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This corporation provides the following services.

a)      Telephone services

A telephone is an instrument which enable an individual with organization to speak to another person who is in another place the telephone’s immediate advantages is speed. A trader can place an order for goods or get a quotation or them much more rapidly by telephone than by letter.

b)      Telegram.

This is a means of sending short written messages which may be very important urgently needed. The receiver of the message will receive the messages on the same day.

c)      Telex services.

A telex is a combination of a telephone and a typewriter subscribers to this services have a teleprinter installed in the office and are given number in the same way as telephone users messages can then be sent to other subscribers. The telex operator types the messages out and it is automatically printed at the recipient’s office.

d)     Facsimile telegraphy.

This is the transmission of written information like maps drawings and diagrams. Messages to be transmitted are fed into a machine which is connected by a telegraphic or telephone wire similar to a machine else where which produces it in photographic details.

e)      Datel services.

Datel services provides a means of transmitting information from one computer to another, using the public telephone network.

f)       Teleconferencing.

This is the system that enable people to hold a meeting through a system of videoconference and audio conferencing without meeting in the same location.


                                                I.            speed or urgency of the messages

before selecting the means of communication one should consider whether the information is urgently needed or not. Information which requites urgently communication may be transmitted by a quick means of communication e.g. telephone, telex, fax etc hose which are not very urgent may be transmitted by normal letters through the post.

                                             II. Availability of the medium

in most cases the person who will use the medium of communication which is available of the means of communication available is only a telephone and the person who is to receive the message has got a telephone than the message will be used.

                                          III. The cost of the medium

before deciding what means should be used in transmitting the information one should think of the cost involved

                                          IV.            Distance

Consideration should also be taken as to the distance the information is going to be relayed longer distance would require a quick means of communication

                                             V.            Confidentiality and security

Confidential matter would need a confidential means of communication while normal information may require any means of communication

                                          VI.            Flexibility of the medium

Before choice is made one should think of how flexible the means of communication is to effect any changes in order for information transmitted to reach the person concerned efficiently.

Communication can be oral or written, nowadays businessmen usually communicate through phone, internet etc.


I.Good reputation

When a company communicates with the general public to keep them when informed about its activities and services then more people become interested to deal with that company example Vodacom ltd in Tanzania.

II.Better prospects

Due to good communication, company can attract more customer. The company can increase the sale of its products.

Choice of customer

A company can get the information about the liking and disliking of the customers. This information helps the company to produce goods according to the choice of customers.

Greater efficiency

The sound of communication system enable management to instruct the supervisors and subordinates staff about change of policy. As a result, the efficiency of workers increases.

Better understanding

Good material communication improves the understanding between the employer and employees. If the complaints of staff are communicated to the employees in time and in right way then the chances of any misunderstand become minimum.

Summary of importance of communication to the business

It help to create market for goods and services.

  It makes possible mass production by ensuring market for the goods produced.

  It makes goods available where they are needed for consumption.

  It bridge the gap between producer and consumer.

  It makes easy contract between producers seller and consumer.

  It increase the mobility of labour.

  It create employment to the people.

  Technology can be easily be transferred from one area to another through communication.

Barriers of affective communication

                        I.            Noise, in the absence of noise people cannot communicate well because they bring about misunderstanding between the sender and the receiver of the message.

                     II.            Break down of the communication channel

Sometimes when people are communicating break down of the communication channel can happen, in such situation people cannot understand each other. This is especially for electronic channel of communication such as phones, radio etc.

                  III.            Semantics, by semantic we mean that the same words may have different meanings for different people e.g. manager may call in a new secretary and ask him or her to “burn” a copy of particular blue print since there is only one copy with correction on it, the manager may want more copies. But the secretary, being unfamiliar with this “technical forgot” may literally put a match to the blue print.

                  IV.            Language used

If language used is complex or not know by the receiver it might be the barrier to effective communication because the parties will to a person who does not know English language.

                     V.            Increase running costs.

                  VI.            Large capital outlays.

               VII.            Remoteness of some areas makes it difficult to be accessed.

            VIII.            Bad weather condition destroy means of communication.


  1. discuss the factors to be considered when choosing means of transport of goods.
  2. what are advantages and disadvantages of air transport?
  3. (a)What is production?

    (b) Describe the contribution of transport towards production

  4. outline the main advantages of containerization
  5. (a) what is the importance of communication in trade ?

b) explain briefly four (4) barriers to effective communication

  1. what are the factors that determine the effectiveness of transport ?
  2. outline five (5) advantages and five (5) disadvantages of air transport
  3. write short notes on the following

    a)      charter party.

    b)      containerization.

    c)      pipeline.

    d)     airway bill.

    e)      registered post.

  4. with the help of a post office guide. make a list of services offered by Tanzania post office and telecommunication corporation.
  5. Differentiate between a written communication and verbal communication.
  6. What are different forms and element of transport?
  7. Discuss the main features , advantages and disadvantages of road transport.
  8. Discuss the main features advantages and disadvantages or rail transport
  9. What do you mean by pipeline ? discuss its advantages and disadvantages
  10. Define containerization. Discuss the advantages and limitation of containerization
  11. What are channel of communication ? explain
  12. What are remittance services provided by the post office ?


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