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 With the present sociology-linguistics situation in Tanzania, English language has acquired a certain status and role and hence in several domains as follows:-

  1. English is used as the major international language Since Tanzania is among the countries in the world, it uses English in all international affairs to  communicate with people from other language as well as the international conferences and meeting.
  2. English is used as the foreign language
    This is due to fact that English has been adapted in to be used in Tanzania from  another countries i.e. Britain, these came into being as a result of the  British  colonization of  Tanzania.
  3. English is used as the medium of instruction from secondary school levels up to the university level I.e. the teaching and learning process is conducted by or through the use of   English language except during the teaching of Swahili and French.
  4. .English language is used as one of the official languages together with Swahili i.e. the Tanzanian Government has declared both Swahili and English to be used in all official matters and public places.
  5. .English language is used as one of the subjects at all levels of education from primary school to the university level.
  6. .English language is in transition between enjoying the status of the foreign language and the second language i.e. there are situations whereby English is only used  as a foreign language and the other situation whereby the status of English is now changing into being the second language especially in urban areas were Swahili is used as the first language from being the second language.


      Language being the only medium of communication used by human beings has a great role or significance that it plays in human society as follows.

      1.      Language as a unifying and dividing factor.

Language is an important factor in the enforcing unity among the people i.e. it brings members of the society together as either a sole means of communication or as an element which inspires a sense of oneness or togetherness among the people of a respective society. This putting together of members of a society makes language a unifying factor.
For example Swahili has made Tanzania feel united due to the fact that Tanzanians use Swahili as there day to day language the same applies to English in UK and USA.
There are cases when language is said to be a dividing factor. This is when language does not put members of the community together. This happens especially in countries with multiplicity of languages i.e. the countries were many language with or of more or less the same demographic or social importance exist and each language users struggle for dominance of other languages in the country, hence conflict for example in Nigeria there are three languages Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba, in Benin Yoruba, Dogon and Ga. Rwanda/ Burundi – Hutu, Tutsi
In some countries, the foreign language have been adopted as their national languages, for example English in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Uganda, French in Senegal, Ivory Coast and DRC.

     2.      Language as a factor for cultural and National identity.
           In a society there are many elements that could identify a particular cultural entity such as dress, make ups, foods, taboos, particular manners
etc.Nonetheless language is the most dominant element of culture which is more obvious and specific than elements, that is the culture of a
particular community is easily identified through the language used by that community.
However language is also an identity of the nationality of an individual since a speaker speaking a certain language can identify his country of
origin, which means language among the ways that can identify nations in the world. For example if you are in a foreign state and you’re heard
speaking Swahili, people will without doubt, judge you as a Tanzanian.

          3.      Language as a factor for social stratification

Language may play the role to faster, re-enforce or perpetuate differences in the society. I.e. it facilitates the social classes existing in the society. This is noted in the fact that the use of a certain language or language variety determines the social classes existing in the society determines the social class would tend to use a different variety of language. These can be identified in the use of certain words, choice of words, the command of language as well as the use of a certain accent (pronunciation)
Special stratification may involve educated Vs Non-educated, villagers Vs Urban dwellers, poor Vs rich, farmers Vs Workers

         4.      Language as a mirror of cultural and physical realities.

As a mirror it reflects an image, equally language reflects all the accumulated knowledge, customs, traditions and believes and other forms of experiences of a given social group. It also shows how people of a given community define the world surrounding them. Language therefore is the means by which cultural and physical experiences are accumulated, stored and transmitted from one generation to another. For example the use of certain word reflect the culture of the community using that word, such as Ugali reflect the bantu culture as used in Swahili.

        5.      Language as a factor social development

Language plays a very significant role in the promotion of social activities and services such as school, hospital, water supply, housing and transport etc. i.e. human beings used language to co-ordinate various activities.
Through language we also get information through mass media such as newspapers, radio and Television which in Euro accelerate social development.
Where a common language exist between leaders and masses, there is always a sense of closeness, understanding and belongings hence the leaders are easily implemented to promote social development i.e. when the policy makers communicate their policies to the policy implementers and the implementers put the policies in practice, in that way development is attained. Here language plays a great role because these policies are presented using language but for the countries were foreign language are adopted as National languages; there is always a big gap between leaders and the masses and these for a hindrance for social development.

     6.      Language as tool or medium of communication.

Language facilitates the transfer of information from one person or place to another. This is the central or most significant role of language since language is the medium through which human beings communicate their thoughts, ideas, opinions, experiences and expectations with language, human society is able to communicate in various ways and events in different form such as conversations, greetings, telephone, discussion, mass media instructions etc. all these ways use language for disseminating information. 


 English has different status in different parts of the world and Tanzania as follows:-

      1.      English as an international language

             English is an international language; the following are the factors which qualify English language to be international language.

  •       The number of speakers that a language has, here reference is made to the number of native and non-native speakers. English is said to have over 600 million speakers.
  •           The extent to which language is geographically dispersed, there we look at the number of continents in which the language is used or needed. English is  spoken in almost  all parts of inhabited parts of the world for that reason English is used as the world’s lingua franca.
  •      The economics and political influence and power of the native speakers. I.e. how economically and politically the native speakers are influential. This implies that in order for the language to be international, its native speakers (the countries were that language is used as a native language) should have a great power and influence over other countries. For example the Americans and the British being political and economical influential may force English as their native language become international.
  •      The extent to which the language is the medium for science, literature and other important areas or aspects. This is also referred to the languages vehicular load. For the language to become international is should  be the medium (tool) for science and technology, literature and other aspects of human life such as culture, economics, politics etc. this implies that an international language needs to cater for several purposes or functions rather than being only for communication, it should go beyond communication.
  •       Acceptability of the language by UNO

         The international language ought to be worldwide accepted by UNO and the world educated linguists as the major means of communication in all international affairs in  the world. The language needs to be standard, codified (written in Books) and used as one of the official language of UNO.

    NB: With above criteria English and French qualify to be the international language

    2.   English as a native language

By native language we mean the first language. It is the language which people acquire first before they are exposed to any other language. English is used as a native language in Britain, U.S.A, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and the Caribbean. In countries such as Kenya and Zimbabwe there are few people who speak English as their first language.

    3.  English as a second language.

A Second language refers to a language which is not one’s first language but is necessary for certain official, educational or commercial activities.
English is a second language in most common wealth countries like Pakistan, India, Nigeria, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia and other countries. It should be noted here that a second language is defined by use so a second language differ from a foreign language in that a second language is more useful in a place than a foreign language in Tanzania for example French is a foreign because its use is very limited.

    4.      English as foreign language

A foreign language is used to mean a language that is used by the same one across the countries such as to communicate with foreigners reading books and newspaper commerce and travel. In short the use of a language as a foreign one is very restricted in Rwanda, DRC, Burundi, Japan, and China. English is used as foreign language.

    5.    English as a national language

A national language is one which is considered to be the mainly of a nation and which is officially declared so. E.g. Swahili is the national language in Tanzania.
English is a national language in many common wealth countries such as Nigeria and Zimbabwe.
In countries where there many languages of national status the term OFFICIAL LANGUAGE is prepared. Example Canada where there is English and French.

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