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                   In order to achieve the above mentioned objectives, record keeping must have the following essentials:

  1. Simplicity

           There should be simplicity in record keeping. Records should be maintained according to the requirements of the organization so as to facilitate comprehension.

  1. Accuracy

          Records should be preserved accurately so as to reduce the chances of errors and frauds.

  1. Economy

          cost of maintaining and providing records is also an important factor which the office manager has to keep in mind.

  1. Usefulness

           Record should be useful for better management of the affairs of the business. Record-keeping should avoid retention of papers not needed.



                   Is a system arrangement and keeping of business correspondence and records so that they may be found and delivered when needed for future reference


                  Filling is a process of classifying and arranging records so that they can be without delay

                                Objects (purpose of filling)

                (i)   It keeps the records, protects letters and documents.

                (ii)   It makes past records easily available.

                (iii)   It provides suitable storage functions.

                (iv)   Proper filling leads to economy in space.

                (v)    It improves the appearance of the office considerably.

                (vi)   It is less expensive and consumes less time to take out records.

                 FUNCTIONS OF FILLING

                 Functions of filling can be classified into:-

  1. information function

          Records are protected and maintained to supply information.

  1. administrative function

          Files help the executive in framing business policies. For this previous records are maintained.

  1. library function

          The records are stored for future references. Thus it performs the Library function.

  1. Historical function

          Files preserve important records of the progress of the business in a systematic manner. Thus it performs historical function.

               Advantages of filling

             An efficient filling system claims the following advantages:

             (i)   Often customers refers to their past letters or orders by writing only the date and in such cases filling serves purpose of ready reference.

            (ii)   When past records are maintained through a good filling system they save time and also increase efficiency.

           (iii)    A proper filling system safeguards the documents against loss.

           (iv)    Old or past records save as a reliable basis for future planning and action.

           (v)     Past records are good evidence in a case of disputes.

          (vi)     Certain documents are to be kept in order to fulfill legal obligations.

          (vii)    A proper control is facilitated. According to the importance of letters they can be disposed of quickly.


                  (Characteristics of good filling system)

           An efficient filling system should have the following essentials/characteristics:

        (i)     Simplicity.

                  It must be simple in operations, so that every staff of the office can easily understand the filling system.

       (ii)     Suitability.

                  The filing system should be completely applicable to the firm concerned and suit the nature and requirements of the business for which it
is introduced.

      (iii)      Accessibility.

                  The files should be so arranged that the required letter or document for reference be picked up without loss of time. Of course it is
possible through a good index system.

      (iv)      Protection (safety).

                  The filed documents must be available to the person, who needs them. They are easily available when they are filed properly and securely.
Documents should not be damaged by dust, insects,thefts, mishandling, fire, rain etc. certain documents have to be kept for a longer time
or for the life-time of the concern. They must be housed in suitable equipment.

      (v)       Economy.

                   Cheap system of filing is to be adopted. The cost incurred by the system must be proportionate to the results obtained. The desired result
must be obtained by using minimum finance, time, clerks

      (vi)      Adaptability.

                  The system must be adaptable to the changes that occurs in business.

      (vii)     Less space.

                  Economy of space is of great importance in all concerns, because of the high rent. So it is necessary to see that the system requires
minimum space . for this dead papers, older files which are not at all needed should be removed. A regular removed of such documents
and files can save space.

     (viii)     Cross- reference.

                  References should be provided where necessary. Files removed should be noted on out guides and know with who the missing file is lying.

      (ix)      Elastic/flexibility.

                   If there is any expansion of work in the business concern, then the filing system can be expanded. So it must be flexible.

      (x)       Compactness.

                   It should not take up too much space especially floor space for the filing cabinet.

      (xi)       Coordination and control.

                    A good system of filling must permit constant co-ordination among all departments and to have an effective control over.

     (xii)        The guide.

                    Whenever a file or document is taken out, an indicator should be placed at the same place, if possible with signature of the recipient, to
show the file or document has been removed. When it is returned, the indicator will be removed.

                   PLANNING OF FILING SYSTEM

              The mode of filing system should be formulated on the basis of objects and nature of records. When one prepares a system for filing, the first
job is to make out a list of records and documents to be stored. The following steps may be considered while planning a filing system:

  1. Period of storage

          The period of storage must be determined with the consultation of various departmental heads of the organization. All documents are not
needed for a long time while others may be needed for a considerable time.

  1. Storage space.

       Nature of the organization and availability of funds are the basis to layout a storage plan. Arrangement s should also be made to protect the
records from losses or damages.

  1. Arrangements in storage.

        Storing arrangement should be kept in a view of the frequency of use of the documents and departmental heads who will need the records.

  1. Determining equipments need.

       Various types of filing equipments should be produced to store the records. Availability of funds and importance of records decide the choice of
filing equipment five proof equipment must be preferred.

  1. System of classification.

       A proper system of classification adopted is to be selected. The system should be simple, economical and efficient.

  1. Training.

       Proper arrangements should be made to train the staff who handles the files. The filling procedure should be designed to fit the needs of the


        The filing function should be organized in such a way that it helps in proper maintenance of records. It is important to note that the records
should be made available whenever required. The office manager has to decide whether the filing should be centralized or decentralized.
Centralized filing and decentralized filing both have their own merits and demerits.

  1. Centralized filing system

      Is a system where all records relating to the various departments of a concern are filed at one place or in a central office. In other words,
individual departments or sections of an organization do not do the filing of records.

              Merits of centralized filing

                 (i)    It is put under control of specialists and this facilitates more efficiency.

                (ii)    Space available is used economically.

                (iii)    There will be effective control over them.

                (iv)    There will be no duplication of filing equipment and work ( as in decentralized system) and as such there is economy in filing.

                (v)     There is uniform standard to file the papers and to take them out. This enables speed location of documents.

                (vi)     People, who do the same work again and again become specialists in their work. This adds to greater efficiency.

               (vii)      Papers will be filed the same day.

               (viii)    The location of missing files or papers is easily know  (by proper use of indicator).

               (ix)      The location of missing files or papers is easily known (by proper use of indicator).

                   Demerits of centralized filing system

               (i)       When a departmental head is in urgent need of any letter, it will not reach him in time because of the long procedure, this is the
main drawback.

              (ii)       Errors may creep in.

              (iii)      Much time is consumed if the filling department is located in distant rooms.

              (iv)       Rigid rules are there in giving and returning file. The rules become more important than the dealings.

              (v)       Secrecy cannot be maintained.

2.Decentralized filing system/departmental filing system

               Is the filing system in which every department has to keep its own files. Every department installs separate equipment and appoints staff to look after the filling work.

               Merits of decentralized filing

                  (i)  Suitable, simple and easy methods can be adopted according to the convenience of the department.

                 (ii)  The files are easily and quickly available.

                 (iii)  Quick availability of file facilitate more efficiency.

                 (iv)  Secrecy can be maintained.

                 (v)  Receiving clerk, will file the letter without mistakes, because the has to deal with a few letters only.

               Demerits of decentralized filling system

                (i)    In one organization, in different departments, different methods of filling will be followed. As such no standard system will prevail.

               (ii)    The filing clerk has many other jobs he cannot become a specialist in filing system.

               (iii)    Inter-department transfer of clerks will fail to understand the filing system of other departments.

               (iv)    If one document relates to two or more departments, there will be difficult in filing a document.

               (v)    Filing will be done at the convenience of a clerk, who has many other jobs to do along with the filing. As such he may misplace the
letters or keep them in other registers or leave them unnoticed.

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