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– Unfair system of the government

–  Kings extravagance

–  Influence of great French philosopher

–  Several social , political condition of France peasant paid direct and indirect tax and bourgeosie paid heavy tax to the king, presence of inequality, injustice and exploitation contributed much to the peasant and bourgeosie to oppose the government

– The influence of American war of independence


–  It lad to the elimination of feudalism August 4, 1789

–   Led to the industrialization

–   French revolution led to the development of nationalism in France solidarity and unity were very important to the depth the country

–  The catholic church and louis XVI and his wife  Marrus Antonente were swept away, new leader ( capitalist leader) came into power)  king and his unite assassinated

–   Led to the development  of infrastructure such as expansion of road and railway

–   Free enterprises  as well as the trade were allowed  ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courage so as to boost up the economic production

–   It led to the establishment  of agrarian revolution and abolition of subsistence agriculture  hence regular supplier supply of raw materials in industry


  1.  French revolution emphasized total respect  of the state  of individual in regard if nation leader or to be voted as leader this emphasized due to the introduction of new constitution
  2.  The revolution planted human right, equality, liberty in French community and the world at large. This still dominates the democracy of the world
  3.   It led to the emergence of shared of government in which each of the individual in regard of being rich or poor had chance to explain his/her opinion
  4.   French revolution emphasized over freedom of mass media and express of the individual as result promoted more the rise of democracy in the world
  5.   French revolution lead to the development of nationalism France solidarity and unity were very important to the development of democracy.


The scientific revolution

The scientific revolution refers to a period that was characterized with major technological changes that took place in Europe which paved way for the industrial revolution consequently leading to the rise of capitalism. The revolution involved the use of mathematics, experimental methods and practical use of scientific knowledge. It is between 1540 – 1640 years.

The discoveries involved the following;

1    It was due to establishment of the contact between Europe and Asia, especially Asian countries like china, India and middle east. In this contact the Europeans copied and improved the textile industries especially Britain.

2     Due to the break of the crusade war. The war led to the spread of technology to the western European countries because these European countries started to get involved in innovations and discoveries of new technology which could help them to reach in their previous areas to look for raw material and market without passing the Middle East especially near Turkey.

3    The discoveries and the use of coal and iron as the major source of power, this replaced the wind mills hence it influenced the more production of commodities in industries and innovation of other technology especially technology to be used in industries because of availability of power.

4     The exploration of European countries to other parts of the world which accelerated the discovery of the new world as a desire of European to discoveries;

a.   The discovery of the steam engine in 1770’s by James Watt. The steam engine led to a revolution in the production process because it contributed to the rise of the factory system.

b.  Introduction of new methods of iron production whereby iron was smelted quickly with the help of coke. This new methods increase the production of iron thus contributing to the industrial revolution.

c.   New techniques in weaving and spinning cotton and wool were discovered. These new methods modernized textile industries which led to the increase of production and reduction of cost of production.

d.      In 1792 Murdock invented the railway locomotive which simplified transportation of raw materials and manufactured goods.

The role of science and technology in the development of industrial revolution

a.    Improved the transport system.

The discovery of a railway improved the transport system which made it possible to transport large quantities of raw materials and manufactured goods. The good transport system stimulated industrial development.

b.    Increased the level of production.

The introduction of various machines in the production process reduced the dependence on manual labour. The use of machines increased production thus leading to the consolidation and expansion of the industrial revolution.

c.    Development of internal trade.

The increase in production of goods stimulated internal trade within Europe. The development of trade ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couraged the establishment of more business thus consolidating and expanding industrial development.

d.    Destruction of serfdom

The introduction of machines in the production process made many people in the countryside to leave to the towns searching for industrial jobs; this led to the decline of feudalism and consequently the rise of capitalism.

e.    Collapse of cottage industries.

The discovery of the steam engine contributed to the development of the factory system which employed thousands of workers. The factory system played a great role in the rise of capitalism; it replaced small cottage industries like windmills.

f.     Rise of capitalist class

The discovery of machines led to the rise of the capitalist class, which are people who owned the machines and factories. This class of entrepreneurs invested their money in industries to generate profits thus leading to the development of the industrial revolution.

g.    Rise of free trade.

The discovery of machines increased the production of industrial products which led to a decline of prices. The increase in production gave birth to a rise of free trade whereby surplus production was sold off to overseas markets without economic tariffs. The absence of trade restrictions contributed to the consolidation and expansion of the industrial revolution.

The demographic revolution

This refers to the fundamental changes that occurred in the size of population in Europe between the 17th and 18th centuries.

Its believed that the population increased by 48%, example in Britain by 1760AD, the population of Britain was estimated to have been 12 million, by 1831 as ascertained by the census, it had risen to around 24 million.

There are various factors that can be put forward to explain this growth in population, these include the following;

a.    Improved medical services.

One of the main causes of this great increase in population was improvement of medical services which reduced death rates. Improved medical services facilitated the control of deadly diseases such as chickenpox and increased the life expectancy in Europe.

b.    Early marriages

Early marriages of women played a great role in the growth of population in Europe. Many women reproduced in early age which increased the number of new born babies, the average woman in Britain for instance delivered six children in her life span. This condition with improved medical services, led to a rapid increase in population.

c.    Availability of enough food supply.

The increased food supply resulting from the great agricultural improvements of the 18th C contributed significantly to the rapid growth in the population in Europe. The increase in food supply both grain and meat play the part in producing and sustaining a larger population.

d.    Political stability

It can be asserted that the long years of internal stability that reduced the death rates might have had a role in the increase of population. The monarchies in Europe especially Britain were able to maintain political stabilities in their countries thus reducing death rates tremendously.

e.    Better sanitation

Better sanitation contributed to the demographic revolution in Europe. These services improved the welfare of the people and increased life expectancy. It should be noted that many deadly diseases such as typhoid, dysentery and cholera were eliminated through proper sewage disposal and provision of clean water.

The role of demographic revolution in the rise of capitalism in Europe

The demographic revolution played a fundamental role in supporting the industrial revolution consequently leading to the rise of capitalism. It played the following roles;

a.    Provided a ready market.

The huge growth of population, Example from twelve million people in 1760 AD to twenty four in 1830 in Britain provided a ready market for industrial manufactured goods. The existence of ready markets accelerated industrial activities thus the rise of capitalism.

b.   Provision of cheap labor.

The demographic revolution contributed to the rise of the working class in Europe. The working class refers to a group of people who do not own anything apart from their labour power. These workers contributed to the rise of capitalism by providing cheap labour in industries.

c.    Stimulated inter–regional trade.

The rapid increase in population contributed to inter regional trade which consequently led to the rise of capitalism. The population explosion availed a ready market which stimulated trading activities in Europe. It also made people to abandon subsistence agriculture for economic activities.

d.    Development of towns.

The population increase in Europe contributed to the development of towns. The increase in population was followed by massive rural urban migration, the population in towns such as London, tripled by the end of the 18th C; this promoted the provision of various social services such as roads, schools and health centers which were conducive for the industrial revolution.

e.    Destruction of the feudal mode of production.

The rapid increase in population contributed to the destruction of the feudal mode of production because; feudal relations could not match the increase in the population. The decline of feudalism paved way for the rise of capitalist.

Impacts of the Demographic Revolution on the development of capitalism in Europe.

        i. Enable availability of markets.

      ii.  Growth of towns and cities

    iii.  Emergence if researches and invetors led to the rise of scientific to industrial revolution for example harvesting machine.

    iv.   Enable availability of labour supply.

      v.  Emergence of working class.

    vi. It provide effective and strong capitalist government with increase of people for example in parliament, army increase.


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