Terms used in internet
WWW (World Wide Web)
Web: Is the collection of websites on the internet
Website: Is collection of Web Pages linked to each other.
Web page: Is a single page on a website.
Homepage: The first page of a particular website.
Web browser: Software that enables user to retrieve and view HTML documents
E.g. Internet explorer, safari, Mosaic, Netscape navigator
Web Server: Large computer that stores websites on the internet.
Hyper text: The document that contain hyperlink
Hyperlink: The shortcut from one webpage to other web pages.
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): Computer language used to make web pages.
URL (Uniform Resources Locator): This is the address of website in the internet
On Line: Connected to the internet
Off Line: Not connected to internet; E.g. Http.www.Sir Patrick.com.
1) Protocol
2) Web
3) Host
4) Domain
1 2 3 4
HTTP-Hypertext transfer protocol
IP-Internet Protocol
POP-Pointing information Protocol
ISP-Internet Service Provider
PROTOCAL: Is a set of predetermined rules used to facilitate communication over data networks.
i) Used to allow device to communicate successfully.
ii) Provide structure and format of the message
iii) To set up and terminate the data transfer session
Is the website that helps user to find information/material on internet E.g. Google,Yahoo!, Go,Mamma,Meta crawler,Lycos etc.
E-mail address is string that identifies a user so that a user can receive Internet e-mail.
They are composed of:
-User ID
-The Symbol@
-Domain name
The domain:
-It is located after @
-Tells the location and types of address
-Provides information about where the message should be delivered
Root Domain:
Describes the type of location; currently there six root domain
(i).com: commercial organization
(ii).edu: education /research organization
(iii).go: government organization
(iv).mil: military organization
(v).net: gateway host network
(vi).org: non profit or miscellaneous organization
Some domain name will also include the country name e.g.uk: England or tz: Tanzania
Examples of e-mailaddressare:
User ID: janetjackson
Domain name: yahoo.com
Domain (location): yahoo
User ID: pavinstanley
Domain name: udism.edu.tz
Domain (location): udsm
Root domain (domain type): edu
Country: tz