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      This is a method of retaining or keeping information by photographic records to produce them when needed. The records are micro- photographed
and kept either on roll film, micro fish a picture or card or jacket. When needed for reference, the negative is shown on a screen or a copy can be
made micro-filming is only important when a great multitude of permanent records must be kept e.g in office of registrar of births, records of
rainfall e.t.c

     Advantages of micro-filming

  1. Saves space and weight-bulky files are replaced by compact cartons of films.
  2. Documents can be sent abroad. Micro-filming reduces cost of postage if information has to be sent by expensive air-mail.
  3. There is little risk of misplacing there is no possibilities of records on micro-film to be misfiled as it would be with lose papers in a folder.
  4. A film is more durable than paper and provides a much move permanent record film is more wear- resistant than paper.
  5. Film can be enlarged on to paper, thus providing quick and accurate duplicate copies of the original documents.
  6. There is saving in filing equipment as well as floor space.

       Disadvantages of micro-filming

  1. Relatively slow because the film has to be viewed through the reader ( a machine with projects the film on to a screen).
  2. No indexing is possible and thus location of a particular frame may be difficult causing delay and frustration.
  3. Micro-filmed information cannot be altered which is a disadvantage because sometimes it is necessary to make corrections or make insertions to the stored information.
  4. There is great loss in case of one film I lost as one film will be keeping so many documents.
  5. In case of poor processing with stale chemicals, the film may be unreadable.

      Filing documents in the computer

      A computer can store work in the same way as a conventional filing system. The document in a computer are kept in folders.The computer can be
called an electronic filing cabinet. Within folders are sub-folders that works like drawers in the cabinet and helps you organize the different
areas of your work. For example if you create a folder for office work, you could then create sub-folders for business correspondence and accounts.
As with any filing system, its vital to organize it well right from the start. You should first decide which folders you are likely to need. Begin by
creating a folder for each area of your work. You can then decide which sub-folders to create.

     In a well organized system, it becomes easier to save and retrieve your work, whether in office or home.You can access your computer filing
system through a handy facility called “window explorer’ through this you can move folders and files around, make new folders and even copy or
duplicate folders and documents.It is also important that your files should be named logically so that, should you misplace one and not remember
its full name, you can still activate a search for it.


       Establishment of a filing routine is essential to avoid misfiling and misplacement of files. It is also essential for any papers bearing the record
cannot be handled and preserved without any proper arrangement.

        Filing routine refers to receiving papers and documents and placing them in files.


        It also refers to issuing files for reference and use.

      The followings are the steps in filing routine;

  1. Instruction for filing

           Some responsible officer should issue an instruction for filing papers. The authorized officer should write “file” on the paper along with his
signature and date. no document should be filed unless this produce has been followed.

  1. Classifying

        The responsibility for deciding the heading under which an document should be filed must be clearly defined. This task may be done by the
senior filing clerk or by the executive himself.

  1. Indexing

       The documents to be filed are then coded. The cord is written on them and then they are indexed.

  1. Cross reference

       Sometimes certain documents relate to more than one file. They are to be filed under the most appropriate heading but a cross-reference card is
inserted n every other r relevant file for easy referencing.

  1. Filling

        After the papers have been classified, indexed and codified, they may be filed in the appropriate files or folders in the chronological order.

  1. Follow up

       Certain documents or papers require a follow- up action, like a letter. The concerned executive put on the follow-up instructions and filing clerk
prepares a follow-up slip to act as a reminder. The follow-up document slip is filed in a follow up file along with the, copy of the paper and the
original document is filed. The filing clerk sends the needed document to the concerned officer on the specified date.

  1. Issue of the file for reference.

       Whenever a paper or a file is needed by an executive, he should send a requisition slip, on the receipt of which the filing clerk will prepare a
“charge out” slip, he will also prepare ” out slip” ship, he will also prepare on ” out slip” which indicates the where about of the file and is kept in
the place vacated by the file issued. The out slip should be taken out when the file has been returned to its place.

  1. Disposal of dead files

       In office the filing department should transfer the inactive files into the central room but when the paper has become dead, it should be
destroyed according to the instructions of the officer responsible for retention of records.

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