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The trade union is a workers association or institution that fights for increased wages and better working condition.

A trade union is a struggle institution because it consists of workers as a class fighting for improved working conditions.

These union came to be known as new model trade unions because they formed by skilled and professional workers. One of the examples of the trade unions in Britain was the Amalgamation society of engineer (ASE)

     Tactics of trade unions

a.   Collective bargaining

This is where the trade unions bargained or negotiated with their employees so that their demands can be met. These demands included better wages, reduced working hours and better working conditions.

b.   Use of strike

The most powerful weapon of the trade unions is a strike. The workers believed that if they asked for the same thing and refused to work unless they get it, they would be in a good bargaining position with their employers.

      Features of trade Unions

a.    Skilled members

Members of trade unions were skilled workers who formed a small population of the working force. Unskilled workers were entirely left out in these organizations.

b.    National in scope

Trade unions were national in scope because they combined all workers from different parts of the country; Example the Grand National trade union of spinners combined all spinners in Britain into one association.

c.    Use of strikes

Trade unions were characterized by the use of peaceful methods when demanding for their rights. They disnglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couraged the use strikes without consent of all national members. A strike which is greatest weapon is used a last resort. The members of the trade unions were paid fees in order to sustain a long strike.

d.    Proper leadership.

Trade unions have regional or district officers and national headquarters with full time secretaries. They are also run by full time officials who are paid salaries. Trade unions also have a clear constitution.

e.    Financially sound.

The trade unions were financially sound due to reliable annual contributions made by the members. The fees paid enabled the trade unions to sustain a long strike thus putting pressure on the employers.

f.     Economic well being of the workers.

The trade unions centered on the economic well being of the workers, they demanded for better working conditions and improved wages for the workers.

The significance of trade unions in Britain

a.    Introduction of unity and solidarity.

The trade unions contributed to the introduction of unity and solidarity among the workers. There was an amalgamation of trade unions, the process made it easier by the trade union acts of 1964. Workers were drawn from different parts of the country.

b.    Defended the rights of the workers.

The trade unions protected and defended the rights of the workers; the workers were educated to make their labor expensive through common effort and unions against their employers. Standard salaries were set that enabled the workers to get basic needs.

c.    Formation of a political party.

The spirit of unity that was introduced by the trade unions contributed to the formation and consolidates political party for the workers, this party was known as Labor Representation Committee (LRC) which after the general elections of 1906 it became the labor party.

d.    Fought for women’s rights.

The trade unions played a leading role in advancing the interests of women. The women had been subjected to exploitation and oppression in industries. Women trade unions were formed in textiles and tobacco industries. There was also a formation of the “women’s trade union league”.

e.    Emergency of a class of skilled workers.

The trade unions consisted of skilled workers from different sectors of the economy, this ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couraged workers personal advancement so as to acquire more skills. The trade union membership in Britain had reached 53.4%.

f.    Achievement of some rights

The trade unions managed to achieve some political and economic rights. The government in Britain reduced the working hours and passed a minimum wage for the workers. The workers were also fully represented in the parliament.

g.     Promoted the culture of non violence.

The trade unions were using non violent methods in advancing their interests, they depended on the use of collective bargaining were they negotiated with their employers for better wages and improved working conditions. They tried as much as possible to avoid the use of force.

h.    Ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couraged professionalism.

The trade unions urged the workers to respect their professions. The unions set standard salaries that would enable the workers to meet their basic needs. Due to trade unions, the number of skilled workers increased in Britain while that of manual workers decreased.

The political forces that explain the rise of capitalism

These forces include the following

a.      The English revolution of 1940

b.      The French revolution of 1789


 This was drastic political revolution changes that took place (in 1640- 1689)     made by Oliver ground to dismarith

Monarchy government under King Charles I in (1648) and James II (1685) because it being in nature against the can


British before undergoing political revolution had experience do various political war like the war of (hundred year’s war) both France- Britain

The war of rose as the war fought between the Northern Kingdom of Lank shine and southern kingdoms

These two kingdoms symbolized by red rose for Northern kingdom and white rose for the southern kingdom of the war roses started 1455 to 1485

Historically the English revolution of 1648 to 1658 did not erupted like a thunderstorm, from a blue of rather it was gradual change which influenced by several historically factors include, Absolution adaptation of second under monarch government under King Henry VII king Henry VIII Edward man lad gray I, Queen may I, Queen Elizabeth, James I, Charles II and James II  had  element of dictator-ship were state matter in England under such situation James II  abandoned Peaceful in 1688 and run to France, this Glorious revolution act it involved no blood shed.


There were 2 groups’ categories of the English revolution which occurred in 1648

– 1688 which include the following


This was the kind of revolution which took place in 1648 being organized by the puritors led by Oliver Cromwell to overthrow the Tudor monarch government. Under the King Charles I the involvement blood shed King Charles I was assassinated publicity


This was  the religious  revolution which took place 1680 being organized by the religious bodies  which divined direct to be governed by king James II because he was not obeying Anglican church principle in high  government with this situation James II abundance  peacefully in 1688 with bloodshed

FACTORS FOR THE RISE/CAUSE OF ENGLISH REVOLUTION OF 1648-1688(puritan and Glorious revolution)

  1.  The theory of divine right of king
  2.   Religious conflict
  3.   Kings extravagance
  4.   The role of Oliver crowned
  5.   Conservativeness of the feudal mode of production that  hinder the government in  Britain
  6.   The role of writing of English  philosophers
  7.   Dismissal of the parliament


  1. The English revolution led to the formation at the industrial revolution in Britain. In the 18th c to 19th c after the revolution the middle classes rose up as powerful class which took different major in promoting trade and industry.
  2. The revolution brought … freedom   to the people as has they were able to worship the way they within any sect
  3. The English revolution was stimulating force to the occurrence after revolution in the world Eg. French revolution.
  4.  Led to development of single currency which  made it possible for Britain to have uniform currency all over the country that facilitated the selling and buying manufactured goods
  5.  The raw swept away all forms of kings absolution and dictatorship in England and brought realistic  constitutional monarchy under full practice of human right
  6.   Free internal and external trade. Traders were favored and ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couraged eg: abolition of internal taxes of goods example: overseas trade was promoted.


  1. It brought multiparty political system, basically in Great Britain where by conservative part and liberal party were  enacted this give chance individual to select the leader of their wishes hence  Democracy
  2.  Emergence of shared government the English revolution of 17th c which organized by Oliver crowed made the emergence of shared government between the common people and existing government.
  3.  English revolution brought  much freedom  of worship as  they able to worship  the may they wish in any sect
  4.  Respect of human right the English revolution which experienced in 1648 to 1688 gave room to the respect of human right as apposed from the formal Tudor Monarchies which demanded the right or human being
  5. The revolution brought realistic constitution. This lead to the country governed by the rule of law all matters of the state follow the principle and law it the country
  6.  Freedom of debate and expression. The England revolution played a very greet role for the rise of democracy. In the world now the parliament was given high states of debating bill so amend law
  7. The revolution spread the ideas of democracy to  other such like French


The French revolution can simple means the drastic political  changes which was made by peasant and workers which were organized by Voltaura, Montesara, Fean Jacarc Rosseau, especially by 1789-1795 to over throw  the Tudor Monarchy  government under the king Lucas XVI due to its absolution and explanation system

French revolution was complete change in overthrowing existed government under King Louis XVI French revolution it was the one of the  greatest events of human, history which deeply affected men’s idea conduct for many generation within the  period it six years eg 1789-1795


–  The French revolution which experienced in French. From 1789-1795 was organized by peasant and workers to overthrow the Boubon adlynast under King Louis XIV who were absolute and exploitative in character. Before they were living under despotic rule within rivalry and injustice they were landless and unemployed. The problem of land,  heavy taxes collection in French  classified in the following group of people as follows:-

  1. Peasant group
  2. The bourgeosie group
  3. The nobility group
  4. Clergy
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