)    In the absence of the external magnetic field the domain of the ferromagnetic materials are randomly oriented as shown below.

          In other words, within the domain all the magnetic moments are aligned in the same direction but different domains are oriented randomly in different direction.

          The result is that one domain cancels the effect of the other so that the net magnetic moment in the material is zero.

Therefore a ferromagnetic material does not exhibit magnetism in the normal state

(ii)    When a ferromagnetic substance is placed in an external magnetic field a net magnetic moment develops the substance.

This can occur in two ways

(a)      By displacement of boundaries of the domains i.e. the domains that already happen to be aligned with the applied field may grow in size whereas those oriented opposite to the external field reduce in size.

(b)      By the rotation of the domains i.e. the domains may rotate so that their magnetic moments are more or less aligned in the direction of the magnetic field.

  The result is that there is net magnetic moment in the material in the direction of the applied field.

           Since the degree of alignment is very large even for a small external magnetic field the magnetic field produced in ferromagnetic material is often much greater than the external field.

Is the temperature at which the ferromagnetic substance becomes paramagnetic

          It is also known as Curie point of the substance

            Ferromagnetism decreases with the increases in temperature

          When a ferromagnetic substance is heated magnetization decreases because random thermal motions tend to destroy the alignment of the domains

          At sufficiently high temperature the ferromagnetic property of the substance suddenly disappears and the substance becomes paramagnetic.

In a ferromagnetic substance the atom appear to be grouped magnetically into what are called domains.

          This occurs because the magnetic dipole moments of atoms of a paramagnetic substance exert strong force on their neighbor so that over a small region of space the moments are aligned with each other even with no external field.

          Above Curie temperature these forces disappear and ferromagnetic substances become paramagnetic.


Is the phenomenon of lagging of flux density (B) behind the magnetic force (H) in ferromagnetic materials subjected to cycles of magnetization.

          When a ferromagnetic substance e.g. iron is subjected to cycle of magnetization (i.e. it is magnetized first in one direction and then in the other) it is found that flux density B in the materials lags behind the applied magnetizing force H.

          This phenomenon is known as Hysteresis.

          If a piece of ferromagnetic material is subjected to one cycle of magnetization the result B-H curve is a closed loop a b c d e f
a called Hysteresis loop.

B   always  lags  behind H, Thus at  point b, H is  zero  but  flux  density B  has  a  finite  positive value  ob similarly at point e, H is zero but flux   density B has a finite negative value X .


          Consider an  Iron  cored toroid  carrying current I

          If  N is the  total number of turn  and  l  the  length of  toroid, then  magnetizing  force is

The value of H can be changed by varying current in the coil

Consider that when the  Iron cored toroid  is  subjected  to a cycle  of  magnetization  the  resultant  B- H curve  traces a loop  a b c d e f a  called  hysteresis loop 

(i)    To  start with  the  toroid  is  unmagnetised and  its  situation  is  represented by  point  O in  graph

           As  H is  increased ( by increasing current  I),B increases  along  and  reaches its  saturation  value at a this  stage

              (i) all  the  domains are  aligned

(ii)   If  now H is  gradually  reduced by  decreasing  current  in the  toroid it is  found that  curve follows the  path instead of

          At point b,  H = O but  flux density  in the  material  has  a finite  value  of  +Br called residual flux density


 Is  the  flux  density  left  behind in  the  sample after the  removal  of the  magnetizing force (H). It is also called Residual magnetism or retentively.

 B lags behind H.  This effect is called Hysteresis

(iii)   In order  to  reduce  flux density in  the  material to zero, it is  necessary to  apply H in the  reverse direction

           This  can  be  done by  reversing  the current  in the  toroid

          When  H is  gradually  increased  in the  reverse direction  the  curve follows the  path

          At point  C, B =O and  H = -HC, the  value  of  H needed to  wipe  out  residual magnetism is  called  coercive  force  it.

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