This is an economic crisis within the capitalist economy which is caused by over production starting from 1929 – 1933.
1. Existence of high inflations.
2. Mass unemployment due to lack of economic activities.
3. Low purchasing power among the population because of unemployment.
4. Protectionism policy; whereby different nations adopted various policies to domestic market protection.
5. It characterized by famine, starvation and hunger hence death of many people.
6. Low production of industrial goods and general fall prices in a long run.
7. Closure of financial institutions i.e. banks and insurance companies.
8. Poor provisional of social services and closure of industries.
Effects of the WWI of 1914 – 1918.
This led to the decline of European nation while economy of U.S.A was gain momentum at the end of the war the purchasing power of European nations declined while production of raw materials and commodities increased. In U.S.A production become non sellable and profitless which accelerated to price fractuation in U.S.A hence this led to G.E.D of 1929 – 1933.
2. Over production.
U.S.A produced manufactured goods because U.S.A thought that her markets were stable as it was before and during WWI e.g. U.S.A produced more food, zinc, copper, cocoa etc. This led to the fall of process in U.S.A and European nation were not able to absorb all manufactured goods this led several industries bankrupt and closed, farmers also were not producing more because they had no money to run agricultural activities, all these led to profit less among the formers and industrialist hence the G.E.D in U.S.A.
3. Socialist revolution of 1917.
Russia introduced the socialist revolution after the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 whereby began to spread different parts of the world, this led imperialist nations to lose markets to those socialist nations, hence over production of raw materials and manufactured goods in USA and the fall prices which led to the occurrence of G.E.D.
4. The effect of protectionist policy.
Immediately after the WWI U.S.A was economically stable which helped other European countries to revive their own economies, however the European countries used the loans from U.S.A to restrict their industries and stabilize the economy & at the same time European nations initiated protectionist policy to defend their industries and agricultural production, this led USA to lose market in European nations hence it increased agricultural productions and industrial productions in U.S.A leading to overproduction, profitless among the farmers and industrialist hence the G.E.D in U.S.A.
5. The collapse of the New York exchange in Oct 1929.
Because this had a lot of impacts on U.S.A economy e.g. the poor people spend their savings to buy few shares while shares were not sold due to lack of money among the traders and workers. Also stock exchange lost value whereby shares were sold on credits, banks were run bankrupt due to the fact did not return the money because shares were not sold as a result links were closed, this led to unemployment to the people worked in industries and financial institutions, also farmers who borrowed money from the banks to buy shares did not return the money to banks because shares lost value and were not sold, as a result of farmers to undergo crisis and their farms were taken by bankers due to the failure of paying back the debt hence G.E.D in U.S.A
1. Industrial production dropped severely.
This is because there was the fall of industrial and agricultural production hence industries and agricultural sector were producing under their capacity.
2. Fall of process of raw materials and manufactured and goods which accelerated to propping of agricultural production and commodities.
3. Unemployment where by many workers were sucked or taken away from their work so as to reduce the cost of production.
4. Low wages and salaries to those few remained employed.
5. Fall of international trade; this is due to protectionism policy but also accelerated same countries to reduce custom duties in order to attract traders.
6. Currencies lost their values e.g. German Dutch Mark.
7. Most of the imperialist countries started to adopt protectionism policy in order to protect their domestic market, industries and agricultural sector.
8. The fall of purchasing power because many people had unemployed and countries declined their economy.
9. The rise of dictatorship in the world especially in Italy, Germany and Japan where by directors in those nations used the effect of G.E.D to mobilize people and get to leadership.
10. GED finalized almost the decline of Britain super powerness.
11. It led to reduction of public services in order to reduce the cost of administration.
12. Rise of dictatorship in Europe and Japan.
1. The fall prices of raw materials.
2. Massive unemployment because Africans who were employed in colonial sectors majority of them were sucked because colonialist faced crisis.
3. Low wages paid to few employed people in colonial sectors.
4. It led to intensification of exploitation/high exploitation of Africa resources because the colonialist exploited more the African resources in order to compensate the problem of crisis in their countries.
5. Reduction of social services in the colonies in order to reduce the cost of administration.
6. The increase of taxation in order colonialist to get money from colonies to revive their economy.
7. The fall of purchasing power in the colonies.
8. The rise of prices of manufactured goods in the colonies.
9. Increased the struggle for independence in Africa due to the effects of G.E.D in the colonies like exploitation.
10. The formation of cooperative unions/societies in order to demand for their rights like high wages, good working condition, high prices for their raw material etc.
1. Farmers of medium and small sizes were affected following the fall prices of their raw materials, thus led them to fail to pay the rent they took from the bank hence forced them to sell their land and remain tenants.
2. The financial system were also affected which led to the collapse of New York stock exchange and bankrupt of many banks reg. It was estimated that by 1932, ½ of the total bank had run bankrupt.
3. Unemployment, Many Americans were unemployed due to the effects of G.E.D whereby it was estimated that almost 17 mill of people were jobless in America & in New York alone 25 mill were jobless.
4. The fall process of raw materials. This caused farmers to reduce quantities productivity e.g. wheat and barley so as to create the scarcity of raw materials.
5. The decline of industrial period, this led industries to start producing under their capacity fearing over production of manufacturing goods.
Qns: Why Russia was not affected by G.E.D of 1929 – 1933?
1. Withdrawing of Russia from WWI of 1914 – 1918.
This led Russia to concentrate on production and building her own economy for so long and stopped Russia to spend more in the war likewise but also Russia did not pay for war damage.
2. Protection policy.
Russia did not import and export goods from any capitalist nation. It avoided the direct contact with capitalist in trading system.
3. Good leadership of Russia leaders like Lenin, Joseph Stalin.
The policy of these leaders was to build Russia and use resources available effectively and not depending from the capitalist nation.
4 No over production of goods for competition with the capitalist.
This enabled Russia to produce goods which could be used by only Russians in order to build their own economy and not otherwise.
5. The Bolshevik revolution of 1917.
This brought socialism and useful shearing of production, this led Russia to use production for all people in Russia societies and not for the capitalist.
6. Russia had no colonial empire.
This avoided Russia to have more over production to spend in the colonies as the capitalist produced hence Russia had to produce for the consumption of all people in Russian society which did not learn to over production of manufactured goods.
Refers to the effort/programs taken by President Franklin Defame Roosevelt to rescue/pull the U.S.A out of G.E.D of 1929 – 1933 which began in U.S.A after the collapse of New York stock exchange. Roosevelt who become the president of U.S.A after U.S.A being affected by the G.E.D he made a lot of efforts to rescue the economy of U.S.A out of the G.E.D, he become the President of U.S.A 4.03, 1932 where he promised as ” I pledge myself to the New Deal to American people” this was the first opening speech, Roosevelt was expressing the Americans to be confident with him on solving the problems of G.E.D by being supported by Americans hence he said ‘ The only thing we have to fear it fears itself”.
Was an attempt to recognize the capitalist system through registration and other measures taken by democratic party led by president Franklin D. Roosevelt. This combined a series of measures, solution and activities which all intended to rescue the economy of U.S.A from the impact of U.S.A.
1. To prevent economic hardship that had been brought by G.E.D to American people.
2.To create employment opportunities to Americans through creating different projects which could give employment to Americans e.g. it was said that 12 out of 15 had no jobs.
3. To increase and estimated demand of goods but also aimed to control period in order to avoid inflation.
4. To reduce and stop poverty which had spread throughout U.S.A because of the effect of G.E.D to Americans.
5. To provide relief to the victims of the economic hardship of the G.E.D e.g. providing shelter for homeless people, food for starving people.
6. Aimed to bring back confidence of American people like farmers, industrialist, and bankers etc who had lost their home because of the effects of G.E.D.
7. To end financial crisis due to the collapse of banks and due to bankrupt of the bank.
8. Aimed to stimulate economic activities e.g. Agriculture production, business activities, industrial period etc.