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3.0 Database is a collection of related files. Or Database is a collection of integrated data.

3.1 Manual data Processing System: Refers as Traditional way of data processing. These are pencil and paper data processing.

3.2    Electronic data Processing System: refers as Modern way of data processing. These data are made up by computer. They are ease to format, edit, remove or add the content

Manual data Processing System: Electronic data Processing System
Low technology data processing (e.g. pencil and paper) Very high technology data processing (e.g. computer)
Difficult to adjust Ease to adjust i.e. editing, formatting
Difficult to produce copies with the same quality Ease to produce more copies with the same quality
It takes time to produce data required It takes very short time to produce data required (depends on user operating speed)
Difficult to move to different location Can move to a different location easily
Can not be printed Information can be printed
Generally not easy to read Generally easy to read

3.3    The importance of data processing:

v  To have records to be use on future

v  To be up-to-date

v  Secure

v  Plan for the future

3.4    Database terminologies:-

  •   Data Organization– To be processed by the computer or stored in secondary storage, data is typically organized into groups or categories. Each group is more complex than the one before as shown below:
  •   Character: Is a single letter, number, or special character such as punctuation mark or $.
  •   Field: Contain a set of related characters. E.g. a word such as “Caesar”
  •   Record: Collection of related field.
  •   File: Collection of related records
  •   Database: Collection of related files.

3.5    Database Management System

In order to create, modify, and gain access to database the special software is required. This software is called Database Management System (DBMS)

ABMS is made up of a data dictionary and query language.

3.6    Importance of database system

o   Sharing: In Organizations, information from one department can be ready shared with others

o   Security: Users are given passwords or access only to the kind of information they need to know e.g. payroll department may have access to employee’s pay rates, but other department would not.

o   Fewer files: With several departments having access to one file, there are fewer files.

o   Data integrity: Order filing systems many times did not have” integrity” that is a change made in a file in one department might non be made in the file in another department

3.7    Types of Database:

There are (4) kinds Databases

(i)      Individual: is also called microcomputer database. It is a collection of integrated file primarily used by just one person

(ii)    Company: May be stored on a mainframe computer and managed by a computer professional (database administrator) users throughout the company have access to the database through their microcomputers linked to local area networks or wide area networks. There are two types of company database (1) common operational database (2) common user database.

(iii)   Distributed: That is, it is located in a place(s) other than where users are located. Typically, database savers on a client/sever network provide a link between users and the distant data. E.g. information can be at regional offices. Some can be at headquarters, some down the hall from you and some even overseas

(iv)    Propriety: Is generally an enormous database that an organization develops to cover certain particular subject. It offers access to this database to the public or selected outside individuals for fee.

3.8    Creating database:

What is Microsoft Access?

  •          Microsoft Access is a Database Management Program
  •          Database is a collection of related files

Main objects in a database are:-

o   Tables – Used to store data in a database

o   Queries- Used to search for specific information in database tables

o   Forms – Used to display data from database tables, Queries & also are used to enter, edit data in tables

o   Reports- Used to present data for printing.


  •   Tables are containers used to store data in a database
  •   Data in tables is stored in fields(columns) and records (rows)

Starting MS – Access

  • Click on Start button
  • Click on Programs
  • Click on Microsoft Access


  •   Click on Start button
  •   Click on RUN
  •   Type MSACCESS
  •   Click OK

Creating a Table Using Design View

  • On database window, click on Tables Objects
  • Double-click on ‘Create a table using design view’
  • OR ‘Click on New, click on Design View, Click OK’
  • On Design view, enter the field names and select their respective data types and if needed enter the description for the fields.
  • Specify the properties for the fields (field size, format e.t.c) if necessary, specify the primary key field.
  • Save the table
  • Close the table

Creating a table using Wizard

  • On database window, on Tables objects
  • Double click on ‘Create a table using Wizard’
  • Select category, select sample table, select fields you want, Click on Next
  • Enter table name, specify how you want the primary key to be created, click Next
  • On the last step, specify how you want the table opened, Click on Finish

Creating a Primary key field

  • On Table’s design view
  • Right-click on a field you want to be a Primary key field
  • On the menu appearing, click on Primary Key.
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