Hearing is the natural ability of receiving sound waves/message
This is normally involuntary e.g. Noise
Sometimes we hear even if we don’t want to since we care not deaf
Listening is conscious or international attempt to hoar to receive the message deliberately listening involves some skills which can be taught and learn e.g. to get knowledge to carry out Instructions or write notes
-It involves physical and mental alert/awareness
This brings you mind back when your mind can never concentrate
Sit in a manner that you will see the speaker
-Have desire to listen
This is a person paying attention on what the speaker is talking about tell the mind that you want to concentrate
-Develop willingness
Be ready to receive new information do not ask too much when you are listening
Give a speaker time to speak so as to avoid misinterpretation
-Postponed judgments
Don’t judge a speaker based on the appearance, dress, language, reputation or speaking style concentrate on what he/she is talking
Careful look at the speaker to identity the corbels dues which will help you to identity important point emphasized force
Focus on speakers points view
Understand and listen what speaker believes in e.g. Empathy sympathy or tolerant. Predict and ask questions keep you after all the time and ask questions and predict speaker’s next words In cooperation of some stories that are relevant.
Sit straight uncross your legs
Don’t sit with a person who is talkative. Temperature should be hot or too cold. There should not be too much noise
A good listener is a good note taker.
Be brief
Speaker speaks many things at a time so one cannot be equivalent observe speakers facial and gestures expression, Write only enough to represent the idea,
Use abbreviation and symbols
≥ Greater than
≤ Less than
No. Number
? Important point
+ Positive
- Negative
Use point form when writing points
Paying attention to signal words
These are words which show various points they are useful squad you to take your notes properly.
- They show contrast e.g. But, however otherwise, yet, despite, in spite, of, although, still, even though, never the less.
- They show results hence, thus, therefore
- To show additional – Again, another, more even, furthermore, also, too
- To summarize – conclude, finally, in short, to sum up, to conclude in brief.
- To give / show example – for example, for instance
- To show condition – if, unless, when
- To show similar – equally, as, like, seems, resemble
- To show amount – many, most, several and few
- To show strength – intensively, exactly, indeed, totally, extremely.
- To show – basically, without, doubt,
- To show place – beside, near, adjacent, opposite, over, below, beyond, across.