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Impact of globalization in Tanzania can either be political, economy,social or cultural.
Globalization has positive and negative effects which can be analyzed economically, politically and socially as follow:
A. Social –economic effects
I. Positive Effects:

i. Stimulating utilization of natural resources: Through trade liberation and free market economy globalization has stimulated much utilization of natural resources. There are many companies which invest natural resources. For example, mining companies in Mwadui, Bulyanhulu, Geita, Nzega, etc enable Tanzania to utilize her resources for development of her people.

ii. Making production and transportation of goods easier and faster than before: Globalisation has made production and transportation of goods easier and faster than ever before. It enables Tanzania to get different to get different goods from any corner of the world. For example, getting goods such as computers, mobile phones, food stuffs, medicines, automobile, chemicals, etc.

iii. Creating employment opportunities: Globalization creates employment opportunities for many people. For example, telecommunication has contributed significantly to the employment creation of both direct and indirect jobs. The indirect jobs include Tanzanians selling cell-phone, airtime, cell phone battery charging services, providing call services, money transfer, ect while direct jobs include different people employed to provide services in telecommunication companies like Vodacom, TTCL Mobile, Airtel, Zantel Mobile, Sasatel, Tigo, ect

iv. Improvement of social services: Through liberalization of social services there is a wide spread of private schools, hospitals and dispensaries which provide servide services to people and hence improving their well-being

II. Negative Effects:
i. Decline and underdevelopment of industrial sector: For developing countries like Tanzania, free trade causes the decline and underdevelopment of industrial sectors and local technology. Decline of industrial sector and local technology is due to influx of goods from outside whose are low yet with higher quality than local googs.

ii. Exploitation of the poor countries: Presence of multinational companies in Tanzania if not well controlled may acquire super profit through exploiting citizens thus leaving them poor.

iii. Source of unemployment: Globalisation sometimes creates unemployment. With growth of technology, machines greatly replace human labour. Therefore, unemployment sometime increases. For example, the introduction of electronic devices like computer technology and its programmes have led to eviction of many Tanzanians from their jobs.

iv. Widening the gap between developed and developing countries: Though privatization and capital mobility, Northern countries (Europe, North America) undermine Southern Countries (Africa, Asia, South Amerca) through unequal exchange. Most of the potential natural resources in developing countries are owned by companies from developed countries. Thus undermining local communities.

v. Environmental degradation: Advancement in technology causes environment degradation. Technological advancement in mining sector, agriculture, fishing, transport systems and industrial sectors threatens environmental quality of Tanzania.

B. Political effects of globalization

I: Positive Effects

(i) Changes in the content of domestic law. For example, Tanzania makes laws which comply with international laws and therefore she abides by them in such a way that she can no longer mistreat her citizens the way she wishes.

(ii) Integration of Tanzania into global politics: Under globalization Tanzania is integrated into world political systems through international agencies and organization.

(iii) Formation of strong political organization: Globalization has made it necessary for poor countries to form strong political organization as a way of minimizing negative impact of Globalization. Formation of way of minimizing negative impact of Globalization. Formation of Africa Union (AU), EAC, ECT.

(iv) Speeding up the democratization process in Tanzania: Globalization has speeded up the democratization process in Tanzania. Tanzania is adopting global democratic principles such of rule of law, transparency, and accountability and is trying to implement these aspects as a way of promoting democracy.

II: Negative Effects

(i) Centralization of political power in biggest capitalist powers: There has been centralization of political power. This situation reduces political sovereignty of poor countries like Tanzania.

(ii) Increase of terrorist attacks: Tanzania has been affected by global political disorders and terrorism Bombing of USA embassy in Dar es salaam due to the conflict which involved USA and AL- Qaeda terrorists who are against USA imperialism.

(iii) Undermining effort of poor countries to form strong political organization: Globalisation is pushing down effort by poor countries to form strong political organization such as Africa Union (AU) and East Africa Community. (EAC.

(iv) Creating chaos in the country: In some cases globalization with its related political propandas such as multipartism, transparency, accountability, rule of law and others creat chaos in the country. Some politicians manipulate these agendas and lead to insecurity in the county.

C. Cultural effects of globalization
I: Positive Effects

i. Enabling diffusion of belief and values in different world societies . Globalization has made diffusion of beliefs and value in various societies of the world.

ii. Integration of all cultural practices in the world: Globalization has managed to integrate all culture practices in the world through the development of information and communication technology like internet, Fax machines, satellites and cable TV E.g. Those culture practices are such as sports and games, music, etc.

iii. Revealing out some bad cultural practices: Globalization has revealed out some bad culture practices which have been performed by some communities. For example, Female Genital mutilation is globally condemned with great emphasis.

iv. Expansion of the great world religious institutions: The expansion of the great world religious institutions particularly in Africa and Asia has transformed the social-cultural value of these countries into modern and acceptable ones. For example, the spread of churches and mosques in Tanzania has increased the work of fighting against bad cultural practices like Female Genital Mutilation, forced marriages, harassment of women, etc.

II. Negative Effect on culture

(i) Sweeping away cultural boundaries: Globalization has swept away cultural boundaries which existed. This is done by the use of advanced information and communication technology such as Televisions, radio, internets and magazines. This has made most Tanzanians to be influenced by western ways of life.

(ii) Increase of violence and prostitution: Cultural-globalization ties have been responsible for violence , prostitution and other related behavior which increase as one more integrated into globalization.

(iii) Undermining of Africa native languages: Africa native languages including Kiswahili have been undermined by English language. English has become a globalised language such that it is conceived by many Tanzanians that speaking English is a sign of civilization. By so doing, local languages including Kiswahili are being abandoned or left to be used by less educated people.

(iv) Replacing traditional songs with western ones: Some effects of globalization may be experienced in the assessment of pre-existing Africa traditional songs and ceremonies which are being replaced by western styles and contents like kitchen parties (for women) and beauty pageants

D: Impact of globalization on Environment

(i) Increase of pollution; Globalization has increased pollution due to constant emission of toxic gases from heavy industries. For example, there has been air pollution due heavy smoke from industries which has subsequent impact on human life and other living organism.

(ii) Increase of deforestation: Globalization has increased deforestation due to permanent clearing of forests for mining activities, construction of road, railway, dams, industries and establishment of settlement areas.

(iii) Global warming: Globalization has increased global warming due to gradual increase of temperature regime on the earth at a global level caused by emission of gases produced by heavy industries, cars. And moving ships. These gases prevent the escaping of heat from the earth’s surface to the atmosphere .

(iv) Greenhouse effect: Greenhouse effect refers to the process of trapping of gases and heat at the atmosphere and in layer around the earth. This problem results from the on-going globalization. The major source of greenhouse effects is gases like chlorofluorocarbons 9CFCs) produced much by refrigerators, chlorine, nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2)


–  Both are philosophical concept which explains about the existence of things in the world.

–  Both are branches of metaphysics, which is the one of the branch of traditional philosophy.

–  Both have tried to explain the reality, no any branch comes with conclusion in order to make people appreciate.

–  Both tried to argue about education and the whole process of learning.

–  Both originated from philosophy.

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