Socialism refers the fifth mode of production proposed by Karl-max, 1818 – 1883 where by all major means of production like Land, bank, industries etc. are public owned and there should not be Exploitation between man and man and the highest stage of socialism is called Communism. Therefore socialism began in Europe after the industrial development led to the rise of the two antagonistic social users which where the proletariat(workers) and the capitalist or factory owners , especially after the industrial new there were intensive exploitation of workers led workers to form their union / working trade union to demand for their rights e.g. Britain there was the rise of Chartism and Laddish and in France the inspiration of socialism was brought by the French new of 1989 which advocated for liberty, equality and fraternity to all, hence socialism was practiced in every part of the world , such as in Europe, Asia and Africa and it was most successful in Russia and other parts of eastern Europe, China, Northern Korea, Cuba and Africa.
1.Fulfilling its aim by placing all major means of production in the hands of the people directly or through government ownership.
2. Making resource available i.e. Oil, natural resources like minerals etc to be used according to the needs of the people.
3. Replacing capitalism with socialism where capitalism was seen as an evil of mode of production in the society which used to make society not to enjoy in their life.
4. To create a strong workers party; this will control the government on behalf of all people in the society.
5. Eliminating exploitation of man by man, humiliation, segregation, oppression in the society.
This means somewhere, no where land imaginary which individual think of doing but it is not; therefore Utopia is like Smith imaginary where things should be obtained imaginary and not practically while Utopia socialism thought.
Refers to early ideas of socialism that developed in Europe particularly in Britain and France Motivated mainly by the problem of industrial class resulted from industrial revolution of the first phase, the pro pounders /founders of autopian socialism thought were people like count Henry de Saint Simon, Charter Fomlio Robert Owen, Louis Blano, Thomas more and Tomes comparative.
He advocated the state ownership of pond process and nglish-swahili/distribution” target=”_blank”>distribution of goods and the state should pay according to one attribute i.e. paying base on experience skills and professional.
2. CHARLES FOURIER (1772 -1837).
He proposed the re-organization of the society into a democratic self governing unit of about four hundred families which should be self sufficient economically and that nglish-swahili/distribution” target=”_blank”>distribution of the profit must be done in liberal minimum i.e. the profit must be given to each in definite proportion to the community depending on labour, talent and capital.
3. ROBERT OWEN (1771 – 1838).
He advocated the re-organization of the society in a group of about 500 – 3000 people; these society should own and use in common all major means of production for the well being of all members of the community or group and such community should be agricultural society and also carry out other occupation so as to render it near self sufficient.
He proposed that the state should be reconstructed or re-organized on a democratic base, should supply working men with instruments of labour and every individual had a natural right to work for his own benefits but he cannot find employment on just terms at the hand of private individuals rather the state should were to its help i.e. the state is responsible to find a job for his people and replace or eliminate the private individuals/ capitalist; so if the state eliminate the private individual there should not be competition among workers.
5. THOMAS MORE (1478 – 1535).
He was English states man and philosopher who saw capitalism as an exploitative system. He concluded that equality and happiness was not possible for women under capitalism he also advanced the ideas that the private ownership of the major means of production should be abolished and the society should be reorganized of collective ownership of means of production and collective labour.
6. THOMASO COMPANELLA (1568 – 1639).
He named his imaginary society as “the city of the son”; where in this society there should be no exploitation of man by man, people should not be slaves but the owners of capital, and social progress would be base on science and the rules of such society and to be scientist too.
Utopian socialism was a view which opposed class struggle and revolutionary means because they believed that negotiations between the capitalist and workers would be the solutions for the capitalist to change the way of exploitation to workers and be a friendly mode of production to workers.
1.They criticized capitalism by showing that capitalism was not a good mode of production because is too exploitative workers and majority who do not own means of production. The Utopianist argued workers to re–organize to the mode which will fit to their life.
2. They proposed on a move of human economic set up. The Utopianist wanted reorganization of the society and mostly liked a society characterized by collection.
3. Utopianist expressed the features of ideal society for the good future of the society in which such ideal society must not be ex-send by exploitation of man by man, oppression, humiliation, segregation and should maintain natural rights.
4. They conscioutised and awake and the society to protest against capitalism because capitalism is a bad mode of period which cannot feet in the society due to its evils like humiliation, exploitation and segregation.
5. They lay a foundation to the rise of scientific socialism which come into existence after it had learn the failure of utopian socialism e.g. The failure to use class struggle and revolutionary means to overthrow capitalism.
1. Utopianist concerned the evils of capitalism such as exploitation, humiliation oppression, and segregation and exposed its weakness to the society that; capitalism is the bad system and it should be fought in the society by all people in order to end its evils like exploitation, humiliation, oppression and segregation.
2. Utopianist led to a foundation for the beginning of scientific socialism where by Utopianist provided the over for scientific socialism especially the idea of Utopian thinkers which was re-organization of a society so once scientific socialism come in it based on such theories.
3. Utopianist socialism created awareness and consciousness among the workers of the world by guiding and directing them to the directions to be done in order to fight capitalism in the future e.g. workers were consciotized to unite together and fight together for their common enemy until they win because workers have nothing to lose except to gain.
4. Utopianist provided some ideologies like command economy; where by the state should control the economy and organize the economy but also state should be able to organize the formation of organization to the ideal society, hence scientific socialism come to existence because on those ideologies like the state should be the one that controlled the economy on behalf of the people.
5. Utopianist provided a lessons to the capitalist to get prepared in the future of exploitation of workers would continue because worker would not tolerate with such exploitation rather they have to protest such exploitation and if possible to over throw the system hence scientific socialism come to base on such lesson provided by Utopianist.
6.Utopian duped a theory of scientific socialism out of an experience of utopian thinking hence socialism become scientific socialism when the two variables were adopted in its value i.e. this were directs and historical materialism.
7.Utopian socialism feared bloodshed and that is why they depended on moral persuasion to being about socialism because they feared war as the only alternative way to remove capitalism system in the society.
8. Utopian were too theoretical and idealistic without any clear means to achieve and implement the ideology and theories.
9. Utopian lacked mass support from the mass because they occurred during the premature workers period of the early phase of industrial revolution which most workers were still illiterates /ignorant to know and fight for their rights e.g. during Luddism where majority of workers were ignorant.
The source of Utopian socialism was due to industrial and its effects during the development of capitalism in Europe as follows:-
1.Poor conditions of the facing system e.g.there were long working hours,Absence of model service, low wages, poor transport, child labor etc.
2.Poor working conditions and living conditions problem. People lived in congested house with poor ventilation, sleeping on the Float a socialist theory of Michael Hegel a Germany philosopher.
Utopian socialism had pointed out many problem social, economic, and political problems which faced the society but had one solutions or answers to those problems faced a society could be achieved through so utopian socialism failed to achieve their goals which they aimed as discussed below.
1. The use of wrong method of reforming the system. This was because Utopianist prefer the use of discussion , morality ,negotiation or persuasions so it could be practically impossible to achieve socialism by using negotiations because capitalism is based on exploitation, limitation oppression and segregation and it could not totally to be removed or formed by using wrong method or reformed by using wrong method unless through class struggle and revolutionary likewise Utopian socialist hated class struggle and evolutional means as one of the way to achieve socialism.
2. Utopian socialist had a false way of hoping the attain / achieve better society by relying on the good will of the rich or capitalism to change the life of poor people in the society and sometimes on the lavender but also they were faced with problem of famine and hunger while living in acute poverty.
3. Advancement is science and technologies which removed many workers from their employment during the industrial rev. Many workers went on losing their jobs and the chances of getting bank their employment were limited.
4. Mass dispossession. Majority of people were deprived from owning the major means of period and they were made as laborers for industrial owners.
5. Refer to the effect of industrial revolution to workers.
Utopian socialist addressed themselves to the problems which were created by industrial revolution therefore the general objectives were to reform the capitalist system and make it possible to the needs of poor people in the society as elaborated below,;-
1. It aimed at elimination of private property which insists/instigate on exploitation, oppression and segregation to the majority in the society.
2. It aimed at creation of society under which exploitation and oppression do not exist but people in such society will live in harmonious life.
3. It aimed at provision of social welfare to the people especially the poor people. This can be verified when the utopians wanted the owners of the capital to care for the poor people by providing them with social welfare such as free milled , free, settlement, free medicine, free education etc.
In short the major aim of a utopian socialism was to reform the capitalist by eliminating all evils created in the society by capitalism & make people in the society living in harmonious life where by life which are full of happiness, equality etc.