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When a trader sold directly to the customer which they are in home countries or overseas, these are ordinary sales.

However a trader may sent goods to an agent to sell them for him, these goods are said to be CONSIGNMENT.


a)      CONSIGNMENT: Are the goods sent to an agent to sell on behalf of the owner (trader).

b)      CONSIGNOR: Is the person who sends the goods (the trader) on consignment.

c)      CONSIGNEE:  An agent who receives  goods on consignment.

d)     COMMISSION: An allowance given to an agent.

e)      DEL CREDERE COMMISSION: An extra commission payable to an agent who will promise to pay any bad debts.  OR
-Is additional commission which paid to consignee for defending the consignor for any loss from bad debtors.


–          The trader sends goods to an agent, the goods do not belong to an agent, his job is to sell them for a trader goods are owned by the trader until they are sold.

–          The agent will store the goods until they are sold by him, he will have to pay some expenses but these will later be returned by the trader.

–          The agent will receive the commission for the services.

–          The agent will correct the money from the customer to whom he sells goods to.

–          He will pay this over the trader after deducting his expenses and commission, statement from the agent to be trader showing this know as ACCOUNT SALES.


For each consignment to an agent a separate consignment a/c is opened this looks like trading profit and loss a/c for each consignment.

The purpose is to calculate the net profit or loss for each consignment.

Account needed;-

a) Goods send on consignment a/c (consignment outward a/c)

b) Consignment   to………. a/c

c) Consignment a/c


    I.   DR: consignment account                 

        CR: consignment   out wards
with   the cost price of   the goods that have  been consigned

   II.   DR: consignment account  

          CR:   cash book
with expenses   or charges   paid   by the consignor

   III.  DR: consignee account  

           CR: consignment account
with   gross proceeds   of the consignment

  IV.  DR: consignment   account

         CR: consignee account
with expenses   paid   by the consignee

    V.   If the balance   of consignment   account i.e. balance     brought   down   appear     on the credit side , it is net profit on consignment   and if   the balance   brought down appear   on the debit side   of consignment   account , it is a net loss   on consignment

  VI.    The   balance on consignee’s account   represents the net amount   to be sent   to the consignor (net proceeds to the   consignor )

 VII.   Transfer   the balance   of consignment   out wards   account   to the   trading   account.


 I.   Consignment   outward

The  person     who   send   goods   to the consignee   for   sale   on   his behalf   regards   the   consignment   as consignment out ward

Performa invoice – is documents   which   comprises   the following

a)      Description of the   goods.

b)       The   quantity   or weight   of the goods.

c)       Shipping   marks   and other   details.

d)      Minimum   selling   prices.

II.   Consignment   in wards

The   person   who   receives   goods   or   consignment   from   the consignor   for selling, regards   the   goods   as   consignment   in wards.

To   person   to whom   goods are consignment , regards   the consignment   as   consignment   in wards

Expenses of the agent (consignee) and sales receipt when the sales have been completed, the consignee will send an account sale to the consignor.

The account sale will show;-



Less: expenses


          Commission now



Balance new paid                                                         


The double entry needed is.

iii)                Sales

    DR: Consignees   a/c

    CR: Consignment a/c

iv)            Expenses consignee

     DR: Consignment a/c

     CR: Consignees a/c


D.Daima of London consigned 100 cartons of goods costing 1,800 to J. Jamal of Chelsea. He paid 3,500 for packing, 4,500 for railway freight and 3,600 for insurance, on receipts of goods Jamal paid 1,200 for Cartage 3,100 for storage and 2,500 for advertising.

He sold all of the cartons of a uniform price of 2,600 each and remitted the proceeds by bank draft after deducting his expenses and 10% commission on gross sales

Show the relevant ledger in the books of D. Daima.


–          In the book of consignor (D.Daima).

DR                          GOOD SENT ON CONSIGNMENT A/C                                 CR

  To trading                          180,000                    Consignment to J. Jamal      180,000


The only item needed in the consignee record will be found from the account sale he sent to consignor after the goods have been sold.

He does not enter in double entry the goods received on consignment. They never belong to him, his job is to sell the goods of course he will keep a note of goods but not in double entry account record.

i) Cash from  sale of  consignment

DR: Cash book

CR: Consignor’s a/c

ii) Payment  of consignment  expenses

DR: Consignors a/c
CR: Profit and loss a/c

iii) Commission earned.

DR:  Consignor   a/c

CR:  Profit and loss a/c.

iv)  Cash to settle balance  shown on account sale

DR: Consignors a/c
CR: Cash Book


S.Suleyman of Dar es Salaam sent 200 cases of goods each costing 1,500 to   N. Nassor of Arusha.

He paid 2,400 for packing and 13,600 for freight. 10 cases were damaged and another five damaged on transit the transporter agreed to pay 14,000 as compensation.

On receipt of goods Nassor pay 4,000 for carriage to warehouse and 120 for storage, he sold the damaged cases at 100 each and the rest at 3,200 each. He draws a promissory note for the proceeds less his 10% commission on gross sales.

Show the account sales that Nassor would send to suleyman and relevant ledger account in the book of suleyman.

Working: 10 damaged cases sold at 100 @

10 x 100   = 1000

5 damaged cases where compensated at 14,000

185 undamaged cases were sold at 3,200

185 x 3200 = 592,000

Total sales = 592,000 + 1000 = 593,000
                                                    AN ACCOUNT SALE

To S. Suleyman                                                             N. Nassor

Dar es salaam                                                         Arusha

Sales on goods  on consignment                                                                593,000

Less: Expenses Carriage                       4000

Storage                                        120

Custom duty                                60,000

Commission                                59,300                                           123,420

Bank sight draft                                                                                 469,580

DR                       GOODS     SENT   ON    CONSIGNMENT  A/C                         CR

To trading a/c 300,000                  Consignment to Nassor                  300,000

–          Book of consignor (S. Suleiman)

DR            CONSIGNEES A/C (NASSOR)               CR


A part of consignment may remain unsold at a time when the financial year ends.

The main difference between completed consignment at the Balance sheet and uncompleted one is that, the unsold stock has to be valued and carried down to the following period. This stock will appear in the balance sheet of consignor as current assets.


 The   value of unsold   stock is value   at   cost   apportionment   of expenses   paid   by the consignor   and consignee , excluding   selling and   nglish-swahili/distribution” target=”_blank”>distribution expenses   and commission   paid   to the consignee

 The expenses   are apportioned between   the sold   and unsold   stock  


 a)      Cost   price = Number   of units x unity price

 b)      Number   of unity   unsold x   consignors   expenses

          Number   of units   consigned

 c)      Number   of units   unsold x consignee’s   expenses

          Number   of units   received   by consignee


      Unsold   stock = A+B+C


On   1st Jan Juma   forwarded a consignment     of 20cases   of goods to a trader his agents   in west Africa   together   with a pro forma invoice   for Tshs 360/=   on the following   day   the consignor   paid   the freight   charges   amounting   to 55/=   and   insurance   charges 9/=   on 15th march 1990 an account   sales   was received   from   the agent   showing   that   15 cases   were sold for   Tshs 380/= and   that landing   and   storage   charges   on the consignment   amounting     to Tshs 28/=   had   been   paid by the agent

The agent commission   of 5%   of the   gross   proceeds was declared   and   the balance   due   was remitted by sight   draft


      Records   the above   transaction     in the books   of consignor


Not kasuku   of kigoma   consigned   to   R.siku   of Kyela Mbeya   on 1st Jan 1992 the   cost price   of the   goods   was   20,000/=   for   20 Cases Kasuku   paid   Tshs   20/= for insurance   per case   transport   charges   was   600/= siku   paid   warehouse   (rent ) expenses   Tshs   1200/=   wages   Tshs 400/= and electricity   Tshs 600/=  

   Siku   sold   18/=   cases  Tshs 2100/= each   an account     sales   was sent   to kasuku   to show   part of the goods sold   siku     sent   the money   to kasuku   by cheque   and 21/2   % on the gross   proceeds   as del-credere   commission


a)       Consignment   to (R.siku ) account

b)      Consignee   (R.siku ) account

c)      Goods   set   on consignment   a/c

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