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What is internet? 

Internet is a wide world connection of computer which enables sharing of resources like files and folders, pictures and music, teaching materials like notes/ tutorials and computers.

Communication between networks is called inter networking.  Therefore, internet comes from the word inter networking meaning a connection of data communication.  The communication in which the end instruments are computers.

The internet is a worldwide public networks that interconnect thousands of smaller networks to form one large “web” of communication. Many private networks, some with thousands of users of their own connect to the internet by using the services of internet services providers (ISPs)

In simple words internet is a huge number of computers that are connected to each other throughout the world.

These computers are situated in many different countries and are connected through telephone lines, cables in the ground and even satellite in spaces.


Internet involved from US Department of defense project called ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network) in 1969. The main reason was to exchange information between researchers in this project

Browses and World Wide Web (WWW) were introduced in early 1990’s.

Using the internet:

 (i)Why people use internet?

 To find general information about the subject:

 The web is like a huge encyclopedia of information, in some ways it’s even better. The volume of information you will find on the web is amazing. For every topic that you’ve wondered about it. The web offers many different perspectives on a single topic

 To find information not easily available elsewhere:

 It put information into your hand s that you might otherwise have to pay for or find out by less convenient means.

 To correspond with faraway friends:

 Email offers a cheap and easy alternative to traditional methods of correspondence. Its faster and easier than writing snail mail and cheaper than using telephone.

 To meet People:

 People love getting e-mail from strangers and friendship are quick to from casual correspondence. Many people have even found love on the Net, and have gone on to marry their cyber-partner.

 To Discus:

 To discuss their interests with like-minded people

 To have fun:
There’s plenty to keep you occupied on a rainy day.

To learn:

Online distance education courses can give you an opportunity to gain a qualification over the internet.

To read the news:

People all over the world access news through internet. For example a Tanzania who is living in London can be able to read Tanzania news paper on the paper on internet and be updated with Tanzania every day.

To find Software:

The internet contains a wealth of useful downloadable shareware. Some pieces of shareware are limited versions of the full piece of software, other are limited trial (you should pay once the time limit is up).Other share ware is free for educational institutions or non-commercial purpose.

To buy things:

The securities online shopping is still questionable, but as well as you are dealing with a reputable company or web sites the risks are minimal.

(ii)Why do people put things on the web?

-To advertise a product

-To sell a product

-To make money
-To share their knowledge with world

The application of internet:

Electronic mail (e-mail or email) is a store and forward method of composing, sending, storing and receiving messages over electronic communication systems.

What makes internet different?

(i)This is an electronic communication

(ii)Its speed and broadcasting ability is fundamentally different from paper-based communication. This is because turnaround time can be so fast-mail is is more conversational than traditional paper-based media.

Computer on the internet may use the following internet services

 –   Electronic mail (e-mail) to send and receive mail

 –   Telnet or remote log in to log  onto another computer and use it as if you were there

 –   File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to rapidly download complex files intact from  a remote computer to local computer or upload from local computer to remote computer

 –   Web

 –   Social networks (face Book, twitter , linked in)

 –   Online shaping

 –   Search

 –   Resources nglish-swahili/distribution” target=”_blank”>distribution (hosting )

 –   Video conferencing

 –   Games

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