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The following are the suggested methods and solution to prevent the problems of neo-colonialism and under development in LDCs.

1.Practicing the policy of self reliance by mobilizing our own natural and human resource, technology and industry so as we can avoid depending on abroad.

2.Establishing and strengthening economic integrations among countries in the LDCs with the aim of having opportunities for industrialization, creating the wider market and having the big sell in the big trade and monetary system.

3.Through the UN meetings and regular summits the LDCs must seriously attack and condemn Neo – colonialism with its operation in LDC s.

4.Establishing integrated self sustaining national economies for the aim of this LDC s must be self sustained economically and reduce to much depending on the developed countries e.g. the bilateral agreement as Uganda and Libya stated.

5.Establishing local industries and developing those which  have attend established and appropriate local technology in order to avoid total reliance of developed industrial goods and technology.

6.To establish our own multinational cooperation’s so that these multinational cooperation’s would be the solutions for the problems facing the LDC s economically like inter regional and international trade, market problems, provisional of aid, financial problem and grant problem.

7. Establishing strong internal linkages in economies among different economic sectors in the LDCs in order for what may be produced in one sector must be manufactured in another sector for the drop of LDC s e.g. between agriculture and industrial sector.

8. By getting control of our own economy through putting emphasis on the use of our own natural and human resources adopting appropriate technology in order to  build up self internal economy in steady of depending from outside.

9.All LDCs should reject a western standard of consumption and living for both individual and all society because; the western standard of living and consumption are basing on exploitation of LDC s and their own poor people therefore any attempt of the LDC s to introduce western consumption and standard of living will led to creation of small classes of a very few people (the rich) to exploited the large class (poor).

10.By farming alliance of the poor nations in dealing with the developed nations.  This will be the only solution to overcome the problem of dependence which face the LDC s e.g. the alliance of the poor nations will be in term of international trade, market, organizing labor etc.

11.By forming consolidating the regional and inter regional economic groups like COMESA, SADDEC, EAC, ECOWAS, the Arab league etc. in which these regional groupings should help to widen market, providing social and political development among the poor nations themselves without depending from the rich nations who use neo-colonialism to exploit the LDC s.

12.There should be development plans which will help the LDC s to develop  without depending from the rich nations e.g. income policy, control major investment, import – export development project, privatization policy etc.

13.The LDC s should reject loans, grants and Aids from the developed countries which had been the source of underdevelopment in the LDC s.


1.  Through UN the LDC s have verbally attacked and condemned Neo-colonialism e.g. through the new-international economic order (N.I.E.O) of 1970’s.

2.Formation of the formal O.A.U. in 1963 the current African Union, All these are the steps towards fighting neo-colonialism and under development because African nations have joined together by using the organization to condemn the operations of neo-colonialism in LDC s.

3.  Formation of NAM 1961 in Yugoslavia which aimed to make a neutral cooperation between the capitalist camp and the socialist camp in solving the problem of neo-colonialism and under development but still the problem.

4.The LDC s have formed regional and inter regional groups like Arab league, COMESA ECOWAS, EAC etc. for the aim of strengthening and widening their market, organizing labor within their nations and cooperating in different economic activity.

5.Promotion of Cooperation ventures in cultural and sport fields such as African cap of Nation (LAF) all African games and the confederation of Africa football.

6.Creation of different financial institutions to assist the LDC s in financial problems like creation of the bank of Africa and other endogenous banks in order to reduce reliance on foreign financial institution.

7.They have established integrated self sustaining national economy like what Uganda and Libya have done.

8.They adopted African maximum, Leninism and socialism in steady of capitalism as what some African leaders argued that the aim of African Socialism was to create socialism of Africa which could reflect African way of life during communalism and use the resource available in Africa for the development of African countries.

9.  Some countries in the LDC s have developed their own military technology in order to reduce dependence from the developed world military e.g. North Korea, Pakistan, India and Iran are suspected to have nuclear weapon plants.



1.   Effects of colonial legacy;

Where by colonialist left to LDC s a lot of negative effects which led to underdevelopment of the third world like poor industrial technological base, poor infrastructure networks, low agricultural production, poor administration, poor social service etc.

2.   Poverty.

Many LDCs are poor economically which led people in these nations to live under poor acute poverty therefore these LDCs cannot afford to develop themselves either in economics, technological and  social  science due to its poverty.

3.   Political instability.

Many LDC s are victims of civil wars which destruct peace, harmony security and resulted to refugees in different LDCs hence people in these countries can not settle together and have enough time to involve in development.

4.   Corruption and embezzlement of public fund.

Corruption is more common in most countries of the third world such as grant corruption and petty corruption which tend to cause underdevelopment of the poor nations because instead of using the resources and money for development project leaders tend to use the resources and money for their benefit. Likewise embezzlement of public funds is also common in the most country of the LCDs which cause misallocation and mismanagement of the resources available in the poor nations all leads to the underdevelopment of the LDCs.

5.    Problem of hunger and famine;

 Where by many LDC s faced with this problem due to drought which faces these countries hence many people of these counties are dying due to famine and hunger hence depopulation due to the death of the skilled person who could develop the nations.

6.   High illiteracy rate.

This is a problem to many countries in LDC s which cause these countries to lack experts like scientist, engineers, bankers, annuitant and technicians etc. who could use their knowledge, skills and experience to develop these LDC s technologically, economically socially and politically.

7.  Price fluctuation in the world market which faces the LDC s is another problem for underdevelopment therefore these countries lose a lot of money while selling their agricultural raw materials and cause them to fail to purchase other necessities like technology and other manufactured goods which could help these countries to development.

8.  High mortality rate (Death).

Is a common problem to many LDC s due to availability of epidemic diseases such as cholera, typhoid, Ebola etc.  These returned/stagnate the economic development of these countries due to the fact that young man who are energetic, skilled, knowledgeable and experienced are dying and leave to vacuum of having experts to develop these LDC s.

9.   Oil crisis;

whereby majority of the LDC s especially in Africa spend a lot of money to purchase oil in order to facilitate public sectors like transport and communication therefore they cause destruction of budget because the money which could be used in other sectors of the economy are to be used for buying oil.

10. Low life expectancy, drought and floods.


1.  Mercantilism and its effects on Africa.

2.  Colonialism and its effects e.g. legitimate trade.


The nature and characteristics of the imperialist can be seen through implementation of neo – colonialism in the LDC s and this is viewed in economic, political, social and military as follow below;


1.This is due to the fact that the imperialist always exploit the resources of LDC s for their benefit like minerals, human labor etc.

2.Destruction of science and technology of LDC s through technological transfer.  The process of transferring technology from rich nations to the LDC s results to destruction of science and technology of the LDC s because always the technology transferred is either outdated or expired and which cannot develop the LDCs in term of science and technology.

3.Loans, grants and aids provided to the LDCs aimed at providing high interest to the developed nations due to the fact that the LDCs  because of their poverty tend to look for loans, grants and aid which enable the developed nations to harvest the super profit for a given period of time.

4.Control the world market for their interest. The rich nations always control the world market by fixing the prices of both agricultural raw materials from the LDC s and manufactured goods from the rich nation.  This goes hand in hand with price fluctuation especial for agricultural produce from the LDC s hence the Neo – colonizing power tend to benefit while the Neo – colonies tend not to benefit.

5.Control the world economy by forcing the LDCs to privatize their economy for the foreign investors which aimed to exploit the resources of the LDC s and benefiting the imperialist nation.

6.They provide harsh conditionality in nature like, devaluation of currencies, cost sharing in social services, redundancy etc. in order the LDC s to be assisted in getting loans, grants and aid which also have to be paid for the imperialist for the high interest rate in a given period of time.

7.The influx of Europeans through different NGO’s and  multinational cooperation’s like IMF, WB, world trading centre (coca cola) etc.  These also aimed to benefit the imperialist after exploiting the resources of the LDC s and under developing the LDCs.


1.Democratic in nature whereby the Neo-colonizing powers tend to force the LDC s to adopt liberal democracy like multiparty for their own interest.

2.Impose/planting the puppet leaders in LDCs to implement the interest of imperialist like exploiting the resource of the LDCs for the imperialist benefit allowing foreign investors to allow linearization in the LDCs etc. all these are implemented by puppet leaders who are planted by Neo-colonizing powers.

3.Controlling elections of the LDCs.

The Neo – colonialist powers tend to control election in LDCs simply because these neo-colonizing powers are after putting puppet leaders in power that can collaborate with them to achieve their objective in the LDCs.

4.Expansionism policy in nature.

These neo-colonizing powers tend to expand their rule in order to control the third world countries in all aspect of life for their benefit.

5.Interference of internal matters of the LDCs for their benefit.  The imperialist always tend to interfere the internal matters of the LDCs like supervision of election, controlling the economy of the LDCs, culture implementation etc. for their gains.


1.  Humanities, oppressive, segregate in nature; this is because always the imperialist tend to achieve the ambition of superiority complex over the LDC s in order to make the LDC s to feel as inferior over the imperialist hence the neo – colonizing powers always use the superiority complex over the LDC s to humiliate, oppress and segregate LDCs in international affairs and within the internal matters e.g. in the UN meetings international trade etc.

2.   Imposing western culture in the LDCs.

This is due to the fact that the imperialist always force people of the LDCs to abandon their culture and adopt the western culture in the ways of life such as eating, marriage and wearing/ dressing.

3.   Introducing western cultural ways of life which also have lead people of the LDCs to abandon their cultural practices e.g. introduction of video, cinema, phonograph, songs etc. have caused people in the LDCs to abandon their traditional cultural practices like dram, carvings, traditional songs.


1.  Introduction of military technology, skills and knowledge in the LDCs. E.g. the imperialist have pretended to train army officers in the LDCs and some time have come to pretend tin keeping peace in the LDCs.

2.  Building their military bases in the soils of the LDC s in order to protect their vested interest I the LDCs.



Was a recommendation of the commission to address the LDCs this report was written by independent commission in 1980 chaired by Willy Brandt the former chancellor of Western Germany, the report was international report with aimed to analyze the solution for the problems facing LCDs 1980 – 1987. The report was up dated in 2001 by James Ovilligan who was a director of the Brandt commission report in 2001.  It comprised 36 members from different countries as follows.

(i)   Will Brandt (chairman from W. Germany)

(ii)  Abdala Hatit A. Hammad (from Colombia)

(iii)  Rodmingo Botara Montry (from Chile)

(iv)  Edwardo Frei Mauntalia (Chile)

(v)   Catherine Gruhman (from USA)

(vi)   Edward health (from UK)

(vii)  Amir Jamal (from Tanzania)

(viii)  Khadija Ahmed (from Malaysia)


1.         i. The world economic trend need to be revived whereby the solutions and strategies need to be urgently (important) implemented in order to reduce the growing gap between North (rich) and south (poor).

2.         ii. Cooperation’s between countries should be of mutual interest and there should be a tool to create a change and facilitate worldwide growth.

3.       iii. Emphasis on mutual interest between developed and developing nation to deal with very important issues with threatening human kind must be carried out by the international community.

4.        iv. Reject the view on the role of developed countries to supply to the LDCs for their benefit instead the rich countries must participate themselves to being economic growth of the LDCs.

5.      v. Emphasis should be on fair ground between the poor and the rich.  This should be accompanied by granting the South political and economic independence and disnglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courage protectionism with the rich (Northern) use to restrict the South to access the world market this will enable the South (poor) to developed and have the final say in the world market.

6.        vi. Establish society based on international justice which would promote world peace, security and disarmament especially in developing countries so as the world should be a place to live without fear of weapons.

7.        vii. To ensure good environment for political and economic growth in both north and south.

8.        viii. Undertaking actions programs which would include short and long term program for dealing with poverty in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

9.        ix. To end mass hunger, famine and maturation by improving agricultural sector through undertaking agrarizin reforms in order to ensure food security and food should be increased.

10.       x. To control population growth by controlling birthrate especially in LDCs but also refugee’s problem in the LDCs should be also controlled.

11.       xi. Insist on industrialization in order to boost economic development and the development of science and technology especially I the LDCs.

Therefore following those recommendations the Brandt report was received and accepted as a solutions to deal with the LDCs problems, however the gap s till growing and strategies are less adopted due to different reasons in the LDC s like low political will, scarcity of experts, lack of accountability, good governance it’s also the  brain drain where LDCs experts are running to look for good pastures in rich nations and fail to development their own nation and it was during the existence of cold war politics.

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