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Democracy is a Greek word. It originates from two words “demos” which means people and “crato” which means the “rule of” or” rule by”. In Greece the word democracy means the rule of people. In Greece the word democracy means to rule people. President Abraham Lincoln of the USA in the 16th century defined democracy as a government of the people for the people by the people.
Therefore Democracy it is a system of government and leadership in which the supreme power belongs to the people where majority of people makes political decision and right minority are considered and protected.


There are two types of democracy which are:

  1. Direct democracy.
  2. Indirect democracy


This is apolitical system where people vote on government decisions. It is called direct because the power of making decisions is exercised by the people directly without representatives. All adult citizens participate in decision making on the matters brought up for discussion. Every important issue is put before an assembly of all citizens for a vote. Direct democracy can only be practiced in countries with small populations. Switzerland is the only country in the world which practices direct democracy. Every Swiss citizen votes on national matters and can challenge laws as well as oppose amendments to laws in many countries it’s impossible for everyone to participate directly in all government decisions because of very large populations. We can observe some of the elements of direct democracy in our country i. e. in local government small communities, tribes, clans or families in these groups every adult is allowed to come together and vote on certain issues this is direct democracy at a local level.

Features of direct democracy.

  1. Societies have enough freedom to make their own decisions
  2. People directly contribute to the government decisions.
  3. All votes have equal weights
  4. All adult citizens have a right to vote on all national issues.

Indirect or representative democracy.

This is a political system whereby people elect representatives instead of voting directly on most government decisions citizens elect people to serve in parliament and executive positions.

These representatives convey the interests and desires of the ir constituencies by participating in government processes. Representations also can be in different groups in the community member of the community elect persons to represent them and give them power to make decisions on their behalf.

In representative democracy citizens participate indirectly by electing village councilors members of parliament and the president. At the school level students elect their representatives to the school government i.e. class monitors may represent a class in the school government.

Features of indirect democracy

  1. Elected leaders or representatives are removed through elections organized constitutionally and periodically Tanzania conducts elections after every five years.
  2. All adult citizens have a right to vote or to be voted for in an election
  3. People have freedom of assembly, worship, press opinion and association as long as they abide by the rules and regulations.
  4. The elected body governs according to the wishes of the majority.
  5. There is competition among political parties.


  1. Parliamentary democracy

This is the type of indirect democracy where by voters elect representatives to be members of parliament. Members of parliament in turn choose a person to head the cabinet. that head of cabinet. That head of cabinet is called a prime minister. The prime minister is the head of the majority party in parliament. The members of parliament have the power to force the prime minister to resign through the vote of no confidence. Ethiopia, India, and United Kingdom are examples of countries run by parliamentary democracy.

Presidential democracy

This is a form of representative democracy where by the parliament and the cabinets are independent organs. In presidential democracy the president does not directly control the parliament so the two can check each other’s power. This is called a system of check and balances. Tanzania follows this system.

Combined parliamentary and presidential democracy

This is the type of democracy where by the president is elected by the people while the prime minister is elected by the members of parliament. For example, France follows this system.


1) Citizen participation.

This is involvement of citizens of the country in different affairs. Every citizen is obliged to participate fully in political social and economic affairs of the country. Participation is the major role of the citizens; it is both their right and duty.

In a democratic country people participate in

  1. Voting in election
  2. Becoming informed about community and civic meetings.
  3. Paying taxes
  4. Reading about public issues
  5. Discussing public issues
  6. Working in campaigns.

      2. Equality

Democracy values all people equally and has equally opportunities in political social and economic culture matters no one is discriminated against another because of their religion, race, ethnic groups or gender. People are free to have their different cultures personality, languages and beliefs.

  1. Political tolerance

This is the ability to bear with something unpleasant or annoying. Tolerance must be there in political affairs once a certain disagreement occurs politicians are supposed to have peaceful negotiations and reach consensus.

     4. Transparency

This is the openness of the government. The government is supposed to work or perform its functions and duties with openness.

Importance of transparency

  1. Enables people to know what the government is doing for their own well being.
  2. Makes the citizens to develop good understandings of their government
  3. It’s necessary for the development of people and the society at large.

Transparent government discusses with citizens through meetings in which people are allowed to ask questions and constructive criticism should be taken into account also the press and the people should be able to get information about what decisions made by whom and why. An accountable government makes people aware of what is going on in the country.

Regular free and fair elections

This means that elections should be periodically in a peace free and fair environment. Where by all citizens should take part in choosing their leaders[their representative] this is a way of expressing the citizens will.

Economic freedom

Democratic societies allow people to own private properties and businesses. People can also choose work to do or engage in any legal work and join trade unions should be free markets. The state should not control the economy. The government should also allow people to debate national issues.

Control of the base of power.

This is the process of preventing any elected official or groups of people from miss using or abusing their power. The most form of power miss use is corruption or use of public funds for their own benefits i.e. accepting money or gifts so as to provide or render services. Exercise power illegally.

Bill of rights

This is a list of rights and freedoms guaranteed to all citizens or people in a country’s constitution. The courts of law have the power to enforce these rights. A bill of rights limits the power of the government. Democracy emphasizes the value of every human being. Examples of rights include:

  1. Freedom of expression
  2. Freedom of association
  3. Freedom of assembly
  4. Freedom of equality
  5. Right of education


This is the existence of more than one political party. Every democratic country allows this system. The political parties must participate in elections and play roles in the government.

A multiparty system allows the party which wins the general elections to form the government. The existence of multipart systems in a state makes the government constantly concerned about serving them.

The role of the law

The role of law is a situation where all members of the society including leaders accept an respect the law. No one is above the law all people are equal before the law. Everyone must obey the law and must be accountable if they are abuse or violate it. The law must be equal, fair, and consistently enforced.

Accepting the results of the election.

Elections are one of the components of democracy. Candidate must accept the results after elections because in any contest there must be a winner or loser. Those who loose in an election sometimes fail to accept and they think that the candidate who is against them is the democratic principles because it may result into violence which is also against democracy. To make people accept the results of the elections must be free and fair.

Strengths of the principles of democracy

They act as course of action to the people and their government, some of the principles of democracy is:

  1. Presence of a national constitution
  2. Free and fair elections.
  3. Rule of law and the presence of multi parties system in a country

With those principles people or citizens are:

  1. Get access to their resources for their resources.
  2. Get an opportunity to make decisions on their day to day affairs
  3. Give equal opportunity to citizens to elect whom they want and the right to be elected in their societies

They have helped to a great extent the observation and promotion of human rights in societies for example:

  1. Participation
  2. Equal opportunity
  3. Freedom of mass media and integrity are within this will of human rights

Weakness of the principle of democracy

Democracy has short comings to individuals and the societies as well the following are some of the weaknesses of democracy.

  1. Unfairness

The implementations of the majority’s decision and leaving out the minority’s decision can bring unfairness sometimes, the minority’s decision are also good.

Poor representation

This can come when the elected leaders to represent others are incapable of dealing with technical issues.

3. Need for literacy

Some members of the society are illiterate. They do not know there rights especially rights which are denied by their leaders, illiterate people do not know the power limit of their leaders. Such people may elect leaders or rulers who are incapable under the umbrella of democracy. Those who are in power take advantage of the ignorance of those people to mistreat them.

4. Time consuming

in the democratic society much time is spent to reach decisions even though the issue at hand may need a quick solution.


1. All adult citizens come together to make decision. 1. Only a few people are elected to represent the majority
2. It may not be practical in large state 2. It is convenient and practical
3. It may not be easy to reach reasonable decision because of ineffective and unmanageable discussions 3. Discussion are effectively done and agreement is reached more easily.
4. It may disnglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courage specialization of duties and obligations 4. It ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courages specialization of functions and obligations.
5. It may prove too expensive to practice 5. There is delegation of powers and duties.
6.It is only possible in:

(a) Societies with small population
(b) Very small geographical areas
(c) Dealing with very few and less complicated national issues

6.It is more effective in societies where national issues are many and more complex.
7. Decision made by mobs may be irrational. 7. Sometimes ,it may be difficult for the representatives to keep in touch with the rest of the population.
8.The open voting system may generate hate among the candidates and voters. 8. Sometimes representatives may not air the real concern of the people.
9. There is secret ballot.

10.Decision-making is directed to specialized institutions,committees and individuals.


  1. Political freedom

Tanzanians who qualify to vote may stand for elections. Citizens attend community or civic meetings and are members of political parties.

No discrimination.

There is no discrimination of people due to their race, religion, ethnic group or gender. We are all equal.

3. Tolerance

The opposition parties are tolerated and protected. Citizens are also required to be tolerant of each other.

4. Free and fair election.

There are fair and free elections. Elections are held after every five years.

Economic freedom.

From 1985 to date the government of Tanzania has allowed freedom of economy and private owner ship. Individuals are allowed to own properties, businesses and to choose their own work and join lab our unions.

Multiparty politics was introduced in 1992 since then many political parties have been established with participants in different political affairs.

Legal rights

In democratic elections the losers respect results in case there is dissatisfaction one may demand his or her rights through the court of law.

Equality before the law

In Tanzania no one is above the law people are equal before the law. If there is violation of any law people are allowed to demand justice through a court of law.

8. Rule of law

Tanzania control abuse of power. The government has established organizations to facilitate the rule of law. Examples are human rights and good governance commission and prevention of corruption bureau (PCB) these organizations help people against abuse of power.

6. Difference between democratic and non democratic government

  Democratic government   Non democratic government
1 Respect human rights 1 Human are not respected.
2 Decisions are made by the majority 2 Decisions are made by minority or one person.
3 There is political competition. 3 There is no political competition
4 Citizens delegate their power to their representatives willingly 4 The citizens power is grabbed by the minority forcefully
5 The state is accountable to the citizens. 5 The rules are in power for the person interest
6 Rulers remain in power for specific periods 6 Rulers remain in power for a long time even life.


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