Practical work:
This includes
I. Mathematical operation (+, -, x, and ÷)
II. Sum
V. Minimum
VIII.Logical formulae etc
When using function, remember the following
o Use an equal sign to begin a formula
o Specify the faction name
o Enclose arguments within parentheses
o Use a comma to separate the arguments
The sum function is used to calculate the sums. For example
=SUM(2, 13, 10, 65)
In this function:
The equal sign begins the function
SUM is the name of the function
2, 3, 10 and 65 are the arguments
Parentheses enclose the arguments
Comma separates each of the arguments
The other way of using sum function:
=SUM (A1:A5)
Average function is used to calculate an average from a series of numbers.
You can use Min function to find the lowest number in a series of numbers
Max (Maximum)
You can use Min function to find the highest number in a series of numbers
The count function is used to get the number of entries in a number field that’s in a range.
If (logical functions)
This is conditional formula in a logical manner (true or false). You can use “if” function to group or grade the marks/scores/data in a series of numbers.
Example 1
Example 1
The following are the form three students score in monthly test.
Represent these marks using:
a) Column –chart
b) Line chart
c) Pie chart
Column chart
Line chart