WHOLESALE TRADE This is the trade which involves the buying of goods in large quantities from a manufacture and selling them to the other traders i.e retailers...

Form 4 Mathematics – VECTORS

    Displacement and Position Vectors. Displacement  Examples of vector quantities are displacement, Velocity, acceleration, force, momentum, electric field and magnetic field. Quantities which have magnitude only...


A fraction is a number that can be written in the form of Where a and b are intergers and  b  0The number which is written on...

Form 4 Mathematics – PROBABILITY

      Defn: Probability is a branch of mathematics which deals with and shows how to measure these uncertainties of events in every day life. It...

Form 3 Biology – COORDINATION -2

Plants respond to a variety of stimuli in their environment. Unlike animals, plants cannot move from one place to another. However, they can move by forces of...

Agriculture Form 2 – CROP PRODUCTION

CROP PRODUCTION CROP PROTECTION Meaning: This is the process of preventing crop losses due to insects, rodents, weeds, plant nematodes and plant diseases, caused fungi, viruses, bacteria...