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Although it is possible for office work to be carried out manually without the use of any machine the output of this effort would be of poor quality and high cost that, it would not be accepted by many business firms of today. Machines do perform several office tasks, more than what can be produced by some office staff. Machines produce work in a better way, more quickly thus saving costs and improving efficiency.


Refer to a process whereby office machines and equipments are introduced in the office with a view to aid administrative process


(i)            Office works can be done quickly and effectively through the means of office machines.

(ii)          To err ( to make a mistake) is human, but machines seldom err. Therefore to promote accuracy of work, machines are employed.

(iii)         A single machine may substitute two or three persons eg a typewriter. Thus, labour cost can be reduced.

(iv)         Machine operations relieves manual drudgery ( hard boring work) and fatigue and to that extent machine improve morale the employees.

(v)          Speed work is possible, in addition economy. Thus much time can be saved.

(vi)         Mass of information can be secured ease. At present, business concerns need detailed information. For this many clerks may be required. But through machines the cost of the information can reduce and at the same time more result is at ease and economy.


(Introduction of machines and equipments in the office)

Mechanization has become an important part of modern office administrative process. It offers may advantages, chief of which are as follows:-

(i)            Ensures greater accuracy with more economy. The machine information is clear, complete concise and correct.

(ii)          Guarantee greater speed. It is an accepted fact that the office work performed through labour savings devices is done at a greater speed than the same work done by clerks.

(iii)         Reduces operating cost.

The initial cost to introduce machines may be high. But in the long run the machine work will prove to be cheaper.

  1. Uniformity, standardization, simplification of work can be maintained.
  2. Labour savings. Work performed by a machine requires very few staff and thus there is labour saving and reduction of salaries and wages due to fewer workers needed.
  3. Facilitate control. From the management point of view greater control is possible and much more information is available.
  4. Reduce overtime. When the office is mechanized, or greater amount of overtime is also reduced.
  5. Prestigious. The product of machines is more presentable.
  6. Reduces fraud. They assist in avoiding errors and frauds.
  7. Economical. Cost per unit of job done by machines usually works out to be less than that done manually e.g. computer is more economical than working with hands.
  8. Relieves monotony many jobs in the office are repetitive in nature. Clerks instructed with the task of doing jobs get tired, both physically and mentally, if such jobs are done through the help of machines operated by skilled office staff, the same work becomes pleasant and interesting.
  9. Saving in time. Use of the machines in the offices quickens the pace of office work and thus saves time.
  10. Satisfactory services t customers. Prompt replies to inquiries, delivery of goods in time, preparation of correct invoices, keeping of accurate and up to date accounts etc are all essential to build up goodwill for the concern. Mechanical devices are helpful in doing all this and much more speed accurately and neatly. Thus, customers get satisfactory services.


(Limitations of machines and equipments in the office)

(i)    Need the operation of human beings unlike human beings machines cannot think and need staff to operate them or to prepare work to be used by them. For example can not get data from other sources
than human beings.

(ii)  Uneconomical for some job. Machines may be more expensive if the volume of work is small.

(iii)High initial capital the introduction of machines in an organization requires large sums of money.

(iv)Machine may lead to unemployment. The use of machines in offices contribute to lack of employment in such countries where labour is not cheap.

(v)  Obsolescence. Machines are subject to become out of use due to introduction of new and modern machines. This cause high cost and seriously problems to a business.

(vi)Breakdown. Machines are subject to break down which affects work and do depreciate.

(vii)Effect on staff machines may examinate staff morale and initiatives.

(viii)Standard forms. Machines use particular stationery and equipments which can cause dissatisfaction among workers.


The following factors may influence in one way or another introduction of office machines:-

(i)            Volume of work if volume of work is large and unable to complete it timely.

(ii)          Accuracy requirements. If the degree of accuracy required needs the use of machine.

(iii)         Speed. If it is considered potential to meet deal lines.

(iv)         Routine work. If monotony is such that employees cannot be retained longer for the job.

(v)          Reduce cost. If the use of machine lead to the reduction in costs.


(i)           Initial capital outlay. The amount required for purchasing them.

(ii)          Operation cost. When the machine is in operation, its running and maintenance/cost/expenses must be minimum. Cost of additional machines, if any, and supplies must be minimum too.

(iii)         After sale services. Services. Provided by suppliers or manufacturers.

(iv)         Purpose. The need for a particular feature eg. Better presentation or control on frauds.

(v)         Effect on existing system. Eg need to change some system or stationery which is in use before machines are introduced.

(vi)        Simple in operation. Easy operation of the machine, less fatigue to the operators and good results are required operators may be trained effectively at less expenses.

(vii)        Flexibility. The machine must have flexibility to adopt for multiple purposes, when the cost of machine is high.

(viii)      Durability. There are different conditions and therefore the machines must be strong and durable. Breakdown of the machine means investment is waste.

(ix)        Portability. In modern times, the machine is reduced into portable size. When the machines are small it is convenient to handle and easy to move from one place to another.

(x)         Benefit. When manual labour is replaced by machine, greater accuracy and better result must be produced. There must be a qualitative change in the office when a machine is introduced.

(xi)        Style. Pleasing design and clour is preferred. When one looks at a machine, it must be attractive, apart from satisfactory operation.

(xii)       Prestige. The good image to be reflected by organization you deal with customer.


The equipment and machines used in office may be categorized as follows


  1. Telephone

It is an important instrument of modern office communication. It facilitates speedy exchange of information. The customers and the firm can get into touch with one another and directly. This is an external system which connects the business house eith the outside world such as customers, suppliers etc.

  1. Dictaphone

This is a mechanical appliance used for dictating replies to correspondence or any other matter to be recorded.

Advantages of Dictaphone

(i)            The dictator dictate matters at any time.

(ii)          It ensures speed and accuracy and saves time.

(iii)         The typist can type well without knowing short-hand.

(iv)         It increases accuracy and efficiency.

(v)          Telephone dictation can also be recorded in Dictaphone.

(vi)         It is portable, and like a book can be carried anywhere.

  1. Combination of telephone plus

The conversation of the both parties can be recorded on the dictating machine. It is useful in newspaper offices.

  1. Ipsophone

It records telephone messages and speaks for its owner and repeats the messages when required. When the telephone rings, the ipsophone will start its work, by speaking its number and asking for messages to be recorded. Thus all the messages and calls are recorded in the machine.

  1. Auto abstract

Is an electronic machine which is used to read lengthy reports, letters, etc these types of machines are much useful to company secretaries, managers etc

(b)  1. Typewriters

This may be manual or electric. The letter require little physical effort to use and the typist can do continuous work without getting too tired. The execution of work through a typewriter is accurate legible and fast. Typewritten letters are more attractive than handwritten letter.

Types of typewriters used in firms

(i)           Portable typewriter

These are light typewriters for travelling workers like salesmen

(ii)          Standard and silent ( noiseless ) typewriter

These make no noise when in use. Such noiseless machines are invaluable as the typist can do the work in the same room where the executive officer is also seated.

(iii)        Variable type typewriter

Typewriters which have different variety of style and size of types are so adjusted that according to the requirements, the type of letters can be changed- Italic type, small type, big size ( bold type0 types are used when correspondence is little and small type is used when correspondence is lengthy. This is useful particularly in preparing reports where different styles of types can be used to distinguish one set from another

(iv)        Electric typewrite

This type is now in general use. The expenses is more. The advantages of such machine are operator will have less fatigue in one operation 20 or 25 copies can be obtained against 6 on standard typewriter. the operator need not exert himself much. The typist can type faster

(v)         Automatic electric type typewriters

These use work prepared on a pre- punched tape, edge punched cards or tabulating cards or recorded on magnetic tape, sheet or desk which is “played back” on the automatic typewriter. It is also referred to as “work – processors” it may have a screen as well as display the message being typed.

  1. Stenographic machine/shorthand machine

This is used to take down messages phonetically.

  1. Duplicating machine

Is used when several copies of documents are required. The type-writers produce only a few copies of documents.

               Types of duplicating machines

(i)            Spirit duplicating/hectograph

The master copy is prepared on art paper by means of a hectograph carbon paper. A reverse image is obtained on the back of the master copy,the master copy is fitted round the from on the machine exposing the carbon image to the outside. The papers pass first on the paper dissolves a very little of the carbon on the master copy and thus gives an impression on the copying paper. It can be operated by hand or electricity.

(ii)          Stencil duplicators ( mimeograph)

In this system, stencil is cut on a typewrite or by hand ( if by hand a type of pencil known as stylus is used).

The typed matter will be within the frame marked in the stencil. When stencil is cut, the ribbon is so adjusted that the typist will ct the stencil directly.

With the letters. Any error, if happens, can be erased by using correcting fluid. The cut stencil is placed in a duplicating machine, the cylinder of machine is inked with a special type ink. The machine is rotted till the ink is read over the rollers. There maybe two trays on each side. One for carries papers of the correct size and another tray receives the printed papers. When machines is switched on, the machines feeds papers automatically and after that leaves the printed paper on the other tray. The copies produced also counted automatically in the machine. Itself. The stencil is removed and kept for reuse.

(iii)         Photostat ( photographic duplicators)

This method can also be used whenever an exact copy of any document is required. In this, photography of the documents is first taken out through camera. No dark room is required for this. The produced copies are soon developed and when dries are ready for use; copies of larger or smaller size than the original document can be taken in any colour.

  1. Paper shredders

For destroying unwanted documents to avoid them getting into wrong hand.


1. Calculating machine

Calculating machine replaces the human labour in operations of adding, subtracting, multiplying and viding of arithmetical figures. These machines are also used for calculation including interest, commission discount, exchange etc. these machines can perform four or five times the work done by a man.


These may be manual or electric. The simplest ones will add and subtract. The more complicated electric machines will add, subtract, divided and multiply and give sub-totals and totals.

Calculating machines include:-

(i)   Portable calculators

These are small calculators which can easily be moved along wit. They add, subtract, multiply and divide.

(ii)  Non-listing calculators

Only display figures but do not produce a copy of the figure put into the machine.

Listing/printing calculators

Is like an adding machine which gives the result in printed form.


These perform various functions like posting simple ledger, balancing accounts, invoicing, payroll and stock records. These includes such machines like

(i)          Recorder machine

It is useful in modern accounting and record keeping. The photographic method used and it is known as microphotograph used and it is accurate and has not very high speed it can take 2,500 copies at a time, here a camera is used inside the machine.

(ii)        Book – keeping machine

Entries in the accounts books are made and ledgers are prepared and quick preparation of final account is possible there will be no mistakes.


(i)          Cash register

It is a mechanical appliance for recording and checking cash receipts. The amount paid by the customers is shown on the dial and it is also at once printed on the sheet. Some of the latest cash registers will issue receipts to the customers and at the same time total the amount receive.

(ii)        Coins counting machine

Coins can be counted by this machine it is like a box and there are many trays according to the types of coins, in the first or the top tray there is only one hole. By this hole all the small coins will go down. Big coins remain at the top. The trays are arranged one below the other.

Thus the coin sorter is a device which sorts out coins at different denominations, in different trays, meant for them. Coin counter will count the changes.

(iii)       Cheque writing machine

This machine only writes on the surface of the cheque, but it shreds of the paper, the being the filled with acid proof, ink such a machine saves time and protects the drawers. Cheque writing machine is also known as cheque protector.

(iv)       Cheque signing machine

When there are hundreds of cheques to be signed the cheques signing machines can profitably be used.

(v)        Notes counting machines


(i)          Stapling machine

This is used for affixing letters and enclosure or other pages together.

(ii)        Letter opener

This could be a hand- operated device shaped. Like a knife or an automatic device which trims a narrow strips of one edge of envelopes. Many openers will trim several envelopes at one time. Care should be taken when using a device not to destroy the contents of an envelope.

(iii)       Letter or parcel scale

To weigh correspondence to ensure correct postage.

(iv)       Stamp moistening device

For wetting stamps or envelopes to affix to seal. It is usually a moistered sponge in a container.

(v)        Stamping machine

Rolls of stamps are purchased from the post office. The stamps are place in the machine. Water is kept in a part of the machine. The stamps are automatically moistened and affixed on the envelopes as required.

(vi)       A date stamp

Which records the date on which the letter was received. It also stamps a number on the letter.

(vii)     Addressing machine

Used to print names and addresses on envelopes, labels, wrappers etc regular customers or correspondents small plates bearing the name and address are prepared as stencil or metal plates. They are then passed through the machine for printing on envelopes.

(viii)    Shredding machine

This machine destroys secrets and confidential material if no longer required or to avoid them getting into wrong hand.

(ix)       Punch

Used to put holes in a document ready for filling

(x)        Scissors to cut paper

(xi)       Stapler remover to remove pins from paper

(xii)     Envelope sealing machine

This is a machine which automatically seals the envelopes. It will dampen the gummed flaps of the envelopes; thus sealing of the envelopes becomes very easy

(xiii)    Folding machine

The letters after being signed, reach dispatch section which sends them placing or housing them in envelopes if a large number of letters are there this machine can be used to fold letter in one or two or three parallel for with additional cross folds at a greater speed.

(xiv)    Dating machine

Dates are written on the letters by this machine. It is mostly used in offices where a large number of letters are written every day.

(xv)     Franking machine

(xvi)    Used to print postal stamp impressions on the develops. Where arranged can also be used to print advertising slogans on envelopes as it prints postal stamps impression.

(xvii)  Guillotine

Used for cutting and trimming papers to the required size.

(xviii)Composite machine

This performs three functions i.e. folds the document, insert them in envelopes and deals the envelopes.

(xix)    Photocopy machine

Used to photocopy reports, correspondence from suppliers and clients and other officer related assignments.

(xx)     Laminating machine

used for laminating single documents like license, identity cars certificates etc

(xxi)    Binding machines

Used for binding meeting reports, sales reports, list of customers and other documents for the office.

(xxii)  Electronic computers

Is an electronic device by which data is processed electronically at great speed. It is used to solve business problems through decision- making techniques it process data and communicate the results.

   Uses of computer

A computer is a giant mechanical brain which can process, analyse, store or supply information instantaneously. It can perform the following functions

(i)            To receive one or more programmes of instructions, store them and obey them as and when required.

(ii)           To take new information through one or more input channels and store them for references as required by any of the

(iii)         To perform any arithmetical calculation, which may be repetitive in nature, as required by the programme.

(iv)         To select and carry out alternative courses of action, according to the information it produces.

(v)          To apply checks to the data it receives or produces and if a test indicates a failure, produce a record or signal to
produce human intervention.

(vi)         To store the data produced for future reference.

(vii)        To select information from the store arrange it in any sequence, and discharge it through one or more output channels
to be printed for human use, or to be recorded for subsequent computer uses. Also a computer can be used for
preparation of payrolls, stock control, sales and purchase accounting records, costing, budgetary control, production
control, hire- purchase accounting etc.

     Advantages of computer

(i)            It possesses a high speed in operation.

(ii)           Many staff members can be substituted with a computer. Thus, operation costs are reduced.

(iii)           There is greater accuracy of work.

(iv)           Since information is correct, sound future policy can be drawn.

(v)            Monotonous jobs of the staff can be removed by computers.

(vi)           Any type of complicated calculation can be solved with advantages.

      Disadvantages of computer

(i)             Initial cost is very high.

(ii)             If installed, maintenance cost is very high.

(iii)            Trained, experienced and capable staff are very rare if available, high salary is to be paid.

(iv)            Breakdown is very common.

(v)             If errors happen, it is very difficult to correct them.

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