These countries adopted socialism in their countries due to the following reasons e.g. Cuba, in 1959, North Korea 1948, North Vietnam 1970’s Nicaragua etc.
1. They were supported by Russia during struggle for independence so after the independence they had to follow socialism like what was followed in Russia.
2. They were against colonialism, imperialism & western capitalism so they had to follow socialism which was the system against colonialism and imperialism.
3. Revolutions in those countries were led by communist political movements supported by peasants and workers. Under such situation the government in the 3rd world countries had to follow socialism.
4. Most of those nations were poor economically. They believed that; the under development of those nations were caused by humiliation and exploitation of the capitalist which led the capitalism in Europe to benefit from the resources of these nations, they have to follow socialism which was the system which could bring equality in the society.
5. Russia helped the 3rd world countries both materially and moral support e.g. Russia provided ideological support during struggle for independence, offered military and economic support to the third world countries e.g. Food, money, weapon, hence they have to follow socialism.
6. In the UN Russia also supported the decolonization of all third world countries in order to end imperialism, colonialism and with their evils like oppression, humiliation, segregation and exploitation of third world countries hence they have to follow socialism.
7. The building of the Lumumba University for provision of scholarship to students from the third world countries to go and study in Russia where these students, could be trained skilled workers and specialist in Russia, these led the third world countries to follow socialism.
After the collapse of socialism in Eastern Europe led by USSR in early 1990’s the
Following effects were seriously noted in the world.
1. The collapse led to the end of cold war politics between the east following socialism and the western following capitalism.
2. The collapse of Russia led to attainment of German re-unification which before the collapse German was divided in west under socialist ideology where by the two independence nation were devised by the Berlin wall was officially removed on 3/10/1990 to allow free movement of people to the two parties which were western German and Eastern Germany hence Germany become one gain.
3. The collapse of socialism held to the collapse of the war saw pact; because no one particular state out of the 15 states which disintegrated / collapsed from the formal USSR and remained responsible for the war saw pact even Russia become the member of NATO which the Western camp of capitalist ideology.
4. The 1991 Gulf war, against Iraq where the east especially Russia joined with the west to fight against President Saddam Hussein of Iraq who invaded and annexed Kuwait.
5. Led to assassination of the former communist leaders who were in front line to practice workers dictatorial government proposed by the Karl-max e.g. In Romania where by Nicholas Ceases and his wife Helen were assassinated by followers of the capitalist ideology (system) on 23/12/1990.
6. The collapse of the former USSR led to the decline of one political system of the East. After the collapse of socialism in USSR the east with socialism ideology dissolved the system of following one political party and the room was opened for liberal democracy which insists on multiparty as the philosophy of the west.
7. The foreign policies of the east which were for less cooperation with the west also changed this was because after the collapse of USSR it witnessed the closed cooperation between the east and the west like IMF, World bank and European union be invited the invest in the east hence penetration of capitalism in Eastern Europe.
8. Humanitarian assistance and Aids from the West have been directed to the east to serve the fallen economic situation in the east e.g. Scientific technology assistance have been directed in the east in order to provide essential basic needs and services to the people in the east.
9. The collapse witnessed the freedom of worship in the east where by massive missionary assistance was directed to the East by the West in order to revive worshiping situation in the east thus led people in the east to be free to choose their denomination for worship.
The situation in China before Revolution:-
1. Before the revolution; China was ruled by oppressive and exploitation feudal system which were disliked by the workers. This feudal class comprised the feudal dynasty (class) at home but also there were imperialist powers which had invested in China, these imperialist powers exploited the workers by giving them low wages Working long hours and living in poor condition or situation.
2. The serfs were tortured, harassed and over worked by the Land Lords.
3. All the land belong to the land Lords and majority of the peasants were land less hence they obliged to work under the feudal lords who paid them low wages and made them to work long hours etc this increased enmity among the Chinese.
4. Geographical condition; China had harsh climatic conditions which led droughts, famine hunger and starvation but also floods and epidemic diseases were common among the Chinese.
5. There were rampant unemployment among the people in China hence the huge number or majority of China had no employment and they lived like beggars.
6. There were poor provision of infrastructure and social services in China. E.g. there were no good roads, ports and harbor, telecommunication no education facilities which made majority illiterates and poor medical care which led massive death among the people in China.
7. China was highly divided into two classes whereby at the top there was King, group of literate, Land Lords and at the bottom were the serfs who were the majority being exploited by the land Lords.
8. Chinese industries were poorly developed; whereby these industries used low and poor technology but also industries were un evenly developed and distributed however these industries were owned by the capitalist in the West who invested in China and therefore industries played a minimal role in national economy because they were very backwardness and they were not own by the people of China rather foreigners.
9. Japan was a traditional enemy of China where she used to attack China for raw materials e.g. In 1931 Japan attacked Manchuria which was the part of China etc.
Good leadership of Mao Tse-Tung.
Mao managed to mobilize the peasants in the country side to against the feudal dynasty and later they succeeded to make a revolution in 1949.
The philosophy of Confucianism.
These philosophies developed among the people in China which was insisting on cooperation, unit working hard and resting exploitation, humiliation and oppression of the feudal class and the foreign imperialist; hence the philosophy of Confucianism led people in China to unite themselves under the comrade of Mao Tse-Tung to make the Chinese Revolution in 1949.
3. An autocratic rule of the feudal class in China; during the feudal class the Chinese were oppressed exploited, tortured, harassed by the feudal class in their country, they had no freedom to talk and propose anything about the development of their country therefore they united under the leadership of Mao Tse-Tung to make the Chinese revolution in 1949.
The problems of the Chinese / Massive.
During the feudal rule the Chinese society faced with a lot of problems like unemployment, Famine and hunger, floods in the country, droughts, epidemic diseases, poor provision of social / services and Chinese society to be unsatisfied with the ruling feudal class therefore decided to unite together under the leadership of Mao Tse-Tung to make Chinese revolution in 1949.
5. The teaching of Karl-max and Engels accelerated to Chinese revolution because Mao who was a founder of Chinese revolution read the books of Karl max and Engels which was about the revolution as the solution to establish socialism in the world history; therefore Mao understand well the theory of Max and Engels who insisted on revolution to insist socialism hence Mao used the teachings of Karl-max to mobilize and unite his fellow Chinese to make the revolution in 1949.
6. The failure of Chinese rule to end the conflict with Japan was also another cause for Chinese revolution 1949. During the feudal rule in China; Japan which was the traditional enemy of China used to attack and annex some parts of China for raw materials like coal and iron ore and the Chinese rule kept quite during those enormities e.g. In 1931 when Japan attacked Manchuria, 1937, 1936 and 1940’s hence the people accrued the feudal ruling class for failure to dissolve the conflict hence they have support Mao Tse-Tung for Chinese revolution in 1949.
The revolution in China which was conducted by Chinese communist party under comrade Mao Tse-Tung for almost 30 years (from 1921 – 1949) was mostly centered in struggle in rural areas, hence it was peasant based revolution and therefore far within 30 years Mao Tse-Tung become popular and government large mass support.
NB; – There was no specific training for those who wanted to join the revolution; it involved all peasants. It started in the rural areas and spread to town; this is because the revolution in China involved more peasants rather than the working class and this is why Marxist scholars have argued that the Chinese revolution was against the Marxist way of conducting a socialist revolution.
After the revolution, the following political and economic development was seen in China, this was due to the various strategies adopted in order to build China.
1. Industrialization policy
This policy Chinese did the followings:-
(a) Nationalized all the industries which were previously under, the imperialist and Japanese control, these industries were put under the control of the government in Municipalities and rural areas.
(b) At Shanghai and Hong Kong a modification of the control of the private own of industries were done whereby workers were allowed to supervise their employers activities, working conditions, raw material and sell the finished goods.
(c) The soviets (USSR) model of heavy industries was adopted during 1953 to 1957 that is there were five years development plan; this was capital intensive which led to heavy industrialization in China.
(d) The great leap forward of 1958-1960 was adopted; this policy was first industrialization whereby people were allowed to use their own initiatives towards industrialization.
On Land policy
The Chinese government under the communist party led by Mao Tse-Tung did the following strategies on land;
(i) All the land was taken from the land lords and given to the peasants.
(ii) The great revolution on land was done where by the rapid change in agricultural period was adopted such as to improve the varieties of seeds in order to increase production, the use of fertilizers, prevention of soil erosion, land reclamation, deep ploughing, plant protection, close plating, floods control in the river of Yang Tse– Kiang, Si-Kiang and HwangHo, pest and diseases control, irrigation system and seeds improvement.
(iii) Research stations were also built to make quick maturing and high yield seeds and diseases and pest controlled drugs.
(iv) Collective farming in China was adopted and implemented where by mutual aid terms (1949 – 1952) this included neighboring villages in the rural areas could cultivate together, weeding together, sowing together and harvesting, this speed the work and increased efficiency and also there was agricultural cooperatives starting from (1953 – 1957).
(v) People’s communes 1958 . This was the largest agricultural period unit comparing several people in China but also it included factors, shops schools, big farms and banks whereby in these communes each member was argued a task to perform by the administration.
Advantages of communes:-
(i)It enabled people to conduct central planned agricultural production system through proper use of human labor force.
(ii)The communes consolidated the capital resources available in China.
(iii)It diversified (diversification) economy.
(iv)The commune eliminated the differences between the rich and the poor.
1.The revolution changed the curriculum to suit the new condition in China where it combined academic, field works and other professionals to suit in the environment of the country.
2. There was introduction and ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couragement of student participation in management while they were in schools.
3. Following the change of curriculum the revolution led to new books, and new subjects to be introduced in China in order to facilitate political indoctrination that is all subject such as literature, painting, Music, theater etc had to show the importance of workers and peasants.
4. The revolution led to introduction of the link between the community and schools, Intellectuals and manual works.
5. The revolution led to preach the socialist ideology of Maoism which was contrary with maxis ideas.
6. The Revolution made China to follow socialism ideology and joined the eastern block with its WAR SAW PACT military alliance.
7.The revolution led the universalization of primary education and Mass education whereby every member in China was supported to get primary education which was necessary for development of the country
1.The revolution disnglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couraged further studies like post graduate studies; this limited the country capacity of having enough experts.
2.Old books were disnglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couraged with new books replacement which praised Mao theory of building socialism in China.
3.The Chinese revolution was based more in Maoism which was contrary to Marxist theory of building socialism.
4.The revolution destroyed the scientific research which was introduced by imperialist in China by introducing Chinese research stations, this hindered to source of innovations and technology of the west until 1970’s when Mao died.
1. Both revolutions aimed at building socialism.
2. Both revolutions were anti – capitalist, anti-colonialist and anti-imperialism.
3. Both eliminated exploitation of man by man and established a society of equality in China.
4. Both were under the dictatorship of workers or peasants or both.
5. Both revolutions all major means of production such as land, bank, industries, etc. and the nglish-swahili/distribution” target=”_blank”>distributions from those major means of production were under peasant and workers government
Prior to and during the Chinese revolution and even immediate after 1949 Chinese revolution, there were good relation between Russia (USSR) and China but later the conflict between China and USSR started in the late of 1950’s and early 1960’s due to ideology differences and misunderstandings due to Chinese Marxist cultural revolutions.
1. China accused USSR of giving her aid during the revolution but the aid was not based on mutual interest rather the aid was meant to turn china into a future satellite of Russia which would make China to lose her position as independent nation world international relations
2. When in 1956 Russia announced a peaceful coexistence policy with the west at the 20th congress led by president Krusher of Russia; china condemned that policy as Marxist to dissolve the disputes with the enemy rather than fighting with them.
3. When Russia spent massively on space i.e. to expose her explorations and making dangerous weapons like nuclear bombs; China complained that USSR was support to spend that money on liberation struggle in the third world countries.
4. When the war emerged between China and India over their common border, Russia supported India rather than her communist brother, this angered China which expected Russia to support her.
5. When 1962 Russia withdraw her missiles from Cuba due to America threat China temped it as a coward and rick named as a toothless dragon.
(i) Russia accused China for the following; China was trying to replace Marxist with Maoism in building socialism in China.
(ii) Russia complained that, Mao carried the revolution by using peasants only in the rural area rather than working class in the town as Marxist thought
NB: – However to Mao this was necessary because the working class was small and peasants were the majority who organized under Mao to make the Chinese revolution in 1949.
1. The conflict decided that communist world living the big scar on Marxist ideology because other nations were supported by Russia and other was supported by China who has the same ideology of socialism.
2. The conflict weakened the communist support to liberation in the 3rd world countries because China and Russia supported different sides of the same struggle taking place in one country e.g. In Angola, USSR supported MPLA while China supported FNLA.
3. The conflict narrowed the chances of success of the world communist revolution followed Marxist ideas.
4. China deviated from Marxist whereby China modernized her economy by relaxing tension with the west particularly USA hence China sent student to study new production Techniques in USA. China established special investment Zone for investment with the West and China established joint venture with the West.
Why was 1949 Chinese revolution regarded as a peasant revolution?
– The revolution of China was against the old feudalism which was under the feudal dynasty, Japanese and Western colonialist in China thus the unemployment; but also these colonies were depending on capitalist to development economically so, the environment hindered the contraction of socialism not only in Europe but also in colonized areas like Africa.
5. Creation and adoption of welfare state (capitalist states), Many states in Europe provided basis needs to workers and unemployed e.g. provision of food, education, unemployment benefits, free social services all these avoided the adoption of socialism in capitalist world.
6. Introduction of collective bargaining; when this was introduced in western Europe employees allowed the workers together on the prices, salary to be given to workers fort the works they offer/do per month or week, also employees were to sit together with the capitalist on how to improve the making condition in their working environment, this hindered the construction of socialism in capitalist world.
7. Introduction of liberal democracy; This democracy made people especially workers to be free to do what they like/wanted, provided that they were within the law boundary e.g. people were free to join trade unions, to choose their leaders, and their representative in their comments, this contributed in their socialist revolution in socialist world.
8. Propaganda of Europe with the ideology capitalism against socialism and communism. The Western capitalist nation in Europe used a lot of propaganda to make sure that socialism should not be established in capitalist world, e.g. the capitalist world associated with socialist as the highest stage of socialism.
9. U.S.A aid to Western Europe; U.S.A provided aid to western Europe in order to suppress the spread of communism and socialism therefore the aid provided by U.S.A in Western countries enabled western European countries to follow and consolidate themselves under capitalism where by leaders in those nations used a lot of mechanism to avoid socialist revolution in Western Europe so as western European countries should continue getting or attracting AID and other assistance from U.S.A.
10. The political revolutions in Western Europe; many western European countries like France 1789, Britain 1648 – 1688 undergo political revolution, and these revolutions abolished automatic rule and feudalism which oppressed the majority in the country. Also the revolution which led to the rise of capitalism in those nations led to improvement of conditions of peasant and other people in those nations including workers. All socialist ideas were suppressed in capitalist world due to political revolutions.