- A Government
Government is a group of people within the society with the power and authority to perform administration functions i.e Planning, implementing policies and making decision.
Government is a system or organization machinery of ruling a society and can be obtained either through elections, force or hereditary means.
There are mainly two types of government which are
- Democratic government
- Non-democratic government
A democratic government is a form of government whose political powers determined by popular elections. It takes into consideration the consent of people in decision making and also acquires its legitimacy from the people through free and fair elections. Example of democratic government are government of Tanzania, Kenya and USA
- There is separation of power
- Rule of law
- Free and fair election
- Leaders are accountable and responsible to the people
- Citizen participation.
Is a type of government which is not determined by popular elections.The government enter into power through force without majority will or gain people legitimacy.
In most cases non-democratic government result from coupd’etat and manipulation of election process.Therefore Dictatorial government is a system of ruling whereby single person or group of people holds power and determine the political directions.Example of dictatorial government are like those of Adolf Hitler,Benito Mussolini,Mobutu Seseseko and Idd Amin Dada.
(i) They are not answerable to the people .
(ii) Those rule are not chosen by the people.
(iii) Those who are in power make sure that their decision are final.
(iv)Come to power by force.
(v) Abuse their power.
(vi) Do not honor the constitution
(vii)Election are not free and fair
I Republican government
A Republican Government is a form of government whereby head ofthe government is the president.The president is elected by the people and exercises power on behalf of he people.
Example; of republic government are D.R.C, KENYA, UGANDA. Etc
Union government
This form of government is formed when two nations or more join together.The joined government totally surrender their authority/power and sovereignty to the central government or unitary government.
Example: the united republic of Tanzania was formed when Tanganyika united with Zanzibar.
The United Kingdom is the union of England, North Ireland,Scotland and Wales.
III. Monarchy government
This is a form of government whereby power is concentrated in an individual person,such as a king. Monarchy can be divided into two forms such are
(i) Constitutional Monarchy
In a constitutional monarchy,a King /Queen heads the state.A king or queen is ceremonial leader.The state does not have any executive power and his/her roles and places are bound under set of rules and convention.The prime minister is the Executive head of the government,democracy and human rights are guaranteed,E.g Britain,Japan and the Netherland.
(ii) Absolute Monarchy
The King/Queen exercise state power without being bound by rules,E.g the rules of Saudi Arabia and former King Louis of France.
IV. Federal government
This is a form of government whereby the joined local governments share some powers at the central government.The governments surrender some of their power to central government while remaining with some authority, for example the Government of India,United States of America and Nigeria.
V. Totalitarian Government
This is a country with only one political party. People are forced to do what the government orders.
Example: Adolf Halter and Benito Mussolini Government.
VI. Communist Government
It is a form of government in a communist society whereby the government owns the means of production .It provides people‘s healthcare, education and welfare.
Example: A good example of communist government is the former USSR.
VII. An Anarchy Government(NO-Government)
It is a situation whereby there is no government. This can happen after a civil war ina country, whereby the government is destroyed and rival groups are fighting to take it s place.
VII.Revolutionary Government
It is a system of the Government which is formed after a complete overthrow of the existing oppressive government by the majority people who where previously governed and oppressed by it.
Example Zanzibar Revolution Government.
VIII.Transitional Government
It is a form of government which is created temporarily by the people and mediator in a country to oversee the formation of permanent government through free and fair elections.
- It provides citizens with social services like hearth care, education, and safe water.
- The government constructs and maintain infrastructure like roads, schools, buildings and hospitals.
- Maintenance of peace and order in the countries is also the rule of the government.
- Government initiates and maintains relationship with other countries.
- The government collects revenue for the development of the country.
- It guides the country by preparing and implementing good policies
Individual rights of citizens are protected by the government
The meaning and structure of the national constitution
A constitution is a system ,often codified in a written document,which establishes the fundamental rules and principles by which an organization is governed.
It is the fundamental law in one or more documents which constitutes state power and defines the relationship between organs of the state and citizens.The constitution establishes and defines role.power legitimacy,limits the exercise of power by ensuring basic right of citizens.
There are two types of constitution ,namely Written constitution and Unwritten constitution.
Written constitution
It is refers to basic laws or principle described in a document.It act as a standard reference to which government activities reflect upon it and it minimizes chances of wrong interpretation .Many countries have adopted this type of constitution.For example Tanzania,Kenya,USA etc.
Unwritten constitution
Is the one in which basic principles are not written in a single document but they rely on various document and other points of reference.A good example is Britain where its constitution is based on status ,customs,precedence and convention practices.
The national constitution
It is the fundamental law found in one or more documents which constitutes state power and define the relationship between organs of the states and citizen.
The constitution provides the frame work of the country and creates the principle organization of the stats their power and their limitations.
Structure of the National Constitution in Tanzania
There are five constitution adopted by Tanzania since its independence.
1. The first constitution was the independence Constitution of 1961
- The first constitution was the independence Constitution of 1961.
- The second constitution was the Republic constitution of 1962.
- The third constitution was the constitution of Tanzania of 1965(One party constitution).
- Fourth ,Interim constitution of Tanzania of 1965(One party constitution).
- The fifth one is permanent constitution of 1977.
Structure of the 1977 Tanzania Constitution
The Constitutional is divided into ten chapters and Each chapter is divided into several parts.These chapter are:
CHAPTER ONE:Includes three parts ;part one declares the united Republic as a single country and its tertiary.The United Republic is proclaimed to be a democratic ,multiparty and socialist .
Part two states the fundamental objective ,disentrance principle of state policy.Parts three describes basic right and duties.
CHAPTER TWO: Deals with the executive of the United Republic .It has three part.Part One deals with the Presidency,Part two deals with the Vice President and Part three with the Prime Minister.
CHAPTER THREE: Deals with the legislature of the United Republic of Tanzania It has three parts,The one which touches the Parliament, another is about members,constituencies and election of members and the third is about procedures,powers and privileges of the Parliament.
CHAPTER FOUR: Describes the Revolutionary government of Zanzibar,the revolutionary Council and the House of representatives of Zanzibar.Part one deal specifically with revolutionary government of Zanzibar and president of Zanzibar;Part two is about the revolutionary Council while Part three is about the House of Representatives of Zanzibar.
CHAPTER FIVE: Has six part,which give description about the High Court of the United Republic,the judicial Service Commission for Mainland Tanzania ,The High Court of Zanzibar and the High Court of the United Republic of Tanzania.
CHAPTER SIX: Has two parts,which deals with the Parliament,Commission of Inquiry and Public Leader.
CHAPTER SEVEN: This chapter has two parts.Part One deals with the contribution and allocation of the revenue at the United Republic of Tanzania while part two is about the consolidated fund and the finances of United Republic of Tanzania.
CHAPTER EIGHT: This chapter deals with the establishment and functions of local government authorities,such as district and municipal councils.
CHAPTER NINE: Gives explanation of armed forces and also describes the power of the commander -in-chief of the armed forces.
CHAPTER TEN: This chapter has miscellaneous provisions which include interpretation of terms in constitution,union matters etc.